I am a Victorian Soul, who lives in a small townhouse that was built in the mid 1970's, not a huge Mega Mansion!! I just recently lost my Hubby Joe, who was a Retired Letter Carrier. I worked night shift as an RN on a Hospital based Rehabilitation( Physical Medicine) Unit for 37 years before I had Knee Replacement Surgery and officially Retired in 2019 after 41 years working in Direct Patient Care ... I am so glad that we retired at 62 years of age and got to spend that time together before he passed....I still do love Retirement!!!!


George Eliot
George Eliot was actually a pen name for a woman named Mary Anne Evans......


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Annual Winter/Valentine's Home Tour with 10 Trees & a Tablescape, 2025



 Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
Blogging has always been a stress reliever for me along with an avenue to share my passions which are my home and my garden.....
 I feel it is a personal Journal that, hopefully, someday, my Twin Granddaughters will be able to look back on to learn about who I was.... 

I will be posting 3 times a week on MONDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS....

As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....

Happy Valentine's Weekend!!


  I hope you enjoy the Holiday weekend!!

I want to Thank Pam, over at An Artful Mom, for choosing my post, Winter Beverage Bar and Counter Bar in the Kitchen, as one of her features from last week's Thursday Favorite Things Linky Party!!

Thanks so much, Pam!! 


And I want to Thank Sue, over at Women Living Well After 50, for choosing my post, Valentine's Cupid Cafe, Hutch and More in the Dining Room, as one of her features from last week's Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot Link Party!!


 Thanks again, Sue!!!
I also want to Thank Andrea, over at the Cottage Market, for choosing my post, Valentine's Cupid Cafe, Hutch and More in the Dining Room, as one of her features from last week's Morning Cup of Joe Link Party!!  

 Thanks so much, Andrea!!  Especially for naming me the "Queen of the Seasons"!

 Please stop by and link up to all these charming parties....


 And now for a few Personal Notes...

I am feeling much better.....

No fever, no body aches, no headache.....just some nasal congestion and stuffiness....

I did take Tuesday and Wednesday of last week to do some self care and just rested and relaxed.... 

I caught up on some of my favorite You Tuber's, like Arlynn's Country Craft Corner, who just shared her amazing Winter Home Tour........

Arlynn's own grief journey after the passing of her 39 year old daughter has been such a comfort to me on my own grief journey after the passing of Joe and my good friend Anne Marie...

I also caught up with Brittney Blane

She is a self proclaimed Seasonal decorator and it was so refreshing to see a social media content creator saying that she is leaving all her Valentine's decoration up for the entire month of February to celebrate the month of Love..... 

Where most content creators rip down all their decorations the day of the Holiday so they could hurry up and move on to the next Holiday... 

 You can see that I was enjoying some soup that I ordered from Sam's Club....

 Cheddar Broccoli Soup....


On Valentine's Day, I actually went out to the grocery store for the first time in 3 weeks!!

Yes, my Winter Stock Up Plan is working so well at saving me money when it comes to groceries, whose prices are still rising and will be even more so after the tariffs were imposed...

I do not like to take selfies but I wanted to share the jewelry I wore for Valentine's Day...

To honor those that I lost on this Valentine's Day, I wore the heart necklace with Joe's wedding ring on it....

And I added the beautiful butterfly, that holds some of my friend Anne Marie's ashes, to a sterling silver chain that I had...

Again, I thank Anne Marie's husband Tony for being so thoughtful to gift me this beautiful butterfly....

The sweater is new and has a bit of a sparkly thread through it...


I also wanted to share my Family Ring that Joe bought me a few years back....

My birthstone, garnet, and Joe's birthstone, peridot, along with 2 blue topaz stones for both of the boy's as their Birthdays are in December....

You can see that the names are engraved by each stone....
I am currently looking to have my granddaughter's names, Lily and Gigi, added next to Joey and Jimmy's names by the blue topaz stones since their Birthdays are also in December....

Joe bought me the diamond anniversary ring on our 10th Anniversary....

So my new quest right now is to find a jeweler that does engraving....

I did not want to let Valentine's Day go by without some sort of celebration not that Joe and I really celebrated it....

We always made it more of a family celebration, giving the boys gifts instead of Joe and I exchanging gifts...

This picture did pop up on my FB memory feed of Joe making his famous lobster for the last time on Valentine's Day last year as we had a few tails left over from New Year's that we did not use....


I set a simple table for Joey and I.....




 I bought some mini Valentine's cupcakes for dessert....



 One of my late neighbor Elly's vintage Valentine's cards....

 Joey treats on Friday since I feed him dinner every night so he picked up 2 medium sized pizza pies from one of our favorite local places, Serpico's.....

 A sliced meatball topped one....

And one with mushrooms....

So we did enjoy a little Valentine's celebration.....
Let me also mention that Joey also pays for all my streaming services and buys all the drinks for my house ( Iced tea and gatorade) in appreciation for feeding him every day...

I will be sharing an everyday tablescape later on in this post....

Before I start my Home Tour, I again want to mention that since February is Heart Month, I will be leaving all my Valentine's decor up until the first week of March.....

This year, it will be easy to do because Easter is so late..... 

Not until April 20th......

So I feel no hurry to move on to Easter especially since it is still very much Winter here in the Northeast and it does not look like we will see it ending until probably the end of March as some of our best snow storms have taken place in March! 

We are expecting snow again today...

 And with that being said, I will start my annual Winter/Valentine's Home Tour.....


Winter Front Porch



Click HERE to see the entire post.....

The Living Room.... 





Tree # 1



Tree # 2 



To see the Living Room in more detail, please click HERE, HERE and HERE.... 


The Hallway....

I did not share this in my room by room posts... 

Again, this is a very narrow hall and the lighting stinks in regards to taking pictures....

I left out this Thomas Kinkade picture that I framed.....

A wreath I made a few years ago......

I hung a sign with a "B" on it, that Joe bought on Clearance, in the center....

I made the bow out of 2 different ribbons......
A red snowflake one and a black and white checked one with red cardinals on it....

Hanging beneath the wreath is another clearance item that Joe bought....

A black Valentine's truck.....


Sorry about the lighting.....
I also hung an evergreen swag with a bow made from the same 2 ribbons on the other side of the hall where my Family Gallery Wall is.....

 The Powder Room...

I made this wreath for the door of the Powder Room....




 Tree # 3





Click HERE to see the post on the Powder Room...

 The Kitchen




 Tree # 4
























Click HERE, HERE and HERE to see the Kitchen in detail....


The Den...









 Tree # 5





 Tree # 6





 Nelson Crest









 Tree # 7



 Click HERE, HERE and HERE to see each post on the Den

The Dining Room....


 Tree # 8














 Tree # 9








 Tree # 10



This is my everyday tablescape for now as we eat dinner in the Dining Room every day....



  Click HERE and HERE to see the individual posts on the Dining Room....

And there you have it.... 

Yes, I still have 10 decorated trees up!!!

I do have to admit that it took me much longer than usual to get this all done after Christmas ...


I knew I had to give myself some GRACE as I tried to recover from what I thought would be a much easier Christmas season in the wake of Joe's passing...

It was harder than I thought it was going to be but we started some new traditions and made it through that first Christmas...

Just when I was starting to get my wits about me and started to get my decorating mojo back, my friend Anne Marie passed away...

I knew it was coming but it truly hit me like a ton of bricks....

And again, I really needed to take a break and give myself some GRACE....

Then my washer died and I purchased a new washer and dryer....

With getting ready for the delivery of those appliances and all that was involved, I again needed to pause for a bit....


I finally got it all done and I am now totally enjoying the way my house looks....

For me, it is warm and cozy and I feel it wraps it's arms around me....

Which is what I need right now....

I hope you enjoyed this annual Tour....

 And I hope you will come back to visit again on MONDAY for my next post which I have no idea what it will be right now......

 Hope you will stop by to visit again on MONDAY...  

 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:


    Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. Good to hear you are feeling better. I have really enjoyed seeing the transformation of your home (on
    facebook), both inside and outside, since you moved in till now.

    1. Linda,
      Glad you enjoyed seeing that trip down memory lane with all the pictures of my house when we first moved in and then through the years....I was organizing all my photos into acid free cases a few years back and posted a lot of the pictures on FB...It is interesting to see all the changes....I hope all is well with you!!! Thanks so stopping by!!
      Debbie-Dabble Blog

  2. I think that Joey coming to dinner every night is a huge gift for you. The companionship and fellowship of family is what it is all about! And the pizza, streaming and drinks is just sweet on the side. You are so lucky to have both of your wonderful sons.
    The necklaces were such a special touch for the day. And can I say how wonderful you look, Skinny Minnie. Your journey to better health is inspiring! Happy Heart Day.

  3. You are definitely decorated to the hilt! But I have to say my favorite photo is the selfie of you with your beautiful necklaces. Made me smile big.

  4. Hi Deb..your home is lovely! Glad you are feeling better! And I understand about your home giving you comfort. Home is my favorite place to be.
    Hugs, Barb

    1. Barb,
      Thanks for visiting!! I do so love being home and enjoying it...So many just use their home as a place to eat and rest for the night but my home is my sanctuary...Hope you are staying warm...It is 18 degrees here this morning!
      Debbie-Dabble Blog

  5. The cup of soup looks so hearty. Soup is the best medicine when you are under the weather. Glad you are feeling better.
    Loved seeing more of your home and decorating. Even the powder room!! Hope you can find a jeweler who does engraving. I have one of my mom's rings that needs to either be reset or have a prong replaced around the set. Just worried about who to trust for that.
    I had wanted a little red wagon for my front porch decor but after seeing your sleds, I am thinking I might need a sled instead, or too??

  6. So many fun photos to scroll through, Deb! I'm so glad you are enjoying your home during these cozy days of winter! I especially loved Tree #8 - the sweet valentines and snowflakes have such a fun vintage vibe! I also loved your "selfie" - you look so good in red and both necklaces were such a touching tribute on Valentine's Day! Your pizza dinner looked yummy, too! Have a good week!

  7. It sounds like you had a lovely Valentine's day! We tend to celebrate more as a family too. Your rings are lovely; I've thought about asking for/getting a mother's ring but my 3 boys' birthdays would make my ring rather patriotic with red (garnet), white (diamond), and blue (sapphire).


I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!

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