Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!
I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
I now post 3 TIMES A WEEK on MONDAY and THURSDAYS!!!!
As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and
commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have
a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to
spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....
Today, I will be sharing the rest of my Saint Patrick's Day decorations in the Den along with a few crafts.....
In my last post, I shared how I decorated the top and inside the china cupboard in the Den for Saint Patrick's Day....
Along with how I updated this shamrock bought many years ago at a yard sale...
Click HERE if you missed that post!!
I want to Thank
Barb, over at French Ethereal, for choosing my post, Winter in the
Powder Room with a Bit of Valentine's, as one of her features from the last
Share Your Style Link Party!!
Thanks so much, Barb!!
Please stop by and link up to this wonderful party!!
And now for a few Personal Notes...
Our snow has finally melted away with temps. in the high 50's for the first few days of the week!!
We had a surprise visit from Jim, Danielle, Lily, Gianna, Faye and Azumi when they took the Twins out for their first walk and walked up to Mimi and G Pop's house!!!
Starting to wake up....
Faye keeping watch...
Azumi in the lower right corner....
Even Uncle Joey was able to visit with them a bit as he comes here every day for Dinner after work....
And away they go....
My son Jim has once again extended his Paternity leave to be home to help Danielle....
I am now finally ready to give up Winter and have packed away the Valentine's decorations in the Dining Room and Living Room...
Today, I will be starting to change over the drapes, curtains and linens to Spring/Summer from my Winter ones in the Living Room and hope to have the Dining Room and Living Room decorated for Easter by next Monday...
Becky, over at My Little Vintage Home, shared how she decorated her Saint Patrick's Tree inexpensively by making some of her ornaments and also how she decorated her front porch....
Click HERE to see her video on You Tube....
I also want to give a Shout Out to T, over at Paradise Point!
She does a great video showing a fantastic Easter Haul but what I liked is her telling people that if they do not like her love of gnomes, bunnies and how she decorates her home , to mind their own business and not tell her so because she does not want to hear it!!
You go, Girl!!
Click HERE to see a great Easter Haul!!
I have no idea why people have to give Bloggers, You Tubers and even those posting on FB, their opinions when they differ from what the author shares.....
We are not looking to be "schooled", reprimanded or have our own opinions changed but to maybe inspire those with similar tastes and passions.....
Enough said.....
Okay, on to the Saint Patrick's Day decorations in the Den....
On the side of the china cupboard, is a small table that I refinished to match the china cupboard that was given to me by a neighbor....
Ironically, these pictures popped up in my FB memory feed on Tuesday morning....
This is how the china cupboard looked before I refinished it....
And when I painted it and then distressed it using wood stain....
Back to the table....
My dear friend Anne Marie gifted me this vintage green funeral basket....
I added a bow and fairy lights around the handle....
I added a bow and fairy lights around the handle....
I filled the basket with a few gold coin picks, green and white carnations and a shamrock and leprechaun hat pick
I tucked a vintage Saint Patrick's Day postcard in the top....
On the table....
Another one of the vintage style signs that I bought many years ago in Michael's.....
Flanked by 2 leprechaun hats from Dollar Tree....
And sat this sweet Irish Lass in the chair.....
In a previous post, I shared how I used vintage linens on the 2 vintage suitcases that I keep here....
This bottom one was my Mother's and was filled with all her pictures and photo albums that I still need to go through......
And the one on the top was bought at a yard sale for $1!!......
I am happy with how the vintage lace looks....
On the top suitcase.....
More Old Curiosity Shop dishes....
And the rest are really ornaments....
Another vintage post card gifted to me by my friend Anne Marie....
On the pedestal to the right....
Is a green depression glass bowl that I placed one of the Bears from my late neighbor Elly's Bear Collection in.....
On the book box underneath the pedestal is another vintage post card and Saint Patrick himself.......
I also did a bit of crafting....
I decided to use one of the clay pots I bought at a church flea market in the Summer for 25 cents....
And change it into a Leprechaun Hat planter!

The post cards can still be taken out so no damage was done to either card, protecting the cards....
First I painted it green and on the final coat, sprinkled green glitter over it before it could dry, adhering the glitter to the pot when it did dry.........
I did the same with the saucer that I had in my stash....
I painted the bottom rim of the saucer and top rim of the pot black...
And then I used a small craft sized bottle of Modge Podge to trace the "buckle" and then sprinkled gold glitter on it before it dried....
I filled the pot with some sparkly ivy, carnations and a hat and gold coin pick.....
I also glued a gold coin to the center of the pot....
I placed it on the bottom suitcase along with 2 more vintage postcards that I framed....
I had gold Christmas cards, that I bought after Christmas one year on clearance in Target, that were for photos to be placed inside of...
I then used up the green glittered peel and stick tape that I had in my stash, forming a border.....
Then I glued 2 gold coins to each one....
The post cards can still be taken out so no damage was done to either card, protecting the cards....
Since I ran out of the green glittered tape, I just placed 2 more cards in these and left them as is....
I changed over this small 4 ft. pathway Tree from a Winter Tree to a Saint Patrick's Day Tree....
For lack of anything else to put here, I moved the Ice Church, that I had on the top of the china cupboard for Christmas and Winter, here....
And I left the small chest here that the snowmen were sitting on....
I stripped the Tree down.....
I hung another one of those vintage styled signs on the side of the china cupboard.....
Last year, I changed this Tree topper that I bought after Christmas on clearance....
Into this for Saint Patrick's Day....
And I added some of that green glitter peel and stick tape...
I topped it with a bow made from deco mesh ribbon....
I left the ostrich feathers tucked in the top of the Tree....
I decorated the Tree with Saint Patrick's Day ornaments that I amassed over the years....
And that finishes up my Saint Patrick's Day decorations in the Den.....
I left up the Winter decorations in the Den......
Once I finish decorating the Living Room, Dining Room and Kitchen for Easter, I will then pack away the Winter decorations in the Den and the Powder Room.....
In my next post on Saturday for Saturday Snippets, I will be sharing more "Found Treasures"...
My collection of vintage pillows cases....
So I hope you will stop by to visit again on SATURDAY!!!
Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!
Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!
If you do not have a blog, PLEASE give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment. If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......
Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!
If you do not have a blog, PLEASE give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment. If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......
I am linking up to these parties:
Inspire Me Tuesdays
Lou Lou Girl's Linky Party
Tuesdays with a Twist
Tuesday Turn About Link Party
Inspire Me Tuesdays
Lou Lou Girl's Linky Party
Tuesdays with a Twist
Tuesday Turn About Link Party
Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!