Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!
I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
I am now posting
TWICE a week !!!
I will be posting on MONDAY and FRIDAY!
As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
I decided to do an extra post this week.....
I wanted to share my Memorial Day Tablescape and a few New Buys....
In my last post, I shared how I decorated my Seasonal Tree in the Living Room for the Summer Patriotic Holidays this year....
HERE if you missed that post!!
Thanks so much to all the Hosts of this lovely party!!
Please stop by and link up....
And now for a few Personal Notes...
have been a Blogger since 2010 and the world of blogging has changed
drastically since then.....
A lot of bloggers are now in it only to make
money, get free merchandise from companies for Endorsement and to make a
name for themselves and create a Brand like Pioneer Woman did...
choose not to have ads on my Blog, not to give endorsements or care
about Branding because my blog is more like a personal journal that
maybe someday, my family will have it to look back on when I am
My Blogger friend Dee wrote a great post on Link Party etiquette ....
I highly recommend reading it...
HERE to read this great post...
We observed Memorial Day and celebrated the lives of those who made the Ultimate Sacrifice for our Country with a Cook In, as I call it, for our family of 5....
And our 2 Grand Pups, of course.....
I set a simple tablescape......
I used the round red place mats that I bought on Clearance after Christmas in Dollar General for a buck a piece....
I also used my red handled flatware......
Nothing fancy....
Paper plates from Sam's Club because they are big and will hold a lot of food....
I know my sons!!
3 crystal glasses...
And 2 blue ones as I only have 4 crystal ones and 2 blue ones!!
A flag tray from Dollar Tree that Joe just bought sits in the center.....
I made cheeseburgers on the Georgie....
And hot dogs with chili sauce on the griller....
Boneless chicken bites in a mixture of Honey Mustard and Honey BBQ sauce....
Mac N Cheese....
Price Chopper Potato Salad which I love.....
And Corn on the Cob and Ice Cream......
This is what I wore for Memorial Day.....
We have had temps. in the mid 80's and with that, my eyelids are swollen due to my Hashimoto's Thyroiditis....
My left eye lid is drooping from the swelling and my ankles and hands are swollen....
I bought this top 2 years ago but it was too tight and the capri's were bought 10 years ago when I initially lost weight when I was first told that I needed Knee Replacement Surgery.....
We enjoyed a lovely afternoon with our family and grand pups....
So much so that I forgot to take pictures...
In the evening, I enjoyed sitting with my feet up out in the Patio....
This is my view from my chair......
The trees and the lattice make my back yard into a Secret Garden where I can sit and no one can see me.....
And through the Trees, I could see the moon.....
It was a nice relaxing evening .........
If you frequent any type of social media, you know the hottest thing out there right now is the Spring Bee Collection of Dishes from Dollar Tree....
Everyone is sharing tablescapes using this collection from Bloggers, on You Tube, Face Book , Twitter and Instagram.....
The private Face Book group that I belong to, Beautiful Table Settings, is just inundated with tablescapes and hutches with them on display...
I have been watching our Dollar Tree stores for some time but to no avail.....
Until Joe stumbled upon them the other day.....
I had him get 4 desert plates and 2 mugs.....
And 2 dinner plates....
Why only 2 dinner plates?
I figured I could use the dinner plates as serving dishes and pair the desert plates with the plain white dinner plates that I already have........
Or I can use the 2 dinner plates for a nice tablescape for 2....
And they also go nice with my vintage yellow fiestaware tea cups and saucers.....
I like that the pattern is on each side of the mugs....
I decided to use them in my Summer Beverage Center in the Kitchen as they go well with my red and yellow color scheme....
I then realized that I should have gotten 2 bowls.....
So I sent Joe back to Dollar Tree for them....
Perfect for my sweetner packets and creamers....
I love the new additions to the Beverage Center area.....
The following day, we were out and about because I wanted to get more flowers for the back yard and we stopped at one of our 2 Dollar Tree stores that are right by us....
Pay Dirt!!
They had the place mats so I bought 2......
I feel a Bee tablescape coming on.....
Stay tuned....
And lastly, I want to share a recent Sunset from our Front Porch......
I will be back on track with my regular posting schedule on MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS....
On FRIDAY, I will be posting about a special Anniversary....
On June 1st, 2022, I embarked on a Journey toward living a Healthier Life....
picture was taken in 2020 and was one of only a few pictures that I
allowed to be taken of me in many years because of my weight....
though this was not taken in 2022, this is what I looked like at my
heaviest weight which was right before I decided that I needed to take
back control of my life....
This pictures was taken Sunday on our way to morning Mass....
I have lost 50 pounds in a year!!
And last Saturday, going shopping....
So I hope you will stop by to visit again on FRIDAY to see my post as to why I am FEELING MORE ALIVE AT 65!!
Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!
Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!
If you do not have a blog, PLEASE
give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment. If I can not find a way to
reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check
I am linking up to these parties:
Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!