I am a Victorian Soul, who lives in a small townhouse that was built in the mid 1970's, not a huge Mega Mansion!! I just recently lost my Hubby Joe, who was a Retired Letter Carrier. I worked night shift as an RN on a Hospital based Rehabilitation( Physical Medicine) Unit for 37 years before I had Knee Replacement Surgery and officially Retired in 2019 after 41 years working in Direct Patient Care ... I am so glad that we retired at 62 years of age and got to spend that time together before he passed....I still do love Retirement!!!!


George Eliot
George Eliot was actually a pen name for a woman named Mary Anne Evans......


Monday, July 8, 2024

A Big Project & A Big Decision




Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
Blogging has always been a stress reliever for me along with an avenue to share my passions which are my home and my garden.....
  Joe would want me to continue doing what I love to do so with that being said.....
I am going to start posting again on a regular schedule.....

I will be posting on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS....

And when I can, I will add a Saturday Snippets post on SATURDAYS... 

As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....
In my last post, I shared a very special gift from Hospice....

 Along with our Family July 4th Celebration....


  Click HERE if you missed that post!! 
 Thanks Andrea, over at the Cottage Market, for choosing my post, More Patriotic Decor in the Living Room, as one of her features from last week's A Morning Cup of Joe link party!!!

Thanks so much, Andrea!!

Please stop by and link up to this charming party!!

 And now for a few Personal Notes...

I have been going to the Amish Farmer that sets up stands at the mall down the street from me....

This is my haul from last Friday......

We had some corn on the cob that I bought from him for our July 4th Family Celebration and it was so good so I bought more...

 His tomatoes are so good and juicy and I do love them on sandwiches....
 I also bought some banana bread and zucchini bread....

 It is just too hot here to think of putting the oven on to bake zucchini bread....

 I also bought bacon cheese and colby cheese....
 Joey treats for dinner on Fridays so he bought sicilian pizza with bacon from one of our many local pizza places...


We have not had this in quite some time and I realized it was the last pizza that Joe ever ate...

Early Saturday morning, around 2 am, we had thunderstorms move through the area and we got an inch of rain.....

It has been in the 90's again here with dew points in the tropical zone!!!

So I still have to water just about daily....

My Big Decision

Since Joe passed away, I have been asked what am I going to do in regards to staying in my house or selling it....

Yes, I have posted many times since I retired,especially on FB, that I wanted to sell my townhouse and move into a maintenance free apartment...


I even had one picked out in the apartment complex right by me that my sons live in....

But alas, Joe did not want to move....

What was really fueling my desire to move was that we would need to put our second new roof on and I honestly did not want to spend money doing so AGAIN!!!

Well, we put our second new roof on in December 2023 so I ended up spending money on that anyway...

February was the 37th anniversary of my Dad's passing and even though it was the best thing for my Mom to do at the time as she could not afford to stay in her home, she sold my childhood home 3 months after he died...

Not only did I lose my Dad, who I was extremely close to, but I also lost every single tradition I knew and had to start all new ones...

It was very traumatic for me.....

I was also beginning to think something was wrong with Joe but I could not put my finger on what exactly it was so that started me thinking....

Since my sons come to our house for every single Holiday and enjoy the Traditions that I started 37 years ago when my Dad passed away, I started to think how they would feel if I sold their childhood home...

I remember feeling that I could no longer "Go Home" when my mother sold her home...

So back in February, before we knew that Joe was ill, I decided that I could not do that to my sons so I decided I would stay here and keep the house in the event something happened to Joe...

Crazy, huh???

Now financially, I would be able to move to an apartment with out any issue after selling this house BUT I can live here far more economically than if I moved to an apartment which would put me in the position to live quite comfortably......


I have decided to keep my townhouse for now....

And maybe someday, if my son Joey's rent is raised drastically, he can always move in here with me and we would share some expenses...

Now with that being said, I have been organizing a few areas in the house, making them mine.....

One of the first areas I went through, did some purging and reorganized is the Storage Room off of our Den which used to be a Patio....

The best way for me to describe this is picture a work area and storage in your basement or garage....

Since I do not have either of those, I treat this area as such....

This storage room was double the size but when I had my Dad make the Patio into a room, he took down the wall to enlarge the room so I gave up half of my storage room....

This was part of the original Storage Room....


I did have him construct a pantry closet, which you can see part of on the left side of the picture, for me in the Den but that will be another post as I also reorganized that too...

When I first retired, I did some serious reorganizing in the Storage Room.....

Joe was not one to keep it neat because it was not really his domain....

Since this is where all the paint and supplies, the tools, and other household things were stored, it really was my domain....

This is what it looked like several years ago when I organized the entire area.....

Click HERE to see how it looked when I originally organized it in 2020...

And this is what it looks like now......

Many years ago, I had my Dad hang bike racks on the door....

They are perfect for hanging a folding ladder, a step stool and another stool on the back of the door......


 I used to also hang a folding chair here that we used in the Dining Room when the kids came but I was able to move it into the hall way coat closet as I have more room in there since I donated all of Joe's 12 coats!!!!

You can see in this picture that my Dad put a shelf above the door in addition to all the other shelves that are mounted on the walls.....

I store my larger paint cans on this shelf....

This is the left side of the shelf which holds the paint cans containing the paint used in all the rooms of the house......... 

And this is the right side which I still need to do a bit of tweaking.....

 Back over to the left side....

Paints, stains, polyurethane, etc are stored on the top shelf of the right side of the room........

Last year, I went through all these paints and stains and tossed out what I did not want or what was no good....

On the shelf under the paints are some tools and misc items.........


 I did go through all the hand tools and made up a box of tools to keep upstairs so I do not have to run up and down the stairs looking for things if I am working on a project upstairs....


 I have plant food to the left on this shelf....

 And a few misc. things and a small chest of drawers with different screws, washers, etc. stored in it...

You can see that there is still some room here on this shelf so I may move a few things over here....

Below this, I store bags and gloves....


Below the wall shelves....

   In the far left corner is a box of longer wood pieces

On a metal shelf unit....

On the top shelves....

I did go through those bins on top and weeded out what I did not want....

I do have to go through the containers of screws and nails and maybe condense them a bit as I also have another container of them....

I also went through everything in the box ....

 And put my miter boxes to the right on this shelf

On the bottom shelf is a box of floor tiles, an air station and outside anchors....

To the right is a tool carrier that I bought for myself several years ago which I also went through and reorganized.....

To the right are 2 drawer units on top of a lap table that my grandfather built MANY years ago....

To the far right is a box of smaller wood pieces that I may use for crafts and a sweeper that I use outside on the back Patio and Front Porch....

In the picture below, you can see what was stored on the top shelf on the back wall....

This is what is now there which is only temporary as the box on the left contains some power tools that I do know how to use  but since they are 40+ years old, they are big and bulky so they are being passed on to my nephew Dan along with the shoe box full of some hand tools....

The other box is going to be donated to a local church's Flea Market.....

Joe is still making me laugh as spelling was definitely NOT one of his strong suits....

 I laughed when I saw that he wrote "Drop Clothes" on this box instead of Drop Cloths!!!


When I pass along these boxes, I will have room on this top shelf to store some of the back yard garden things over the Winter and not have to take them down to my Storage Shed....

The shelf under the top shelf on the back wall.....

I threw out most of Joe's car care products that were stored here as I have no intention what so ever of using them....
I will just take the car and have it detailed again as the guy who did it for me a few weeks ago made it look brand new....
 I have cans of De Icer, a bottle of windshield wiper fluid and bug and hornet sprays and garden things stored in the basket and in the corner....

I kept the small tubs of garden flags and battery operated pillar candles here but there is also more room on the left side of the shelf....

I straightened out what was hanging on the peg board....

 The 3 gates were bought by my son Jim for us to use when the pups came to visit....

I also store a black step stool/seat here in the corner.....

On the left side of the Storage Room....

The top shelf is where I store almost all of my painting supplies which I was able to condense into one tub.....

I was able to move these small tubs over here to the right hand corner of the top shelf, making more room on that top back shelf.....

On the shelf below the top shelf.....

I bought this wood drawer unit at a yard sale many years ago.....

Contact paper is stored in the extender shelf to the right....

My cans of Spray Paint....

Joe always called me the "Queen of Spray Paint"....

More small tubs in the right corner and a dremel like tool that I bought for myself several years ago but never used which I am now going to try to master.....

After I do, I will see if I need to buy myself a new sander and power saw and I already am looking into a power screwdriver and light weight drill.....
Any suggestions????

On the next shelf is more drawer units which I will be going through....

 I already went through this drawer where I have extension cords stored in and purged all the non polarized ones....

Garbage bags are stored in the extender shelf above with small tubs on the right side........

I store all light bulbs and other lighting items, plate stands and brackets on this bottom shelf along with ropes....

The area on the floor on this left side is where the 2 air conditioners for the downstairs are stored.....

I did not put the one in the window in the Den as I do not spend a lot of time out there now, especially in the Summer.....

So I am keeping it as a spare in case one of the other ones die....

I still have a few more small drawers and tubs to go through but for the most part, the Storage Room is now organized with items that I will be using and if I see that there is something that I will not use as time goes on, then I will pass it on....

I am also passing on a 16 ft. ladder and a hand truck that I used when I was a vendor in local craft fairs to my nephew Dan.....

And  I will see if I need to buy myself any new light weight power tools to use....

I always say that my super power is organization which I learned from my neighbor Elly....

She always knew exactly where everything was because she always labeled everything....

On SATURDAY, for Saturday Snippets, I will be sharing 2 other spaces that I reorganized to my liking....

But on THURSDAY, I will start to share my Early Summer Kitchen as at the end of July, I will be changing it over again  to my late Summer/Early Fall Apple and Sunflower theme....

So I hope you will stop by to visit again on THURSDAY!!    

 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:


    Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. Such special bears for 2 special girls in your Saturday post. Good that you made the decision to stay in your home for now. Just to let you know, I have decided to stop posting on my website, but leave it there for information, so there won't be any new posts for you to comment on. It is very hot and humid here, no rain for several days now. Take care.

    1. Linda,
      Sorry to hear that you will no longer be posting on your blog but happy to hear you are thinking it up as an information source!! Thanks again for stopping by!! I hope you are staying cool in this heat!! I will respond to your comments here from now on since you are no longer posting...

  2. Good morning. I can understand trying to decide whether to move. We Iive in an area that gets snow and as we get older it is not easy dealing with everything that comes with that. Time will tell. I loved the girls 4th of July pics and sweet outfits. Blessings....

    1. PJ,
      I f I ever had to move out of this area, I would move further North!! I do not mind the snow...In fact, I love snow and I hope I never lose that Joy. And I physically do much better in the cool Fall air and cold of the Winter...This heat and the humidity that we are getting in the Summers anymore actually makes me physically ill because of my auto immune disease...This Summer is killing me and I am stuck in the house with the shades drawn to keep that hot Sun out...At least in the Winter, I can have the shades up!! Thanks so much for stopping by again!! I truly appreciate your visits!!

  3. I wish my organization was as good as yours. I can't bring myself to even think about organizing my wall of junk at the moment. Frustrating. I end up keeping too much stuff to craft with which I don't do much of at the moment and excess tools. I have some of those plastic bins like you have that are stacked and it's a good idea for their use as you have shown. I think it's a good decision to stay in your home right now as long as the stairs don't bother you going up and down. I keep saying I want to make a change to a one level but my husband doesn't want that at this time. Maybe later. Such pretty and sweet little grand girls you have. Enjoy every single moment, I know you are. They are going to love your Christmas decorations with the trees and all the lights. Stay cool. Hot as the dickens here.

  4. You did do a lot of organizing. I have a set of regular and Phillips head screwdrivers, a pair of pliers and a hammer -- and a couple boxes of various size nails and screws -- works for minimalist me. Good that you plan to stay in your townhouse for now -- I'd thought about the possibility of Joey moving in with you -- that would work well. Stinking hot here today -- 117 predicted. Enjoy your day.

  5. You are engaged in one massive project, Debbie, and I wish you well with it. You have a system, all you need is the tme and wherewithall to keep at it. And I've no doubt you'll do that. I've often heard it said one should wait a good year before they make major decisions after the death of a partner or significant person. There is no rush to sell your home so long as you can afford it so being there for a bit, taking your time to regroup, makes sense. You can always make that decision at another point should you decide you'd like to. And you can ask your kids -- they'll tell you straight. Your feeling about "home for Christmas" might be different than yours or just the same. If it becomes difficult to maintain or live in, that's a different thing. I say good foryou!

  6. So glad you are staying. You have worked so hard on your house and yard. It would be hard to downsize into an apartment. I know we will all be thinking of that someday! I do think about it now, but I feel like at 63 I have a few more years hopefully to enjoy what I do. It is sad when family gathering place is sold. For me it was my Grandmas house. We went there all the time growing up. I wish we still could go. After it was sold it was my job to do all the holiday dinners too. I still do them 34 years later. I need you to help me organize. I am terrible. I try to, but never stays put. The girls look adorable in their 4th outifts! Enjoy your week Debbie!

  7. I'm personally glad you haven't made any decision sooner. The worst thing is to upset more than your life has already been turned upside down. Your organization looks very thorough. Honestly I think I would rather have that nice room with all the essentials than all the space in our basement which is still a disaster. Hugs, and you GO GIRL!!!

  8. Organizing is NOT my superpower! ;-) Thank you for sharing how you made your decisions and condensed items into like categories. 'Very helpful information! Thanks again -Marci @ Old Rock Farmhouse

  9. OH yes, you are definitely organized! It can sometimes take me a few tries to organize an area in a way that works consistently for ALL of us to keep organized but I don't mind since I do enjoy the whole process.

  10. Hi Debbie, Your organization is wonderful. We were taught in grief recovery to put off major decisions for a year. My step mom bought a new car when my dad died. It was a Trans Am and was way too powerful for teenage drivers. She knew it was a mistake pretty quickly. You are wise to refrain from any other major life changes. Over the weekend, I caught up on all your posts about Joe and the weeks that followed. Again, I want to express how sorry I am to hear that he has died. I'm so glad he had time to say goodbyes. You will be in my prayers.

  11. Good organizing!! My husband was one of the worst spellers ever -- I was a winner of numerous spelling bees. We were pen pals for six months before meeting -- I'm glad I didn't let his spelling errors keep me from falling in love with him. He was one of the best husbands ever -- we would be celebrating 70 years of marriage this year but sadly, he passed away a few years ago. Enjoy your day -- hope your weather isn't too bad -- miserably hot here. Patty

  12. This is a topic I have put a lot of thought into, too. I have one friend who moved to an apartment and it was the right choice for them. Her husband suffered several years with a debilitating disease and she has lots of issues including a colostomy. Having a maintenance service to take care of everything (they even change lightbulbs in the ceiling fixtures) was right for them. I have thought about a condo, but that just means extra fees. Our home is paid for, all on one floor, and I can hire a lawn care service when the time comes for less money than condo association fees. We have decided to "age in place", which is I guess the new term. We have lived in our house since we were 19, almost 50 years and I just can't leave these memories either.

    1. Hi, there are many programs to help seniors Age In Place now vs nursing homes. You can even have an ADU in your yard for a caretaker in live in. I know some counties have grants for them. I have cats and don't want to be in senior living apartments.Always contact your Agency on Aging for help.

  13. Hi Debbie - it's good that you had that "feeling" well before Joe's passing so that you had time to think logically and less emotionally about the fors and againsts of moving or staying. I think you've made a good decision for where you're at right now - who knows what the future holds, and you can always change your mind down the track if it all becomes too much. I think you would miss your garden and the extra space if you were to move any time soon. Good to see you being proactive with your tidying and sorting - it's all good therapy. :)

  14. When my mother in law no longer lives with us, I will be thinking about moving I think, but right now I love the area we live in and it is close by to schools. Downsizing and having more land would be what we look for I think, our house is large! My garage makes me think of that area: we are constantly trying to organize and minimize what we have in it, but with 4 kids, we have lots of stuff! I did sell my mil freezer since she does not walk to the garage anymore and it was just taking space.

  15. Debbie, it sounds like you are really busy organizing things in your home. I love how you have everything labeled and the room looks great. Stay cool and enjoy the rest of the week.

  16. Debbie, this looks like a huge project--good job! I understand why you decided to stay in your townhome, and it sounds like you put a lot of thought into your decision. Plus you will be making wonderful new memories with those precious twins! Thanks for sharing your journey at Vintage Charm!

  17. Hi Debbie there is always a huge change when we lose our partner and we just have to do what is right for us at the time. No need to rush and move if you don't want to. Take time to heal and you've certainly undertaken a huge project. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us in this new chapter of life. Take care. I've selected your post as one that I will feature next week. #weekendtrafficjamreboot xx

  18. Debbie, I can see you like a lot of stuff and you are sentimental like me.
    Things got out of hand quickly while I have been sick. I think a lot of us are in the same situation. I want a bigger house but you can't find anything larger today that you can afford retired. Homeowners with lower interest rates aren't willing to give that up for current interest rates. I don't think I could give up everything. Including my cats, to live in a senior facility. As I replied above, seniors should reach out to the local Agency on Aging for programs to help usremain in our homes. I see Medicare is on board to help as there aren't enough rehab and nursing homes for aging Boomers.
    Going home for the holidays and tradition is a comforting thought for many. As I tell my daughter "You never know when the last time will be the last time" Your parents are aging.
    Glad you are doing well Debbie. -Myrna

    1. Myrna,
      Thanks for stopping by!! I do not beleive that seniors should age in their homes once they can no longer afford to do so...I have seen seniors try to do this and their houses were literally falling down around them which then decreases the property values for the entire neighborhood and everyone suffers...My own mother was smart enough to realize that she could have never ever afforded to stay in her home and sold it...It was the smartest thing she ever did as she moved into a beautiful senior apartment building and had a circle of friends that she never would have had if she stayed in her own home... I can afford to do to an apartment if I chose to and I am not taking a senior apartment. I planned for my retirement and will not require any financial assistance to stay in ym home which is paid off as is my car and the only bills I really have are uilities and healthcare which is cheaper than I paid when I was working...My concern is the 2 sets of steps which would hamper me to physically stay here...If that becomes an issue, I will sell the house and move to a one floor apartment in a heartbeat...Unfortunately, at least in this area, most seniors are not in a good financial position like I am because they did not plan for retirement... I also made more money than my husband did so I get a really decent social security entitlement check along with annuity payments that I set up as I worked with a financial planner....
      Hope you are enjoying your week.

  19. Ugh, storage! We all have it, we all need it, and we all hate organizing it! It wouldn't be so bad if it stayed organized, but my idea of organization does not match my husband's. Sigh . . . and lol! Congrats on your progress, and take the time you need for big decisions.

  20. A caution: I learned the "hard way" that the gallon paint cans are not made like they used to be!! Check them for rust as I have had the bottom fall out of a can with paint spilling everywhere and the can was just under two years old. It would be worth investing in some plastic containers to save the paint you really want to keep. The danger is of not just losing the paint you saved but of the damage it could cause to flooring etc.

    1. EXACTLY!!! Which is why, since I have been the painter in my house for over 45 years now, I always use the plastic drip bottoms for paint cans along with the plastic pour spout lids for gallon paint cans!! I have also poured small amounts of left over paint into mason jars rather than storing the bigger gallon cans and running the risk of leaks...The mason jars work quite well and the paint does not harden!! Thanks for bringing up these tips that I have forgotten to mention!!
      Debbie-Dabble Blog

    2. One other great tip is NOT to use cloth drop cloths...I use old vinyl tablecloths to protect my floors as a drop cloth. If there is a drip or a leak, it is easily wiped up and will not go through to damage your floors and rugs.....

  21. Wow, so organized! But then I would expect nothing less! Thanks for sharing with us at WTJR, we sure appreciate it!

  22. These are difficult decisions. Right now we're in the middle of helping my in-laws move from their house to an apartment close to us, and it's been difficult. There's a lot of downsize involved, and it's a whole different life. But they were living an hour and a half away from us with no help nearby and there was no other solution after my mother in law fell, broke her hipbone and could no longer climb the stairs to their bedroom. I would say keep your house for as long as you can, it will always be the place where you'll feel happier.
    Thank you for joining The Really Crafty Link Party, and have a great week!

  23. HI Debbie, I agree with Katie M. If you are in a positon to not make big decisions in the first year that is best. As a Realtor I think rushing a move can cost more than evaluating annually based on where you are mentally and physically and emotionally. I am very proud of you. You will be a huge resource for women going through similar circumstances. xo laura in Colorado .

    1. Laura,
      Thanks so much for your very kind words....I do plan on eventually doing a Blog Series on what I have learned in becoming a Widow as a guide for others....Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!!


I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!

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