Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!
Click HERE if you missed that post!!
I want to Thank to Melynda, over at ScratchMade Food and DIY Homemade Household, for choosing my post, Harvest Tea, as one of her features from last week's Senior Salon Pit Stop Link Party!!
Happy Halloween!!!!
Well, It is finally here!!!
I have always loved this time of the year and enjoyed Halloween......
Last Friday, my sister visited and Joey and I treated her to pizza and stromboli from a local pizza place that has been located in our Mall ever since I can remember....
We had a lovely visit....
I really enjoyed the Halloween Trunk and Treat Party that was held on Sunday at my church, getting to spend time with some new friends....
I have not attended something like that in a very LONG time and was happy when some of the young Mom's thanked the 3 of us, that handed out pizza and drinks, as it allowed them to spend more time with their children.....
On Monday, I had a visit from Mary, a dear friend from my church, who treated me to lunch that she picked up on the way....
She had a BLT, I had a turkey club sandwich and I supplied desert which was zucchini bread with a dollop of ice cream on the side...
Again, we had a wonderful afternoon together catching up and vowed that we will do this more often.....
In a post next week, over on my Christmas Blog, A Debbie-Dabble Christmas, I will be sharing the charming vintage Christmas gifts she gave me.....
And I will be getting 2 adorable Trick or Treaters tonight, as the apartment complex where both of my sons live, is having a Trunk and Treat, which Jim and Danielle will be taking the Twins to...
Jim and Danielle have invited Uncle Joey and Mimi to attend this with them and then we all will gather at my house for a bit to celebrate Halloween!!
Can't wait!
Speaking of the Twins.....
They turned 10 months old on the 29th!!!
The whole family celebrated.....
Danielle with Lily and Gigi and even Faye and Azumi!!
So in the spirit of Fall and Halloween, I will start today's post with some of the amazing Fall Foliage here in NEPA....
These are some of the beautiful Mums that have been planted at the entrance to the apartment complex where both my sons live and I need to drive through to get to my townhouse development.....
As you turn into Wilkeswood, you see this!!!
This is the amazing view of the mountains behind me every time I come home but it is so spectacular in the Fall.....
I took these pictures about a week ago when we were at peek with the changing of the colors of the leaves....
The townhouses you see almost in the middle of the picture is my development....
NEPA is part of the Pocono Mountains.....
Again, that is my development with my row of townhouses almost up at the top as there is only one row behind me.....
The mountains also look wonderful when it snows!!!!
We are now at the bottom of the hill and the end of the property that belongs to the apartment complex....
To the right, over a dry creek bed that only fills with water when it rains, is my townhouse development....
This is the only Court that faces this way, facing the road.....
We still have the woods on one side of our development....
I think the colors are more brilliant than ever!
This is the tree across the Court from me.....
It puts on a wonderful show every year....
Here are a few close ups of the side of it and the trees behind it....

Taken from my back yard of the woods on the side of me....
And these were taken from my bedroom window....
The Fall foliage is now browning and the leaves are falling off the trees after delighting us with a spectacular show of color this year....
Pennsylvania is one of the top destinations in the Country to see the changing of the leaves in the Fall with the Pocono Mountains area being a top tourist destination...
I am blessed to live where all this beautiful color is all around me!!!
A few changes to my outside Halloween decorations....
Winter will soon be upon us and we have already had frost several times now.....
So I went out to the side of the road to cut branches of greenery from the trees there to fill my pots in the front of the house for the Winter.....
I have done this for about 10 years now and they hold up all the way into March....
I have 4 different types of evergreen trees that I cut from....
After Halloween, I will be removing the marigolds from the pots replacing them with more greenery......
When I decorate the front for Christmas, I will be adding some faux greenery and florals to those pots...
Since we are having unusually warm temperatures, I do keep the pots watered....
I will continue to water them until the soil freezes when it finally gets colder ( if it ever will with this Global Warming)
This will help with keeping them from drying out over the Winter......
And I will leave you this All Hallow's Eve.....
With an amazing sunset from last night.......
These were taken from my back yard as the Sun is now setting almost behind my row of townhouses and the front of my house will not see the Sun until April.....
Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!
If you do not have a blog, PLEASE give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment. If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......
Inspire Me Tuesdays
Lou Lou Girl's Linky Party
Tuesdays with a Twist
Tuesday Turn About Link Party