I am a Victorian Soul, who lives in a small townhouse that was built in the mid 1970's, not a huge Mega Mansion!! I just recently lost my Hubby Joe, who was a Retired Letter Carrier. I worked night shift as an RN on a Hospital based Rehabilitation( Physical Medicine) Unit for 37 years before I had Knee Replacement Surgery and officially Retired in 2019 after 41 years working in Direct Patient Care ... I am so glad that we retired at 62 years of age and got to spend that time together before he passed....I still do love Retirement!!!!


George Eliot
George Eliot was actually a pen name for a woman named Mary Anne Evans......


Saturday, February 22, 2025

What I Have Bought Lately & Gifts





Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
Blogging has always been a stress reliever for me along with an avenue to share my passions which are my home and my garden.....
 I feel it is a personal Journal that, hopefully, someday, my Twin Granddaughters will be able to look back on to learn about who I was.... 

I will be posting 3 times a week on MONDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS....

As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....
In my last post, I shared my Birthday celebration with my family!!





 Click HERE if you missed that post!! 


 And now for a few Personal Notes...

We have been living in the frozen tundra here in NEPA for the past week with temps. only reaching the mid 20's and lows in the teens in the mornings...

It has been our coldest Winter since the Winter of 2014/2015...

8 1/2 degrees below our normal temps for the Winter! 

For the last decade, our Winters were getting warmer and warmer with Climate Change along with our Summers getting more humid and hotter....

I hope that maybe we will have a cooler Summer too so I can actually enjoy it rather than being stuck in the house with the air conditioning blaring...

Because of how cold it has been, I have not even thought of going up in the attic to get down the tubs to pack away Christmas upstairs....

We will be having a warm up next week....

 So I will be able to start packing away Christmas upstairs next week....

And decorate the china cupboard in the Den for Saint Patrick's Day... 

As I mentioned in previous posts, I will not start to take down Valentine's/Winter decorations downstairs until the first week of March as Easter is late this year, April 20th, so there is no hurry....


Today, I thought I would share some things that I bought recently....

One of the things I love to do is to look at posts of Hauls, what people are buying, on Blogs, Instagram and You Tube along with Shop With Me videos....

Now I know in my post on my Quarterly Goals and Possibilities, I had listed that I HOPED to buy LESS...

 And since the start of this year, that has definitely been the case, I am proud to say!!

Before the New Year, I had been buying quite a bit of new clothes....

When I lost weight recently, I was able to fit back into clothes that I was not able to wear in about 20 years....

However, all those clothes were over 20 years old and either looked it or were more on the "dressy" side....

I did a lot of research on "Building a Retirement Wardrobe" to suit my new lifestyle....

 This is a great video on Building a Capsule Closet in Retirement....

I will do another post soon on what clothes I bought but I did want to share these 2 coats that I bought in early November.......

 Almost all my coats were also over 20+ years old and were in the larger sizes....

Now this is okay as I do wear turtlenecks and bulky warm sweaters in the Winter so they were not really hanging on me....

However, I did want to buy a coat that was more tailored and longer in length than what I had... 

And I wanted something that I could "dress up" or "dress down" meaning something I could also wear with jeans...

 I bought a lot of things online at Boscov's....

Boscov's is a family owned department store in the Northeast....

I actually have 3 stores within 25 minutes of me....

I bought these coats in November....

These are DKNY coats whose original prices were around $200 a piece..

$59.99 on sale but with a 15% off coupon, $50 and change...

I bought this one first as I thought it was a classic look.....

And then about a month later, I saw this one and just had to get it too!!

Another $59.99 on sale with 15% off for $50 and change

It is a faux fur like fabric

I love them as they are warm and to me, a classic style....

Now I actually bought this coat in the early Spring of 2024 on Clearance online again at Boscov's....

My "Snow " coat that I wore for shoveling snow was way too big on me so I bought this one for only $35...

It is super warm as I have been wearing it for snow removal this year..

I like it as it has the zip up vest inside..

 Now I have worn this out shopping when it was really cold, below 20 degrees, but I am not a huge fan of these style of coats as I, personally, think it makes one look like the Michelin Man....

 And adds "weight" to you.....

Even though this one is not too bad with the puffiness and actually has a bit of a clinched waist....

And as I mentioned, I will be doing a whole post on the clothes I recently bought and why I chose them for my Retirement years...

More items from Boscov's... 

 After going through all my Kitchen cupboards, I had decided to get rid of Joe's pizza making pans which looked a bit worse for wear so I decided to order these.....

I really love the copper cook and bake ware...

This a half cookie sheet.....

Was under $10...
And this is a pan, with an inch and a half lip, is perfect for the haddock I make with melted butter and seasonings over it...
And for french fries and tater tots....

Only $7....

I also realized that I did not need the set of 3 Paula Dean frying pans that I had as I rarely used them so they went into a box to donate to a local Church's flea market in the Summer...

I found this nice 10 inch copper fry pan in Ollie's for only $6.50 after using a 15 % off coupon.....

Not too big and not too small and freed up room in my pot drawer....

A few other things that I bought at Ollie's using a 15% off coupon.... 

Spring florals for the Kitchen.....

I needed a new cutting board.....

I thought this 5 piece set of apple Kitchen set was a good buy for $4.99 and an additional 15 % off....

I think it will be perfect for when I decorate the Kitchen in my Late Summer/Early Fall apple and sunflower theme..

Many years ago, my Mother bought both my sister and I a lovely set of Oneida silverware, serving for 8....

Now do not ask me how, but the knives are the only ones that I still have 8 of!!
I only have 2 tea spoons, 5 forks, 6 dessert forks and 5 soup spoons!!
Joe and I used to joke that someone broke into our house at night and stole the silverware.... 

I did pick up some unused pieces of another Oneida pattern that were still in their original plastic sealed bags at a church flea market a few years ago....
But even this serving for 4 is missing pieces....
 Yes, I am shaking my head wondering how this happens.....
However, I do have my suspicions...
Joe did the dishes and was a nut case over cleaning plates off in the garbage after we ate so I suspect that he also inadvertently cleaned off the silverware right into the garbage too....
I guess I will find out if that was the case with the new ones I just purchased as Joe is no longer with us...
 Are any of you missing pieces of your silverware?????
I was in Ollie's looking around and I saw these in almost the same pattern as the one set I had......
The only difference is a different detail where the stem meets the fork or spoon and the knives are flatter.....

So I bought this Pfaltzgraff set , serving for 4, for only $19.99 and 15% off....
I recently went back to buy another set but they were all gone....
Now we will see if these disappear..... 

Did I mention that I also only have 2 steak knives from a set of 8??????

I did pick up a few things at Dollar Tree....

A red plaid oven mitt for my Kitchen.....
And these cute metal Bee plaques for $1.25 that I hope to use on my front porch....

 I think I will be painting those blue flowers red to go with my Summer color theme of red, yellow and white in the front porch.....


 Right after Christmas, I did stop in Gabes.....

And I did pick up these Easter goodies.....

I decorate my Kitchen with a lot of carrots for Easter so I could not resist these.....
And for years, I have been looking for Easter mugs in orange with carrots on them....
I grabbed these 2 mugs for $3.99 each!

And I have a hard time resisting bottle brush trees....

Now I did buy those before the New Year in my defense....

I am really going to try not to buy any type of Holiday decor this year.....
And so far, so good.....

Joey and I love watching Shark Tank in TV..... 

 We recently loved the Triplelight that was featured on Shark Tank , created by a Stay at Home Mom....

 This is a revolutionary 180 degree flashlight!!!!

Since Shark Tank, the flashlights are now sold in ACE Hardware, The Home Depot, WalMart, and other retail stores.

 I ordered one from Walmart.....


They appear to be sold out on the Walmart web site now...
When I go up in the attic, even though I do have a spotlight mounted to one of the rafters that I can plug in for light, I mostly use a head lamp....
On one of our local TV stations, they have a segment called "Does It Really Work?"
They featured this 180 degree head lamp.....

You can watch the video HERE......

I ordered a set of 2 of them , again, from Walmart, for a mere $9.99....

A set of 2 sells on Amazon for $24.99!!!

Again, the reason why I do not shop a lot on Amazon because it seems that I usually find things cheaper else where and I suspect that prices on Amazon are really going to increase as many items are shipped here from overseas....

I have already heard of people waiting for shipments from Amazon that are delayed....Temu also...

I will do a follow up on these 2 lights when I get them as to how I like them.....

Let me say that I am NOT receiving any type of monetary compensation for showcasing any of these products..... 

 I am loving my new washer and dryer......



 Both my Whirlpool washer and dryer were made in Canada.....


 That is how I noticed mine was too....

 Some one else I know just got a new Maytag washer and it too was made in Canada.....

 And I am so very glad that I bought them now before the tariffs kick in....

I suggest that if you were thinking of buying a new appliance to do so now before they skyrocket in price as is predicted.....


I was going through some of my jewelry and came across these 2 necklaces...

 One black onyx and one white onyx, both with diamond chips on 14 kt. gold chains...

Joe bought them for me a very long time ago...

 I decided they would be perfect to pass on to my twin granddaughters since there was 2 of them, one for each of them....

I gifted them to the Twins when they came for my Birthday celebration....

I know Joe would be happy about that.... 

I forgot to share my Birthday gifts in my last post when I shared my birthday celebration...

From my son Jim and DIL Danielle, Lily, Gigi, Faye and Azumi...... 

From the Twins...

 And this is where I have this displayed right now....


 On my Dining Room table.....

A white ironstone mug that has that vintage enamelware look that I love with my initial.....

They know I love my coffee mugs....

And this sweet picture frame.....

Faye and Azumi....

And I have it displayed on the TV Entertainment Center in the Living Room with previous things that Jim and Danielle gifted me....

And this bracelet....

 When you put the 2 silver discs up to your phone, it displays 2 pictures on your phone...

One is of the twins and the other is a picture of Joe, Joey and Jim!!

I love all of them!!!

 I also received a Boscov's Gift Card from my sister, Barb, which I already used, and an Amazon Gift Card from my son Joey....

 I am looking for something unique to get from Amazon.....

Will keep you posted.....

 I hope you enjoyed seeing my recent buys and gifts....


On MONDAY in my next post, I will be starting a new Series over on my Christmas Blog, A DEBBIE-DABBLE CHRISTMAS titled "WHERE DO I PUT IT ALL?" 

This will be a Rudolph's Day post for February....

I am frequently asked this question so I thought I would share some of my storage ideas and solutions for Christmas decorations and for other decor....

So I hope you will stop by to visit again on MONDAY!! 
 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:

    Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. In a house that raised five children, our silverware was a mess. I was constantly buying new sets of eight for the forks and especially the spoons. I can't remember the store now, but I was shopping about ten years ago and someone had good quality silverware sets for 12 on a big clearance. They had been picked over but I bought 2 sets that were somewhat similar. Two years ago I bought a knife set that included 8 steak knives. We do have big family dinners and I now have enough "real" forks, spoons and knives for all the adults. I still have the "leftovers" for the kids. I expect to start losing spoons soon since my preschoolers are trading up from plastic silverware to metal. . .

  2. My kitchen silverware is all odds and ends, some of it that my parents gave us on our engagement 56 years ago. I do have a good set of silverware though that comes out on special occasions. Great purchases and I love the carrot mugs, will be perfect for spring. Thanks for supporting Canada with your appliance purchase (even if you didn't do it on purpose) Your Mimi birthday gift is precious. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Linda,
      Thanks again for stopping by!! I do have a set of gold silverware that i use for special occasions and a set of red handled ones that i also use for special tablescapes....I will be watching now to see if any of the new ones disappear....LOL!! I do love my new washer and dryer...Have a great week!!

  3. You had an excellent shopping haul! And the photos of the girls and that sweet dog are wonderful. Happy week!

  4. Hi Deb! Great shopping! I get a daily email now from Boscovs so will be making a purchase soon.
    Hugs)) Barb

    1. Barb,
      I do love Boscov's...Glad you will be ordering something you found that you like....Hope you are having a good week!! How is Carl doing?

    2. Carl is doing good. He was only in hospital for 4 days!

  5. I, too, love posts like this! Thanks for sharing all your fun finds! Those coats are all great buys. What a sweet idea to gift your twins with the necklaces you received from your hubby and what lovely gifts you received! I love the "Mimi" gift!

  6. Wow, that's a lot of stuff. I think Ihave bought one doll, 1 bunch of dish rags, a few miniatures since Christmas. Thrifting is limited as I have to deal with getting rid of all the extra stuff from the second house (executorship) we are dealing with. Nice post...with gifting also and not just buying! Hugs, Sandi


I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!

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