Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!
I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
Blogging has always been a stress reliever for me along with an avenue to share my passions which are my home and my garden.....
Joe would want me to continue doing what I love to do so with that being said.....
I am going to start posting again on a regular schedule.....
I will be posting on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS....
As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and
commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have
a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to
spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....
In my last post, I shared some of the work I did manage to do in the back yard and patio a few weeks ago.....
HERE if you missed that post!!
Please stop by and link up to this lovely party!!
One month ago today, Joe, my husband of 45 years, passed away on April 16th from pancreatic cancer that spread to the liver, lymph nodes and eventually to the kidneys...
He was only ill for
5 WEEKS and died only 16 days after being diagnosed....
On Monday, May 13th, we celebrated Joe's life with a beautiful Funeral Service at our church, Saint Maria Goretti, which over the last 28 years, we spent so much time at......
In August, while working at a Cash Bingo, Joe also served as the door man.....
On Monday, May 13th, Joe was carried into our church by my son Jim.....
Joe's ashes are in this beautiful mantle clock.....
But please allow me to digress....
Joe and I ran our Parish Flea Market for close to 15 years.....
During that time, we made life long friendships with many of our parish family....
At our Summer Festivals....
Not only did we play Bingo, which by the way, Joe and I met at a Bingo, but Joe called Bingo at our parish Festival....
I frequently was a Hostess at the Harvest Tea events.....
And Joe was always there either selling tickets for raffles....
Or helping me set up my table and attending the event with our friends....
After the pandemic, when we went back to attending Mass in person, we became involved again, especially Joe....
As I mentioned before, this past August, Joe worked at the Cash Bingo....
My son Joey and I attended and I even won twice.....A hundred dollar prize each time!!!
Joe worked as a checker....
He was supposed to work the Purse Bingo as a caller at the end of March but he was already ill.....
In November, we attended the Fall Craft Fair which I helped run for several years....

On the second day of the Craft Fair, Joe worked the cash box at the concession stand....

And I helped with selling chances on theme baskets with our good friends.......

Joe helped out when the numbers for the winners on the baskets were pulled....

Or maybe I should say "supervised"....
We loved having our friends from Saint Maria Goretti over to visit, especially at Christmas...
And we always had pizza which was Joe's most favorite food to eat!!
Joe's Funeral Service was private but I invited our friends from Saint Maria Goretti that have been by our side for so many years and those who were able to attend, did so.....
Many of them that you saw in these pictures....
We met our good friends Anne Marie and her husband Tony at the Wilkes Barre Scranton Penguins Hockey games, which we had Season Tickets to for 25 years.....
It turned out that Anne Marie and I had so much in common....
I often say that she is my Sister from another Mister!!
Little did we know in the middle of February when these pictures were taken by Joe.....
That Joe would be gone only 2 months later.....
Anne Marie and I were laughing because Joe never quite mastered how to work my camera and was having such a hard time.....
My dear friend Anne Marie was also in attendance at Joe's funeral service as was our good friend and neighbor Ed, who always says that Joe and I are like a brother and sister to him....
Many of you who have visited my blog for some time know that when my nephew John was battling colon cancer, Joe and I were there for him and his family...
They often attended hockey games with us.....

We even went to see Trans Siberian Orchestra with them and we attended our great niece's soccer games and ballet recitals....
When my nephew John passed away, I promised him that Joe and I would always be there for Renae and the girls....

We still went to soccer games...

Went to their high school graduations....

And still went to hockey games with them....
Joe even helped Caitlin with getting a job with the Wilkes Barre Scranton Pens at the Toyoto Sportsplex and Cortney a job on the Ice Crew at the Arena during the games.....
At Joe's Funeral Service, Cait and Cortney did the readings, Renae read the petitions and Carly took up the offerings at Communion with my sister Barb.....
I know that touched Joe's heart all the way up in Heaven....
Joe was an avid Wilkes Barre Scranton Penguins Hockey Fan.....
As a 25 year Season Ticket Holder, Joe was honored this Hockey Season by having his name on center ice along with other 25 year Season Ticket Holders....
He even received a shirt with the emblem on it....
Joe was also given the honor of dropping the puck at one of the games in December...
Joe was so proud....
Joe also bought another new hockey jersey( he had close to 25) commemorating the 25th year anniversary of his beloved team and our arena which is located 5 minutes from our home....
To honor Joe, I wore this jersey at his Funeral service.....
My sons, Joey and Jim, each wore one of Joe's jerseys that I had personalized by having Barna on the back of them along with the number of our address on the sleeves.....
My niece Renae, my great nieces Cait and Carly and my dear friend Anne Marie also wore Joe's jerseys....
Our neighbor Ed and my great niece Cortney wore their own Wilkes Barre Scranton Pens jerseys and my sister Barb wore her grandson's jersey.....
Joe would have loved it and I am sure he was smiling down on us....
Father Alex mentioned Joe's love of hockey and that Joe even organized a night out at one of the games on March 9th for our Parish....
Father also attended that game with us!!
Little did we know that it would be the last game Joe ever went to....
Father also mentioned Tux, the mascot, who was Joe's buddy and even reached out to me in a FB comment on Joe's passing....
Father also said that being a Letter Carrier was the perfect job for Joe as he was a people
person and loved to talk to people...
Joe was called "The Mayor" by many
because of the amount of people he knew..
Our parish organist is a
teacher and was not able to perform at Joe's service and wouldn't you
know it that the organist who did was the son of someone Joe worked at
the Post Office with!!!
Like Joey said, "of course he was"!!
Father Alex summed it up with a quote that is in the locker room of the Penguins....
"Today is a great day for Hockey"
And that it was......
Joe's favorite song was "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin, I thought
it would be only fitting to engrave that on his Leaf that I
purchased in his memory for the Tree of Life at our Church....
Our church's Tree of Life is similar to this one ( I could not find my pictures of ours)
Joe Barna.. Finally Climbed that Stairway to Heaven"
Yes, he did....
Joe's Leaf will be added to the Tree
of Life next to my Mom, Dad and Joe's Mom's Leaves....
And he, along with them, will be prayed
for at every Mass said in our Church.....
My Angel is home with me again, after returning to our church one last time....
Joe's ashes are in this beautiful clock.....
His ashes is also in this Keepsake Jewelry for my sons and grand daughters....
The Twins will carry their G Pop with them when they are old enough to wear these necklaces.....
My son Jim will carry his Dad with him in this ring.....
And my son Joey remembered their annual Father/Son trips to Pittsburgh to see a Pittsburgh Penguins game with Joe's ashes in a hockey stick.....
The clock and the Keepsake jewelry along with this picture of Joe, which was ironically taken at our church as part of a Parish photo album 15 years ago....
Was displayed on a stand in the front of the church during the service, which was beautiful.....
Father Alex treated them in the same way that an urn or casket would be treated at a Catholic Funeral Mass....
I wanted to take a picture of the clock and the jewelry and of all of us who wore Hockey jerseys but I totally forgot about it.....
Especially at the end of the service when I broke down...
But take my word for it.....
It was really a beautiful and special tribute to Joe!!!
Afterward, we returned to our house where we have lived for almost 45 years, where I had this flag, proudly hanging on our front porch....
To welcome Joe Home....
Back with me....
Where he belongs...
Before Joe passed away, I told him that I would bring him home with me like my niece Renae did with my nephew John and he told me that he "would like that very much"!!
My family and my dear friend Anne Marie celebrated Joe with what else but.....
He would have not wanted it any other way......
From the left...Carly, my sister Barb, Anne Marie, Renae, Cait and Cort....
My sons relaxing....
My DIL Danielle stayed home with the twins because it would just be too much and they did not want to take away from the Funeral service because you know everyone would be looking at the babies!!!!
Speaking of the babies......
I just have to share their Mother's Day photos!!!!
We celebrated Mother's Day on Tuesday evening, which I will leave to another post....
And I also want to mention that on the same day as Joe's Funeral Service, in the evening, our great niece Cortney received her Nursing Pin from King's College....
Cortney already has her Associate Degree in Nursing and is currently working in an ICU in a local hospital, continuing the tradition of Nursing in my family......
I needed to sit out the Pinning but I will be attending her Graduation on Friday at our Arena!!
And I know her proud Uncle Joe will be watching from above with her Dad and the rest of my family in Heaven...
This crew sure had a busy day......
Carly, Renae, Cort, my sister Barb and Cait, who will be starting her second year in the same Nursing program....
I want to point out the Renae and my sister Barb are wearing their Keepsake necklaces that contain my nephew John's ashes....
Joe would be so honored to learn that Cortney is getting a tattoo of 3 red cardinals.....
One for her Dad, one for her pop ( Renae's Dad) and one for her Uncle Joe!!!
Joe's Funeral Service was, as my son Jim described it, " Nice, quiet and private"...
The people who are most important to us were there....
I think we did Joe proud!!!!
And I do not doubt that my Dad was standing next to Joe, looking down and saying "That a Girl" with that tear in his eye....
want to THANK ALL OF YOU who emailed me, messaged me on FB, send cards
of condolences and lifted me up in your prayers and supported me with
your positive vibes and well wishes in the wake of Joe's passing!!!!
It has meant so much to me and to my family......
In my next post on MONDAY, I want to share why I have not yet decorated the Living Room for the Patriotic Summer Holidays like I usually do....
It is because I decorated for Joe's Homecoming!!
So I hope you will stop by to visit again on MONDAY!!
Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!
Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!
If you do not have a blog, PLEASE
give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment. If I can not find a way to
reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check
I am linking up to these parties:
Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!
Good morning Debbie,
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful tribute to Joe. It certainly was a very heartwarming testimonial to a life well lived and filled with love.
As always, the girls are precious!
May God continue to watch over you, and your family.
Blessings, Linda 💗
DeleteThank you for stopping by and for your card!! Thank you for your continued prayers also...I am trying to find a new normal....I hope you are having a good weekend!!
Debbie-Dabble Blog
Such a beautiful tribute to your husband, Debbie. I love how you wore the hockey jerseys. The clock and jewelry is so meaningful and beautiful. Thinking of you and wishing you all the best.
ReplyDeleteOh Debbie, that was so beautiful -- I read it through my tears. Joe was definitely well loved and he loved well. My love and best wishes to you and your family. Patty
DeleteThank you for stopping by...It was a beautiful service and I am very happy with how it all went...I think Joe would have loved it!!
That was so beautiful. It touched me and brought the tears flowing. You did a terrific job and I'm sure Uncle Joe, Gramps, and Johnny are so very proud of you. I'm praying for you and your family. Love you
DeleteLove you too!! I think Uncle Joe would have loved it...I am happy with how it all went...But I am glad it is over with...Thank you for your continued prayers...Talk to you soon! Take Care!!
Aunt Deb
What a wonderful tribute you did, Debbie. I continue to pray for you and your family. The photography was beautiful. I loved the mantle clock idea and the jewelry; what lovely remembrances. The girls are such cuties!
DeleteThanks so much for stopping by!! And thanks for your continued prayers...The girls are getting so big...They are the ones who will help us all get through all of this...I hope you enjoy your holiday weekend!!
Debbie, what a beautiful, beautiful celebration. It sounds like you really thought of everything Joe loved and paid homage each one.I can only imagine what a difficult day it must've been for you, but having your family and close friends to support you and remember Joe must've been such a blessing. Hugs to you my friend. I will keep you all in my prayers. xo Kim
ReplyDeleteI can certainly tell the love and respect you put into every detail of Joe's remembrance ceremony. Thank you for sharing the photos of Joe in all his church activities. I remember you speaking of all these events and he was such a large part of all your parish celebrations. His service and humor to his church community will be sadly missed. Joe loved his hockey and his hockey team! I love that you all wore his jerseys and I am sure he enjoyed looking down on that. What a wonderful church celebration of his life and his life beyond. Your planning made it all so special for Joe and all his family and friends. I think a nice private and quiet service with those who meant the most to him was wonderful. The clock is such a thoughtful way to remember him and keep him with you. The jewelry is so individual and just wonderful keepsakes as evidenced by your nieces with their father. Hugs to you in your sorrow. I know you are missing him deeply.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful tribute to your Joe. Thanks for sharing it all with us. I know you did him proud.
DeleteThanks so much for stopping by and for commenting here on my blog...And thanks for all your kind words also on my FB page!! I gratefully appreciate it!! I hope you have a great Holiday weekend, my friend!
I read through this tribute, browsing your many memories and smiling at times. This is so new for you, and I feel your loss, wishing I could take the burden of it from you and replace the void with only your happiest moments and memories. I am so very sorry for your loss.
DeleteThanks so much for your kind words and thank you for taking the time to visit!! I gratefully appreciate you doing so!! I hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend!!
Hello, Debbie. I am a first-time visitor, linked via MarshaInTheMiddle and I apologize for the intrusion...but your husband's photo popped off the page and this is the first of everyone's posts I visited.
ReplyDeleteI am sitting here smiling from ear to ear, not discounting and disrespecting your grief, but admiring your joyous celebration of Joe's life. Even though he was taken too soon and unexpectedly, your beloved "mayor" seemed to have touched SO many people throughout a life well lived; and seemed to have savored all the best it had to offer (I went back and read his prayer card and hadn't realized you used that same word there...but it's so evident from your post). I am most touched by his sense of family and dedication to your parish...and the smiles come from imagining so many of you in your Penguin's jerseys and honoring him in such a fun way.
My DH and I often note what a grace faith is, and how it's never more important than in times of passing. I suspect from your post, that yours will sustain you through this very difficult time with the knowledge that Joe's has earned him a place with the Father. Wishing comfort to you and yours in the days ahead... This post is a lovely way to keep his memory alive.
Thanks you so very much for taking the time to stop by and for letting me know that you did by your sweet and encouraging comment!! I gratefully appreciate it!! I think Joe would have loved his Funeral service especially that his friends and family were wearing Hockey jerseys to honor him!! He knew that I was going to bring him home with me and he was so pleased about it...I plan to return to volunteering at our church for events in June as I am on the Community Committee....I needed to take a break for a bit but I am ready now to get back in it. I do trust in God's plan and I am s very grateful that Joe was not in pain and did not suffer....Enjoy your Holiday weekend!!
Thank you for sharing with us about Joe! It was wonderful to read about him. We often only know the face of the blog writer but not the special people behind the scene who are part of who you are.
Hi Debbie, What a beautiful tribute to Joe. I am thankful that you are surrounding by friends and family and those grandbabies are precious. What a wonderful life he lived. laura in colorado
ReplyDeleteHi Debbie, What a beautiful tribute to Joe and your family. I am so happy you have friends and family and those grand babies by your side. laura
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like such a beautiful service and tribute to Joe. I love that you all wore his jerseys and hockey gear-- he would have LOVED that and those keepsake jewelry pieces that contain bits of his ashes are such a perfect touch. Now all of his family gets to keep a piece of him close to their hearts.
ReplyDeleteAs I mentioned in a recent comment, I am a new reader to your blog (this time via the "Funtastic Friday" link up) and once again I am touched by the depth and breadth of your faith and your love for your beloved Joe. There were so many thoughtful and personal touches woven into his memorial! I am honored to follow along! Wishing you continued peace and comfort knowing that you are surrounded by many who have been touched by your story!
ReplyDeleteDebbie, thank you so much for sharing these episodes from Joe's life and the wonderful photos of you together and your friends and family. It helps us know him better and to realize the depth of your loss. I hope that in writing this beautiful memoriam, that you found it healing as you recounted those experiences. Sending love as you continue this journey.
ReplyDeleteSuch a lovely Celebration of Life, Thank you for Sharing it here with the Blog Community. I'm always glad of taking a lot of Photos that captures the Moments in Time to look back upon and preserve visually. Moving thru the stages of Grief is often tempered by the many wonderful Memories of our Loved Ones that can sustain us during incredible loss.
ReplyDeleteHello Debbie what a lovely tribute to your 'Joe'. He certainly looked like a lovely man full of life and you've shared a wonderful life together. Thank you for sharing what must still be a painful time for you. Sending love and best wishes to you. Take care. It is always lovely to have you join us for #WeekendTrafficJamReboot. x
ReplyDeleteSuch a wonderful tribute to Joe, he was looking down and smiling. The jewelry you had created is lovely and will be treasured by those that wear it. Take care.
DeleteThank you for stopping by and for your sweet words.....I do think Joe would have been happy with the celebration of his life....I hope you are having a good week...
Debbie-Dabble Blog
What a beautiful and moving tribute to your beloved husband - and how fitting that you had pizza! Your granddaughters are so adorable - what a blessing!
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting and for your kind words....Joe did love his pizza!!! I hope you are enjoying your week!!
Debbie-Dabble Blog
Debbie, hello. This was a beautiful tribute to Joe. He seems like he had a great personality, and a beautiful life. Thanks for sharing these memories of him with us.
ReplyDeleteDebbie, You certainly did Joe proud. I know he was looking down at all the Penguin attire and smiling. It seemed that he always had a smile on his face. You make me cry with all your good words about a man that you loved so much. He will always be with you and I'm glad he is home now..xxoJudy
ReplyDeleteWhat a special and amazing tribute! I love that it was in part a celebration of your life together. The jewelry is an especially sweet thing, too. Many prayers and much love for you and your family! Visiting from Senior Salon Pit Stop.
DeleteThanks for taking the time to stop by and to leave such a sweet comment...Thanks you for the continued prayers for me and my family!!! It is gratefully appreciated....
Visiting you from SSPS today and having read this moving tribute to your late husband I just wanted to offer my condolences. I lost my own husband last July and can empathize with all you are feeling.
ReplyDeleteDear Debbie,
ReplyDeleteI am so terribly sorry for your loss. What a wonderful man you so deeply loved. I am also very sorry that he passed so quickly. My first husband (my high school sweetheart) had something similar. Found out he had liver cancer and after 6 weeks was gone. That was a lifetime ago, but the shock of it will never be forgotten. All I can say is that both he and your Joe didn't have to suffer a long time. Cancer is awful and can be so terribly cruel. I will be praying for his soul, and for you as you live with the life after losing him. Stay busy. Know you are cared about deeply. And may God bless you with loving memories and peace to ease your sorrowful heart. ♥
ReplyDeleteI am sure your Joe is smiling down on you, your family, and friends. You celebrated him in all of the best ways, hockey, pizza, and Led Zeppelin! I'm glad he's home with you now. I think the idea of a clock is a wonderful way to keep him with you. I will remember that as we approach those things at our house. God bless you, Debbie. You are in my prayers.
What a wonderful tribute to Joe. I really think he would have loved it. I love all the photos and learning more about him. God bless and I'll keep you in my prayers as you navigate this difficult season.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to Joe. Thank you for sharing with us so we can pray for you and your family. xo Lisa S
Debbie, I'm sad to read of your loss. It is a long, lonely road without our spouse. Your tribute to your guy is very nice. I enjoyed reading and seeing the photos.
ReplyDeleteI’m so very sorry for the loss of your beloved Joe. What a beautiful life you had with him and his memories will sustain you. My own beloved died going on 11 years now. God bless you and keep you.
ReplyDeleteThis is so beautiful Deb! Every last detail is incredible. Joe is at peace and he will watch over you. The clock and jewelry is so thoughtful and unique. I hope you are well and appreciate you sharing all of this with us. It was lovely to read and see. XO- MaryJo
ReplyDeleteDebbie, what an awesome love and tribute to Joe in all you have done and still do. This is absolutely amazing and I am sure that he's fully aware of everything you do and continue to do and will look after you and cherish you from above.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 311. See you again next week at https://esmesalon.com/tag/seniorsalonpitstop/
I.m so sorry. I hope you found some smiles putting together this post as the photos triggerened fun memories for you. I love the idea of the keepsakes to wear. It's a good way to feel the person you're missing. Look after yourself. #TrafficJamWeeeknd
ReplyDeleteThat's just beautiful, thank you so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThis is such a beautiful tribute to Joe and I'm sure he loved that everyone was wearing his jerseys. That's a very special memory. Sending you big cyber hugs and featuring your post at this weeks SSPS party.
ReplyDeletexx ~ Maria
PS. I lived in Detroit for about a year or so and love hockey. It must have been so exciting to drop the puck! Very cool :)
P.P.S. ... and I love bingo haha. My dad would bring me when I was little and we started bringing my daughter when she was old enough to sit still that long. We went almost every week
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful and moving tribute to your Joe. Sending you lots of love as you embark on this next chapter in your life.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful, beautiful post, Debbie. You shared so many lovely memories, and you gave your Joe such a wonderful tribute. I loved all of the pictures. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I'm so glad you shared this really moving tribute with us. Your Joe was such a fun and great person, I can tell! Hugs to you.
ReplyDeleteDebbie, I am writing a second time as the first attempt may have accidentally been deleted by me... I am sooo very sorry to hear of Joe's passing... He is such a fixture in your posts and I always enjoy reading about what game he has gone to, your boys when they come for dinner, what's cooking, how the twins are doing. Congratulations to your nieces (I think) and their graduations!!! It's nice to have a nurse in the family. :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you find comfort in all the wonderful messages left by so many friends here... I love the idea of Stairway to Heaven on Joe's leaf for your family tree. I did share your post with a couple of photos of Joe this week at SYS; I love honoring Joe for you. For those days coming, when it really hurts, please know we will all be here for you. <3 Sending much love and prayers for comfort for your entire family, Barb <3
I'm so sorry to hear about Joe's passing. I have read your blog for many years and feel like I know you and your lovely family. You wrote a beautiful post to Joe. I am sending you a big hug, Debbie.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry! I didn't realize he had passed! I stopped linking up anywhere, and just hadn't been here in awhile. (well, I have, but I missed this....). I hope you're doing ok.