Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!
I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
I want to mention that since Blogger changed to a new format for
posting, if you can click on each picture if you care to enlarge
I am finally sharing what my Word of the Month for December has been.....
I know it is almost the end of December.......
POSITIVITY is what I chose as my Theme for this Year......
Little did I know how important it would be to remain POSITIVE this Year!!!!
I am choosing to maintain this theme by only posting positive things here on my Blog and also on my face book page.....
I continue choose to post Positivity on this Blog and
especially out there on social media like face book,over all the
Political Rants, Mask Pro and Cons Rants, Naming Calling and Making Fun
of Political Leaders no matter what Political Party they belong to,
sharing of Fake News without checking the actual facts before posting
bashing of Businesses even though those businesses may be barely
I choose to take the higher road, rising above
all that nonsense and frankly, childishness, and not feed into and spread the anger and hate!!
I have had enough......
I am CHOOSING to scroll through and not read any of these posts.....
yes, at times it has been hard to remain POSITIVE......
But I think I have to to maintain my sanity.....
GRATEFUL was my Word of the Month for November.....
Pretty much a No Brainer with Thanksgiving in the United States falling at the end of November..
And there were many things that I am GRATEFUL for...
One of those things was that after 13 years, I remain cancer free, having done a urine test to test for cancer cells which came back negative.....
Once again, I have been given the gift of Time.......
Since Christmas is almost here, I am going to move right on to what my Word of the Month for December is......
My Word of the Month for December is BLESSED.......
So what does that actually mean......
"If you say you've been BLESSED, you feel lucky to have something like a roof over your head, your health, a family, etc......"
In light of everything that has been going on this year, I feel BLESSED that all of my family is still alive and well......
Comparing that to so many in this country and world who have lost family members to this pandemic......

And I feel BLESSED!!!!!
If there is anything that this year has shown people.....
It is this.......

I am truly BLESSED with everything I need.....
And I really appreciate everything I have....
I have my family close by and we never had to give up or change any of our Holiday traditions during this year......
And Christmas will be celebrated the same as it has been for years.....
With the exception of the addition of our new Grand Puppy!!!
This little girl will be visiting us for the Holidays .......
She had her first visit to the Vet and has another appointment with the Groomer before Christmas......
Little Faye has truly BLESSED our lives.......
Many of the Christmas Traditions that I still carry on came from my parents.....
My sister bought one of these framed sayings for each of us the first Christmas after my Mother passed away with the picture on the left being the photo I had in this frame for 16 years.....
It was the last picture taken of her before she died.....
This year, I decided that I was going to replace that picture with one of BOTH my parents together as I truly believe that they are still together.......
This picture was taken quite some time ago as my Dad passed away almost 34 years ago so when I printed it out , I decided to make it black and white since the colors were faded and yellowed....
I had the experience of having absolutely wonderful Christmases as a child that were full of traditions involving my Polish ancestry.....
And because of that, I am BLESSED with wonderful heart warming memories.....
I have thoroughly enjoyed this Christmas Season as I finished my decorating before Thanksgiving like I always wanted to....
That gave me time to enjoy watching Christmas Movies, listening to Christmas music and baking......
I made double batches because Joe bought so many bags of chocolate, peanut butter and white chocolate chips......
He likes a little bit of baked goods with his candy...
I usually give Jim, Danielle and Joey one of those Rubbermaid containers full of cookies and fudge on Christmas Eve....
I always wish for a White Christmas and even though our temps are supposed to warm up into the 50's on Christmas Eve before they dive back into the 20's for Christmas Day.....
I am sure that we will still have a White Christmas after all the snow we got last week......
And for that.........

I have been enjoying my retirement this year......
I have gotten to garden, craft, and "Play" in my home without having to worry about going to work.....
Which is what I have looked forward to doing for many years......
And for that I feel very BLESSED!!!!!!!
I have been asked why I still decorated for Christmas this year to the extent that I usually do even though I knew I would not be having all the company that I usually have who come to tour our home at Christmas....
I think my Blogger Friend Jeanie, over at
The Marmelade Gypsy, summed it up much better than I could......
This is what she wrote......
"I thought (for about 30 seconds) about phasing back this year for many reasons, mostly medical. Then I said, aloud, to myself: "What are you thinking? If this was to be your last Christmas on Earth, would you have wanted to spend it in a house where you didn't do the thing you loved?"
You are absolutely right, Jeanie!!!!
You can read Jeanie's post
HERE and see how beautifully she decorated her home and quite a few trees!!!!
And with that, I will end this post.......
I want to wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
I know some of you may be spending Christmas differently than you have in years past but I truly hope that you will still enjoy the Holiday and celebrate it for the joyous occasion that it truly is.....
And maybe use it as a time to change or make some new traditions for you and your family.....
One thing that I am looking forward to is, after having to miss many Christmas Masses because of my work schedule which had me working either the night of Christmas Eve or the night of Christmas Day with never having the entire Holiday off, is that because of the Pandemic, I will get to watch Christmas Eve Masses online, not only in my own church but in the churches of all our former parish priests and even in my parent's hometown and other local towns...........
And for the opportunity to be able to do this and see the beautiful Christmas decorations in these Churches, I feel very BLESSED and very GRATEFUL....
These are pictures I took of one local
church's Mass this weekend, while watching it online ,of the Christmas
Decorations in their church.....
I can not wait to see their Christmas Mass with all of this lit up!!!!
Soon, I will be posting my dear friend Anne Marie's Christmas Home Tour as she will be sending me pictures of her beautiful home decorated for Christmas since we have not been able to visit this year....
The post will be over on my Christmas Blog but I will provide a link here as I have with all my other Christmas posts.....
So I hope you will stop by to visit again soon and
Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!
Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!
If you do not have a blog, PLEASE
give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment. If I can not find a way to
reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check
I am linking up to these parties:
Thank you for this POSITIVE post!!! And you are very BLESSED this Christmas!!!! Merry Christmas, my blogging friend.
ReplyDeleteIt is a perfect word for this season. I wish you a very happy Christmas and a wonderful, safe and healthy holiday season. Blessed, indeed!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your post Debbie and blessed is the perfect word. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas Debbie from Maryland. Blessed is the perfect word for December.
DeleteThanks so much for stopping by!! I hope you had a lovely Christmas!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!
Merry Christmas dear! Thank you for shedding some positivity into this most-unusual year! Your blog is SUCH a blessing!...and thank you for opening your heart and home to us!
ReplyDeleteI pray the New Year brings you and yours love, health, and laughter!
DeleteThanks so much for stopping by!! Thanks you too for your kind and encouraging words!!I hope you had a lovely Christmas!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!
Did you end up with a White Christmas? Despite ALL the snow we got last week we had so much rain yesterday and our temps warmed up so much that every last bit of snow is gone! I couldn't believe it. I too felt very blessed this holiday season.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
DeleteHappy New Year!!!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! Stay Safe, healthy and happy!!
I agree with you Debbie. There is a whole lot of negativity out there in the world. People really tend to devour it. We have one ONLY thing in our control - and that's how we REACT to things that happen to us. Already the year has started with some turbulence but lets hope, pray and be grateful for all the blessings, the Lord has sent our way. Little Faye is such a joy - just watch her revel all the attention, is a delight.
ReplyDeleteWishing you good health and happiness in the new year!
Thank you for sharing with us at Meraki Link Party.
Much love and see you again.