I figured everyone was tired of seeing my kitchen so there will be plenty of RED in this post since today I will be sharing photos of my favorite TEA ROOM. The Victorian Friendship Society of NEPA held it's Christmas Party at
SUGAR"S TEA ROOM in Forty Fort, Pa. Sugar's was all decked out for Christmas and looking spectacular.

Carol, Amy , Lisa, Rose Marie and me in the Gift Shop of Sugar's.

Some of the girls; Amy, me, Ann Marie and Rose Marie. We were seated in the Green Room.

Naomi Rose, Carol, Jolyn, Patricia and her hubby

How lovely our plates looked!

This is my favorite room...... The Pink Room

Isn't it wonderful?

They decorate for every holiday and season.

This is the Gold Room with a Wrought Iron Gazebo in the center

Also the Gold Room

A niche in the Gold Room

You are free to pick out one of the Hats to where.

Here we are in the Green Room again.

More of the Green Room.
I didn't get upstairs to take photos this time but there is another large room upstairs and another room for Children's Parties. I love going to Sugar's as I am sure you can see why.
Visit Sue @
www.suelovescherries.blogspot.com to see all of the other lovely REDS.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Happy Rednesday!