I am a Victorian Soul, who lives in a small townhouse that was built in the mid 1970's, not a huge Mega Mansion!! I just recently lost my Hubby Joe, who was a Retired Letter Carrier. I worked night shift as an RN on a Hospital based Rehabilitation( Physical Medicine) Unit for 37 years before I had Knee Replacement Surgery and officially Retired in 2019 after 41 years working in Direct Patient Care ... I am so glad that we retired at 62 years of age and got to spend that time together before he passed....I still do love Retirement!!!!


George Eliot
George Eliot was actually a pen name for a woman named Mary Anne Evans......


Monday, August 12, 2024

Church Flea Market Haul










 Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
Blogging has always been a stress reliever for me along with an avenue to share my passions which are my home and my garden.....
  Joe would want me to continue doing what I love to do so with that being said.....
I am going to start posting again on a regular schedule.....

I will be posting on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS....

And when I can, I will add a Saturday Snippets post on SATURDAYS... 

As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....
In my last post, I shared my Late Summer Coastal/Nautical theme in the Living Room by decorating the top of the TV Entertainment Center in a Pirate's Cove theme.....




 Click HERE if you missed that post!!

 And now for a few Personal Notes...

I made a double batch of my 4 cheese sausage/beef Lasagna.....

I kept one pan and took the other pan over to my sister's house as she has some of her children from out of state staying with her now.....

Well, I thought this day would be one of the hard days... 

46 years ago, at my Wedding reception, we also celebrated my sister Barb's husband John's Birthday....

Now, on his 80th Birthday, and what would have been my 46th Wedding Anniversary, my family  celebrated John's life and laid him to rest......

Well, it actually turned out to be a good day...

My BIL John's Funeral Service was very nice but sad ....

Joey and I ( Jim just could not attend as it is still hard for him after Joe's passing) did not go to the cemetery as I stopped doing cemeteries a long time ago, which is why Joe's ashes are home with me in a very nice mantel clock in his Grandmother's Hutch in our Living Room!!!

 But we had such an enjoyable afternoon at "The Cafe" afterward....

Delicious food!

We sat with my Niece Renae and Great Nieces Cort and her boyfriend John, who just graduated as an RN, Cait and Carly...

We shared a lot of laughs, remembrances of Joe and it was great catching up with their busy lives....

I also enjoyed seeing my nephews Dan and his wife Heather and Brian and his wife Anne.....

Unfortunately, it was too dangerous for my niece Lisa to drive in from South Carolina by herself due to all the flooding caused by Hurricane Debby.... 

I felt better knowing she was safe and sound and I am sure her Dad would have not wanted it any other way....

It was also so nice to spend some time sitting and talking with my 99 year old Aunt Marge, who is the last remaining one from that generation...

My Aunt Marge is the one wearing the sunglasses when she helped lock the doors of my childhood church when it closed several years ago...

 She still lives on her own, walking with a cane, is as smart as a whip and sends Birthday cards out to ALL the Nieces and Nephews in the Kolojejchick family...

She lost her husband, who was my Dad's youngest brother, at 48 years old, leaving her a widow with 5 of her 9 children still at home...

She told me the key to getting through the loss of a spouse is to keep busy and she prays for me daily...

It really was comforting to be hugged by someone from the generation before me....

 So instead of spending my 46th Wedding Anniversary alone, I got to spend it with those that I love the most...my family!! 

It was a GOOD DAY after all and bought me much JOY!!

 Hopefully, this is the last death in the family as it was the 3rd one in less than 4 months and they always come in 3's.....

I pray we are now DONE for a long time....

 I was going to share the rest of my Living Room decorated in a Coastal/Nautical theme for Late Summer but truth be told, I was too busy to take the pictures for this post so I will be delaying it until THURSDAY!!

But since I took pictures to post on FB of a Church Flea Market Haul, that is what I will be sharing today..... 

Last year, I went to a local Church's Flea Market which was the first year that they held it....

 It was one of the best ones that I ever went to....

For this year, I actually donated a few of Joe's things that I weeded out of our storage room and some Steeler's sports items.... 

I was there bright and early at 8 am on Saturday when the doors opened.....

I was more discriminant about what I bought than other years....

I hit the Collectibles tables first and I scored big time.....

There were several pieces of the Hofbauer Brydes Crystal which is what I have in my Curio in the Living Room.....

I loved this stunning candy dish for a mere $16!!!

I have seen this listed on Replacements web site for $79.99 and more!!

There were about 10 more pieces there but I decided to wait until Sunday when everything would be Half Price....

You will see that I am very glad that I did......


 On the floor underneath the table , I spied these 18 inch tall solid brass candle sticks....

They were $20 for the pair which was well worth it as I did not see any other ones there...

Brass is once again in style and candlesticks are now much sought after....


 Since I have several Campbell's coffee and soup mugs, I bought this brand new set of plates for $8


I grabbed this when I saw it because I have seen similar ones like it used in Craft Rooms to store supplies in.....

It was $5 and I intend to use it somewhere in the Craft Room once I get it straightened out and reorganized...


This sweet Hen plate was $2....


And this metal tray was $1.....

Both will be perfect in my Kitchen....

Shelves are in style again so I grabbed these solid wood shelves for $1 each!!

I am not sure where I will put them but they can easily be painted white if I choose to do so....
I also grabbed this Hull Brown Drip Creamer for $1!!

It sells on EBay and in Antique stores for anywhere from $5 to $10!

I have a pitcher in this design and both of them will be great to use in Fall displays....

I bought this pressed glass small tray for $1...

This is perfect in a bathroom or to put your keys on when you come home....

This vintage tea cup and matching saucer with a luster finish was only $1!

It has Japan on the bottom of the saucer. and will be a great addition to my tea cup Collection...

 These vintage green glass bowls were $1 each.....
On the bottom is "E. O. Brody Co., Cleveland, USA"

 Perfect for Christmas and Saint Patrick's Day!
 These sweet metal candlesticks were $1 each.....

 I plan on using them in my upstairs Sitting Room which has a garden theme.....
This vintage Avon small goblet was only $1....
Perfect to put a bottle brush tree in for Christmas....
Most baskets were only $1.....

Baskets are now once again back in style!!

I bought this wood trimmed one for $1....

And this beauty was $5 because of it's size and pretty handle...

I picture some pumpkins displayed in both of those for the Fall......

Speaking of Fall, this sweet orange colored mason jar with a sunflower on it was 50 cents.....

And this Sunflower sign was also only 50 cents....


 This haul cost $71 and I gave them $75 and told them to keep the change as it was a Flea Market that benefited a church....

They also had a mini Food Truck Festival along with the Flea Market so I made sure to purchase some potato pancakes for Dinner on Saturday....

 They were so good...

Now of course I went back the following day, Sunday, bright an early at 8 am again for Half Price day!!

 I headed again, right for the Collectibles table...
 I was thrilled that some of the Hofbauer Brydes Crystal was left....
 This vase was now only $6, listed currently on Replacements for $39.99
This small bowl was now $4...Running at around $24.99 on EBay and other sites...

And this small vase was now only $2.....Listed on EBay for about $10 - $15...

 These pieces are already in my Living Room curio....
 There were several larger pieces like a compote bowl but it was too large for where I display the Collection.....

 This vintage Fenton hob nail amber glass basket was now $5....

I have seen this listed anywhere from $35 to $95!!
Perfect to display a few small velvet pumpkins in for the Fall....

I saw this Beauty on the first day but decided to wait and see if it would be there for Half Price..
And it was still there for only $5 now!!

She is not Home Interiors like the rest of my Victorian Ladies figurines ...
She is LENOX!!!!

 She is listed on Etsy and Ebay for around $49.99 and as high as $120 on Poshmark!!!

 This pretty set was only $1.50!!

I will be using this for Winter in my Kitchen which I decorate in a Red Cardinal and Bird theme.....

I was thrilled when I saw this vintage milk glass goblet as I bought one last year so now I have a pair!!!

 I have seen these used at Christmas time with a bottle brush tree placed inside of them.....

It was $1.00
 I was hoping to find some apples and I hit pay dirt!!!
This basket filled with 6 wooden apples was now only $1.50!

Cute basket too and perfect in my Kitchen now as I have it decorated in a Sunflower and Apple theme for Late Summer.....

 These were now $2.00 for both!

I am thinking shelves.....
.These candle holders were down to $1.00 for both....

You can even use them as pedestals in displays for elevation....

This great leaf dish for Fall was only 50 cents....

These leaves were 25 cents......


And the only thing I bought for Christmas was this set of 8 gold Tree napkin rings....

They were $1 and can actually be used for Winter too!!

So that is my Flea Market Haul
 So far....

I say so far because tomorrow ( Tuesday). they are offering what is left for FREE!!  

So of course, I am going back....

 I hope you will stop by to visit again on  THURSDAY when I hope to share the rest of my Living Room decorated for Late Summer in a Coastal/Nautical theme!!
 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:


    Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. What a day filled with memories for you - glad you got to spend the anniversary with family. Loved seeing your wedding photo, too. You really got some great things at the flea market. The tea cup is beautiful and everything you found looks so good. Here in the community where we live - Willow Valley Communities - they have something called Cash and Carry several times a year and I love it ! Found so many bargains...will have to post about my latest haul someday soon. Just yesterday we had friends in for brunch and I used some beautiful water glasses I scored at the last sale. The sale runs for 2 days...first day everything is the price marked, next day half price and last hour you can buy a bag for 2 dollars and fill it with as much as you can. That is when I go...and have stuffed my bags with wonderful things that, like you, I see are for sale on eBay or other places for much more. Your lasagna looks delicious! I just posted about a new recipe I tried - Crock Pot Lasagna. Hope you have a great week...www.ournewvista.com

  2. Hi Debbie, It looks like you found some nice things at the flea market. Do you keep an inventory of sorts so your boys will know what items will be worth when the time comes? I'm your age-ish and you have things I've never seen or heard of. I saw those Campbells plates and could imagine the girls havng tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. You'll have some fun with them. Take care

    1. PJ,
      I have started an inventory of the vintage items and antiques that I have... I also gave the names of several estate Sale people to my sons who will sell everything for them....Thanks so much for stopping by!! I hope you are having a great week!!
      Debbie-Dabble Blog

  3. I am so glad you were able to gather with family. I think we all dread these solemn remembrances and I am so glad you enjoyed reminiscing about happier days with family. Spending your anniversary alone would have been dreadful and I am so glad you had the support of your family. And I am so glad the memories of your brother in-law John were happy ones, too. Your family has had some difficult times and hopefully this is enough sadness for a while.
    What a haul at the sale!! You did so well, especially on the glass pieces. I can't wait for the final items from free day.

  4. You got some lovely pieces.
    Beautiful picture. It is wonderful to have family you can lean on .

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words!!
      Debbie-Dabble Blog

  5. Aww a big hug for you. Those “firsts” are rough. Glad you were surrounded by family. You have really been hit hard the last few months and I agree - hopefully this will be it, so you can catch your breath.
    Wow what haul. You grabbed a lot of nice things.

  6. Hi Debbie, I am glad you were surrounded by family on your anniversary. That was a special day for you. You found some lovely treasures at the sale. Hope you have a great week!

  7. I am so sorry to hear that your family had another loss but the service and time with family does sound wonderful. I'm glad that a day you've been dreading/worried about actually turned out to bring you joy. You found some great finds at the church flea market... and now I'm wondering what I did with the Lenox figurine I got from my grandmother... she had a collection of them but one was literally called "Joanne" and became mine after she passed away.

  8. I am sorry for another loss in your family! Hugs and prayers!
    I love that cardinal cup and saucer and the brown pottery pieces. I still have a few things (collectibles) from my grandmother but over the years, I have decluttered a lot and only have kept my favorites.

  9. Hi Debbie, the crystal you scored is beautiful! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  10. Your story about your anniversary was so touching; I'm so glad you got to spend it with family. Your flea market treasures were great. A group I belong to recently got together and put together raffle baskets--I got rid of 13 of mine so I am in the market to replace THAT stash; $1 is my favorite price for baskets. If only I could use up my thrifted picture frames as easily! Your curio cabinet with the new crystal will be fantastic! Your Lenox lady is so pretty! I love adding a few new things to an old collection and rearranging things; it made stuff look new again!

    1. Kathy,
      Thanks for visiting again!! I did have a great time at the flea market and I am thrilled that I found such nice things...I hope you are enjoying your week!!

  11. Fun acquisitions!!! I enjoyed reading your story of your anniversary day. So wonderful you could be with family. Some good advice, too--keep busy and pray.

  12. I’m glad you had a great day after all with your extended family. You made quite a haul at the church garage sale. RHill, TX

    1. Thanks so much for visiting!! I did enjoy myself at the sale and am quite happy with the treasures that I found...I hope you have a wonderful week!!


I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!

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