
Monday, August 5, 2024

Anyone For Tea? in the Dining Room, 2024






Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
Blogging has always been a stress reliever for me along with an avenue to share my passions which are my home and my garden.....
  Joe would want me to continue doing what I love to do so with that being said.....
I am going to start posting again on a regular schedule.....

I will be posting on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS....

And when I can, I will add a Saturday Snippets post on SATURDAYS... 

As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....

In my last post, I shared Babies....

And Buys....




  Click HERE if you missed that post!!

 And now for a few Personal Notes...

I just wanted to say that as my sister Barb's husband John is ending his time here in earth (he is in Hospice Care at home) and my nieces and nephews are coming in to say Good Bye to their Dad.....

 I can not say for certain that I will be able to post on my schedule this week......

Asking for prayers as my family bids yet another Loved One Good Bye....

Today, I will be sharing the rest of my Dining Room decorated in a Tea Room theme for the Summer....

Again, I will be starting where I left off in my previous post on this Tour.....

In the corner by the Living Room.....

After Easter, when I packed away my pink Easter Tree, I was able to replace it with my normal Victorian decor....

 As I always say, my Dining Room is my most Victorian looking room so it makes sense that I would decorate it in a Tea Room theme.....
On the vintage window that I use as a divider between the Dining Room and the Living Room.....
2 plaques that I made......

Since I live in a townhouse, there are no windows in my Dining Room so I use a lot of ambient lighting in addition to my Chandy......

 For the Summer, I display a lot of my Tea Cup collection along with my Thomas Kinkade Victorian Pink Lady Collection.... 

 The picture in the Victorian styled frame is of what I call "Instant Relatives", meaning I bought the picture at a flea market and have no idea whatsoever who those people are....
 One of my Thomas Kinkade Pink Ladies....

 A vintage Tea Cup with a luster type finish on it with a pair of lace gloves.......
 The pretty saucer....
 The lamp was gifted to me by an older couple who were antique dealers that I knew many years ago....
 They knew I loved vintage lamps and I would often find a box of them on my front porch with a note from them....

I love how this one matches the wall paper border in this room....
Another Tea Cup.....

Again, it has that luster finish....

My Maternal Grandmother is on the left in this picture and I have no idea who the woman on the right is....

I think I look like my Grandmother and I know I am "built" like her as she was "big boned " and tall.....

She also did a lot of sewing and crafting and earned money during the Depression by wall papering people's homes....

One more Thomas Kinkade Pink Lady...

And the last Tea Cup on this table with a luster finish....

  This one is a really pretty one....

I bought the hand made lamp shade on EBay about 25 years ago.....

I have several layers of linens on this round table.....

A round ivory tablecloth, topped with a rose colored smaller one and then a lace topper.....

 On the floor in front of the table....

 One of my Victorian dolls.....
 And a rocking horse that I bought in Dollar General after Christmas one year....

I planned on embellishing it but I have not decided exactly what I want to do with it yet....
 To the right of the table on a marble topped stand....

A vintage milk glass compote bowl.......

With a huge pink mercury glass ornament in it.....

 It is resting on a pink depression glass plate....
 I bought the hand made and hand dyed lace topper on EBay about 20 years ago.....

That stays up for Valentine's.....

 I may be looking for a small 5-6 ft. pencil thin Tree that would be easier for me to transport to and from my storage shed....


We will see....

The wall behind the Dining Room table.....

On the side of the large Home Interiors picture titled "May I Play".....

The gold and green vintage cherub plaques are Lefton......

The sconces are also Home Interiors.....

And on a Home Interiors shelf.....

In the photo, my maternal Grandmother is holding my Mother......

And vintage Demitasse Cup and Saucer.....

Another vintage Demitasse Cup set and a photo of my maternal Grandparents....

You can see I am definitely "built" like her!!!

In the corner by the Kitchen.....

On the other side of the picture.....

On the side of the Curio....

Joe gifted me this picture frame that he bought in Penney's many years ago....

The photo of the left is Joe's paternal Grandmother Helen in the center with 2 of her siblings, my maternal Grandmother Mary in the center and more Instant Relatives on the right....

A Home Interiors Victorian Lady figurine and aCcardinal that was gifted to me by my friend Anne Marie....

The curio is one of 3 that were my late neighbor Elly's.....

On the side of it , on another marble topped stand is my Funeral Basket that I decorate for every Holiday and Season.....

 I light it with led lighted branches.....
 A Thomas Kinkade Mother and Child figurine and a vintage card that my FB friend Annette sent to me when the Twins were born tat I framed.....
 And JOY is what I look for in every single day, even though some days it is harder to find than others lately........


On top of the Curio.....

A vintage scale with more Tea Cups displayed on it along with vintage busts that I bought for $1 a piece at a yard sale.....

Hanging on the scale is a beautiful hand made Tea Room sign gifted to me by my very talented FB friend Angela.....

A Victorian Heart that was gifted to me by a friend hangs on the faux window.....

 Various collectibles and pink depression glass are displayed in this Curio....

 My small collection of Lenox Butterfly Meadow dishes are displayed in the bottom part of this Curio....
 I did not want to be able to look into the pass through into the Kitchen so I created a faux window and used a piece of stained glass bought at a flea market.....
 On the cabinet that my Dad made for me to match the Dining Room furniture which was Joe's Maternal Grandmother Rose's.....


The vintage gold candle holders were bought in Salvation Army for $5 for the set.....

A vintage trinket box and another Home Interiors Victorian Lady.....

A vintage crystal compote bowl with a pink mercury glass holder........

A paper floral bouquet of flowers that my son Jim and DIL Danielle gifted me one Mother's Day......

One more vintage trinket box and Home Interiors Victorian Lady....

Above the doorway to the Kitchen on a shelf......

Are more Tea Cups and 2 Victorian tassel dolls.....

And that completes my Tour of the Dining Room decorated in a Tea Room theme for the Summer......

The Dining Room will stay like this until mid September when I decorate it for Halloween......

Hopefully, in my next post on THURSDAY, I will be starting my Tour of the Living Room decorated in my "Under the Sea" theme for Late Summer.....

As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, my family is dealing with a lot right now so we will see if I have the time to post this week.....

An old friend reached out to me recently and said that I always made Lemonade out of Lemons....

I am really trying very hard to do so this year as we lose family members and many friends are dealing with very serious health issues right now....

Thank You for your Grace and your Prayers in advance.....

 I hope you will stop by to visit again soon......   
 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, try to be HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:


    Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. You have some beautiful teacup sets. How lovely to sip some tea from them. It is pouring of rain today, it is so needed. Such sad news about your sister's husband, a sad time for all the family. Thoughts and hugs to all of you.

    1. Linda,
      Thanks for visiting again and for your kind words...The waiting is very hard on everyone right now....

  2. Your tea cups and decor are just lovely, Deb. Such a beautiful collection. Sending prayers to your family and hugs to you...

  3. It just all looks so pretty. You have some really lovely treasures. I really like your figurines of the Victorian ladies.
    I'm so sorry to hear of your brother-in-law and for your sister. Prayers of comfort to your family.

  4. Prayers for your sister and her family, and prayers of peace for your brother inlaw. The tea room is just beautiful - I love all the pinks and it is so dreamy and romantic. Lovely.

  5. I really love your garden bunch in the opening...great year for flowers, just not people. We have been dying of the heat and humidity here. Sharing grief with family and friends is always painful and helpful at the same time. Hugs, Sandi

  6. Prayers of comfort and peace for your brother-in-law. In my prayers for your sister and family.
    It was cooler today since rain yesterday. Still getting a headache from being outside a while and pollen is high I read.
    I love teacups and I have a saucer just like the pink and white one with the pink stripes you have but no cup. I just think they are so pretty.
    I think I will put up a shelf up high in dining area for my teacups. Too pretty to hide.
    Your little grand babies are so pretty. Those pretty eyes and hair. I used to love to stroll mine around the neighborhood and park. They are 10 and 12 now, time went by fast.

  7. I'm always ready for tea, and it's fun to see your pretty tea cups. It was tradition in the 1940s for friends to gift each other pretty tea cups. My Mother's collection was on a shelf in our living room. As a child I could admire them, but was not allowed to pick them up.

    1. Sarah,
      Thanks so much for stopping by!! Glad that you enjoyed seeing my tea cup collection. Yes, I am aware of that tradition about bringing a tea cup as a gift for a friend!! How lovely that must have been!! I hope you are enjoying your week!!
      Debbie-Dabble Blog

  8. Hi Debbie, I'll just pop over from Australia and enjoy a cup of tea using your beautiful china. I love your Victorian style decorating and the touches with the vintage photographs. Thanks for sharing with us at #WeekendTrafficJamReboot and have a lovely weekend. x

  9. Beautiful - perfect place for a "cuppa" and some relaxation. Prayers to you and your family.

  10. Debbie, I noticed that Joe's birthday would be in just three days (as I read this, it is August 14th)... My husband Charles' birthday is tomorrow. He catches up to me at 62 years. :) I'm glad you got to retire then, too, and I'm glad you had five years together in retirement, though I know it wasn't nearly long enough. When my dad died, he passed just a few days short of 6 months after he retired. That's all Mom and Dad had in theirs. Mom ended up with five dogs and I thought it was funny in a way that we were all replaced with dogs, lol! Because my dad was born in 1931, he had worked since he was 5 years old. He loved working outdoors building rock walls and just doing things like planting trees and such for my mom. He even bought a tractor to move snow (last home was in CT) and sand on the half-acre pond on their property.

    I wish Joe had had more time...But I guess God knew that Joe needed to come home. <3 Sorry... I've just watched a few episodes of The Chosen again and I've been weepy all evening after work. It's a catharsis and stress relief. End of Season 3 and the beginning of Season 4, if you've been watching you'll know right where I am. :) I'm sorry your sister will be losing her husband soon; so many losses. My best friend just lost her husband of 42 years in mid-July to Lewy bodies dementia. He lived 11 years with that disease, to which I believe God gave him more time. He was also my very first boyfriend in 9th to 10th grade, but I'm glad that he fell in love with Janet as they rode the school bus home each day as they were better suited for each other. :)

    On a happier note, I love your tea set and tea party! The statues are pretty, too, and I pinned a bunch (always do). Somehow this week's Share Your Style #436 has turned into a tea party. :) I love that you were gifted all those Victorian lamps ~ your friends DID know what they were doing. They gifted them to someone they knew would love them as they had. I've been thinking about gifting some of my china, as I know I was not feeling well all summer. I tested positive for some kind of auto-immune something (or maybe the Big C?): 1:180.

    It's not Lupus, nor Sjogrens though I have dry eyes (coming up on 2 years) and dry mouth (started this summer). Can I go to the local hospital if I can't get into see a gynecologist to check on an ovary?? My left one is really hurting this week and my appt isn't until December (no one is available, not enough gyns around here). My favorite urgent care doctor prodded me when I went in for a UIT and when I said it was sore (June) he said I needed to get it looked at. Any thoughts?

    Anyway, not the happy response I usually write, but it is from the heart as I think about the what-ifs. I am feeling better though I am really exhausted after school each day. The rheumatologist had the phlebotomist pull five vials of blood to look at more possibilities. We have Scleraderma on my mom's side and her older sister had polymyocitis. Maybe one of those? I looked at MS symptoms and ALS. Really hoping its not the latter.

    Okay, I'll head to bed and visit other folks this weekend. Big hugs to you and to your family. To your sister and her husband, I wish them the gift of time. <3

    Barb :)


I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!