Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!
I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
Blogging has always been a stress reliever for me along with an avenue to share my passions which are my home and my garden.....
Joe would want me to continue doing what I love to do so with that being said.....
I am going to start posting again on a regular schedule.....
I will be posting on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS....
And when I can, I will add a Saturday Snippets post on SATURDAYS...
As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
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a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to
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And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....
In my last post, I shared half of my Den decorated with a Bit of Americana and a touch of English Country thrown in for good measure.....

Click HERE if you missed that post!!
Welcome to Saturday Snippets!!!
Even though I can't really call this post that because it is a bit of a long one....
I hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend!!
It will be a quiet relaxing one for Joey and I as Jim and Danielle are working....
The twins. Lily and Gigi, turned 8 months old on the 29th.....
They are getting so big!!!
I was going to share the other half of my Den today but I forgot about it being Labor Day weekend....
So instead, I am going to share my Front Porch and Yard decorated for Labor Day and do an update on the front flower beds now that it is Late Summer/Early Fall......
My red, yellow and orange color theme for my flowers should transition nicely into Fall.....
Some pictures taken from our parking lot.....
Last week, I trimmed the forsythia on the left and the 3 azaleas....

As you walk up the steps from the parking lot.....

Looking down the sidewalk....

It is amazing that my flowers survived the heat and humidity of this Summer....

The left side of the porch.....

2 marigolds were planted in this pot......

I am happy with the way it looks ...

I made new " Patriotic" bows as my deco mesh red and blue ones faded over the years....
I bought blue and white checked ribbon in Dollar Tree and used up some red rose Valentine ribbon also bought in Dollar Tree......

I had enough for 3 of them and I like the different nontraditional look to them.....

I used one here on the lantern......

I recently bought those 2 black mats that you see in the picture below at Ocean State Job Lot to replace 2 rugs that were really looking like they were on their last leg.....
The wreath on the front door is the same wreath I used for Memorial Day and July 4th.....

I switched out the Summer decor signs once again for my Patriotic ones.....

And I flipped the pillows on the chairs to the black side from the floral print side.....

I want to point out how my signs faded a bit with the Sun shining on them.....
Now look at them....
I bought a clear sealant spray and it brightened them up....
Another new bow used on the front porch light.....
I tucked 2 flags into the arrangement.....

In this corner of the Porch......
I used the 3rd bow that I made on top of this Tree in the corner.....
This is a new mail box cover that I recently bought in Gabes....
I love the red cardinals on it.....
I planted just one impatien in this small pot.....
And look how it filled out.....
I planted 2 plants in this pot.....
They did very well here......
I wish I could say that I got to spend a lot of time out on the porch this Summer but with the heat, humidity and all the rain we had, I did not get to do so which is such a disappointment to me..........

Maybe in the Fall......
I replaced the larger faded Patriotic banner with this smaller one that Joe bought on Clearance last year......
I planted 3 orange and yellow marigolds in these small rectangular planters....

They filled in okay but there were 2 times that I forgot to water them and almost lost them.....
I just bought those cute metal sunflowers at Dollar Tree and I think they will look great for Fall.....
I hope to keep the marigolds as part of my Fall and then Halloween decor here in the front of the house.....
The flower bed under the Living Room window.....
I planted 4 coleus plants in this long planter on the edge of the Porch.....
Needless to say, the coleus have done extremely well!!!
I hope they also last through the Fall....
What a difference.....
This is how the flower bed looked right before Memorial Day.....
I tucked 2 flags into the marigold pots....
4 marigolds were planted in each pot......
They are also doing well....
I have since taken that star in front of the Amish Buggy Wheel out of there and intend to paint it white so it will stand out better against the wheel....
I do really like how this all turned out this year even with the awful heat that we had......
On the retaining wall by my neighbor's house.....
And will you look at how it exploded.....
You can not even see the pots......
One coleus in the small square pots and 4 impatiens in the corners of the larger square pots along with 3 impatiens in the round pot in the center......
Again, Holy Moly!!!!
What a difference!!!
I do not know how long they will last into the Fall but when it is time to pull them out, I will replace them with greenery that I cut from the trees on the side of our road for the Winter......
I do need to trim the shrubs but I will do that right before I decorate for Fall next week.....
The front flower bed that is on top of the slope.......
Last week, I did trim the 3 azaleas and the forsythia.......
One of the azaleas that I trimmed.......
I planted 3 red begonias in this black urn.......
And now.......
I also cut back the columbine that reseeded itself in this area......
A Patriotic mini flag with a red cardinal......
I also trimmed the azalea on the left side of the park bench.....
These were the 3 pots that I started with in the beginning of the Summer on the park bench..........
3 impatiens and 3 begonias in those pots.....
I moved the middle one elsewhere as it got a bit crowded.....
The impatiens are looking a bit spent so I think I soon will be replacing those with a mum but the red begonias are looking good.....

I took some of Joe's Pittsburgh Steelers and Penguins things from his Pittsburgh corner in the bedroom and moved them out here.....
The sunflower solar lights from Dollar Tree illuminate this area at night.....
I tucked 2 flags in the pots on the bench.....
I moved this red vintage watering can over here about a week ago.....
I had planted 2 impatiens in it.....
Boy, did they take off.....
I trimmed the forsythia too, being careful that I did not fall down the slope......
And that is the 3rd azalea that I trimmed.....

2 begonias were planted in this small pot in the red wagon.....
Look at it now.....
I moved this pot with 3 marigolds planted in it.....
Over here in the flower bed.....
And this is a new mini flag from Gabes....

So there you have it....
I will keep the Patriotic decor out til next Tuesday or Wednesday.....
I already packed away the Summer things that I took down replacing it with the Patriotic decor for Labor Day and took it down my storage shed....
I hope to start to decorate the front of the house next week for Fall...
I came up with an idea for Fall decorating that will help ease some of the decorating in the front of the house that I do for Christmas....
And yes, I hope to continue to decorate like I always have, even the front of the house....
So stay tuned.....
In my next post, on MONDAY, I will be finishing up my Tour of the Den decorated in a Bit of Americana with a touch of English Country....
So I hope you will stop by to visit again on MONDAY!!!!!
Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!
Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!
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give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment. If I can not find a way to
reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check
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