
Saturday, August 3, 2024

Buys and Babies!





Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
Blogging has always been a stress reliever for me along with an avenue to share my passions which are my home and my garden.....
  Joe would want me to continue doing what I love to do so with that being said.....
I am going to start posting again on a regular schedule.....

I will be posting on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS....

And when I can, I will add a Saturday Snippets post on SATURDAYS... 

As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....
 Welcome to Saturday Snippets!!!
In my last post, I shared my Moss Rose China Collection, continuing the Tour of my my Dining Room decorated in a Tea Room theme for the Summer....




  Click HERE if you missed that post!!

 And now for a few Personal Notes...

In my last post, I shared some pictures of my identical Twin Grand daughters.....

And I am going to share more pictures of them in this post too!!

Last week, Jim and Danielle surprised me when they were out and about and took a walk up the hill to my house with the twins......

Gigi is in front and Lily was sleeping in the back at first....

We stayed on the side of the road in the shade......

They have fans clipped to the stroller to keep the girls cool......


After she woke up.....

 Lily has 2 bottom teeth!!

She also has 2 bottom teeth!!


Getting ready to walk back home....

And away they go.....

It was too hot to bring the pups with them......

Their visit made my day.....

I was asked in a comment on my previous post if I have been asked to babysit yet....

From the day the twins were born, Jim and Danielle have been the sole caretakers of them, never needing any help nor asking for any....

I offered to help out if needed but they wanted to do it all on their own....

They waited 5 years to become parents and are treasuring every minute.....

They work different shifts so they do not need baby sitters and even elect to work every weekend so they can have Tuesdays and Wednesdays off together....

And now that Joe has passed away, I do not think they want to leave me with 2 babies alone, at least not until they get older especially since the last time I cared for a baby was about 43 years ago.....

They do not want to impose on anyone....

I was the same way with my sons and hardly ever used babysitters as Joe and I also worked different shifts so we did not have to....

I even chose to send them to Nursery School in a Day Care Center for 3 mornings a week so I could get some sleep because I worked night shift over asking family to watch them...

Best thing I did as both my sons knew how to read before they even started Kindergarten and how to act around other children!!


Today, I was going to continue the Tour of my Dining Room decorated as a Tea Room for the Summer but I just did not have time to take the pictures and get the post done.....

So I am putting that one off until MONDAY!!

This past week I stripped down the Kitchen and redecorated it in my Apple and Sunflower theme for Late Summer/Early Fall.....


I will be sharing all of this at the end of August, beginning of September....

 I also cleaned out all the drawers and cupboards and donated some things to a local church's Flea Market which is coming up next Saturday and YES, I will definitely be going to it!!

I also cleaned out the drawers in the Hutch/Desk in the Kitchen and reclaimed it as mine as I swear Joe had things in every single drawer in this house!!!

All I have left to reclaim as mine is the roll top desk in my bedroom....

So let's get to my Haul....

Dollar Tree.....

I loved these branches, which will look great in Halloween arrangements!!

 I also liked these and will most likely be using them in a garland....

I was surprised that they had velvet like wired ribbon.....

 And I bought 2 of these rolls of Halloween Jack O Lantern ribbon......
This is perfect for my Kitchen now as it is decorated in an Apple theme.....
I want to point out how thick it is which is very Hobby lobby like....

But only $1.25

And I bought this red berry garland as I can use this year round for different Holidays, even the Patriotic Summer ones....

 I have been looking for several Dollar Tree Plus Halloween items and I guess I am getting like Joe was and made friends with the manager of one of the Dollar Tree stores that is right by me....
I have 2 within 5 minutes of me....
 She is telling me when the trucks come in and if what I am looking for is on the trucks...

They were featured in many "Shop with Me" You Tube Videos and are highly sought after as they have gone viral....
The Queen is my favorite "Shop with Me You Tuber and here is her video of Dollar Tree with the ceramic lighted trees I want along with the 3 items that resemble Johanna Parker designs.....

I did find this item this year after looking for it and it's matching wall art at Dollar Tree all last Season....

I wanted it for the Powder Room because of the pink flowers on it....
The Halloween Art signs are still not out in our Dollar Tree stores like they are in other parts of the Country....

We are a bit behind in just about everything here.....

I am still looking for the sign that goes with this piece....
I also bought these hanging candles that work with a remote for $5 in the Dollar Tree Plus section....

Not sure how and where I will use these yet.....
Or if I will even hang them when I do use them....

Big Lot's.....

I just loved this Halloween Skeleton Goblet's which were $9.99 each but I used a $5 off $15 coupon....

 I am looking for 2 actual Johanna Parker Halloween items that Big Lot's is selling in their $5 Spot section as I saw them on a "Shop with Me' You Tube Video....

Our Big Lot's is just starting to put out Halloween decor....


 Dollar General

Dollar General is now carrying a Dolly Parton line and I loved the apple Kitchen theme....

I bought this apple pot holder for $2.....

And I bought this for $5 to use as a riser...

And this little block for $1.....

They have not even started to put out any Fall or Halloween decor even though it is out in other areas of the Country.....

 And that is it for today's post....

 I hope you will stop by to visit again on MONDAY when I continue my Summer Tour of the Dining Room......  
 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:


    Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. Fantastic Dollartree purchases. It is great to know when things are coming in. I am thinking about getting my sunflowers out for the mantle. Probably about the middle of August. It is still hot and humid here, no rain at all so the ground is really getting rock hard. I am enjoying your Facebook page, don't always comment, but do read and Like them. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Linda,
      Thanks so much for stopping by!! Glad to hear you enjoy my FB page... I post more personal things on that page than I do here as many of my friends and family check in there rather than here on the blog.... We are supposed to have 6 days of temps. only in the 70's...I am looking forward to that!! Enjoy your week!!

  2. Since I’ll never have Grandchildren, your little granddaughters bring a smile on my face. I’ve accepted it but still enjoy seeing other’s grandchildren. I do have many grand nieces and nephews.
    Enjoy your weekend! God Bless

  3. Hi Debbie -- OMG, Gigi and Lili get cuter every day! I remember when I heard a little "clink" of the spoon against the first tooth my daughter had -- a thrilling moment!! I know you are enjoying them. Have a great day. Patty

  4. Those little darlings are way too cute for words! I love how identical they are, And their parents sound like they are doing all the right things. What a joy for you!

  5. Debbie - Your home and decorations are beautiful, but WOW - your granddaughters are adorable! So beautiful - and you are so blessed to have them in your life. Sounds like their parents are working hard to make life good. Take care and enjoy August!

  6. Aw, I bet that was such a nice surprise visit! You found some really cute apple decorations.

  7. The girls are so cute! Also, can't wait to see your fall and Halloween decor (though I'm still enjoying summer for as long as I can). Have a great weekend, and thank you for joining The Really Crafty Link Party!

  8. Oh my goodness... Gigi and Lily are adorable! Those eyes! I'm guessing that they bring you such joy! What a blessing, Debbie! You found some great purchases for fall... I love decorating with apples (September) and then pumpkins (October)! I'm not ready for fall yet, but I will be!!!

  9. Your grandaughters are so cute! I am looking forward to fall and putting out some decorations. That is the season (and Christmas) that I put the most out. And it is my favorite weather wise too.

  10. The babies are so cute and not so little anymore.
    Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 322. See you again next week at #323

  11. OMG those little ladies are growing so fast! Life looks pretty good at your house! Thanks for sharing with us at SSPS, we appreciate it.


I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!