How do you tell someone who lives across the country or is even from another country whom you have never"met", how much their words of comfort and understanding have meant to an entire family?

How do you tell these "friends" that they have done so much to ease your sorrow and lessen the pain of your grief?
How do you tell them that they have played such an important role in helping one small family get through such a tremendous loss in their lives?
And to those that took time out of your busy day to email me with your own stories and words of encouragement, You have made me realize how truly blessed I am to have friends both out there in Blogland and in real life!
This past Monday, my oldest son Joey brought Savanna home to me one last time. Her remains are in a beautiful wooden box craved with flowers on top. As you can see from the pictures above from just a few weeks ago that she loved being outside in the garden amongst the flowers.
She now is "living" with Joey who plans to create a little Memorial to her on a shelf in the Dining Area of his apartment.
How are we all doing you ask?
Joe and I are adjusting to our "new" life. At times, I think I catch a glimpse of Savanna sitting on the steps , looking out the front door. The hardest thing was coming home from work that first time in the morning and not having her there , waiting by the door with one of her toys in her mouth. At times, I think I can still hear the sound of her footsteps through the house.
But now, we can smile and even laugh about some of the wonderful things she did and the beautiful soul that she was.
We did celebrate Joe's Birthday this past Sunday and the boys are getting used to coming home to a " a quiet" house.
It is easier for them since they no longer live here and I am grateful that their pain is eased a bit.
Joe is still having a hard time especially in the evenings when he is alone as I am sleeping before I have to go to work.
But we are getting used to it...........
Once again, THANK YOU!!! to all of you for all of your kind and encouraging words! I cannot begin to tell you how much they have meant to us!!
I hope to return to Blogland some time next week. Until then.........
Much hugs to you all,