
Monday, July 1, 2024

July 4th Front Porch and Flower Update, 2024






Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
Blogging has always been a stress reliever for me along with an avenue to share my passions which are my home and my garden.....
  Joe would want me to continue doing what I love to do so with that being said.....
I am going to start posting again on a regular schedule.....

I will be posting on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS....

And when I can, I will add a Saturday Snippets post on SATURDAYS... 

As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....

In my last post, I shared my Victorian Doll House, Nelson Crest, all decked out in her Patriotic finery....





 Click HERE if you missed that post!! 


 Thanks to Melynda, over at Scratch Made Food & DIY Homemade Household, for choosing my post, A Few New Buys and More Flowers, Saturday Snippets, as one of her features from last week's Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot Link Party!!

 Thanks again, Melynda!!!

And I also want to Thank Cheryl, over at Sew Can Do, for featuring my post, Summer Patriotic Tree and Hand Made Ornaments, from last week's Craftastic Monday Link Party!!!



Thanks so much, Cheryl!!!

Please stop by and link up to these wonderful parties!!!
And now for a few Personal Notes...

We will be celebrating the July 4th Holiday with our traditional Cook In on Tuesday as my son and DIL, Jim and Danielle, are off but working on the 4th of July....

I am so looking forward to seeing these Cuties who turned 6 months old on Saturday, the 29th....

 My identical twin grand daughters, Liliana and Gianna....

These sweet little faces just warm this Mimi's heart!!!

And not to leave my son Joey out , as he shares his birthday with the Twins, Uncle Joey is 42 1/2 years old now !!


To celebrate our Country's Independence, I decorated the Front Porch and Yard in Red, White and Blue....

I also will be sharing an update on how my flowers, that I planted in pots and flower boxes, are coming along so far this Season....

I haven't changed much in the way of the decorations from my Memorial Day Front Porch so I will not go into a lot of detail.....

The Marigolds are doing well out in the front where slugs or aphids or a combination of both are doing a number on mine out in the back.......

Last year, I made this and had it hanging in the center of the house in place of the black medallion.....

It is somewhere down my Storage Shed, which was always Joe's domain, and I have yet to come across it....

In the Fall, when it will be cooler, I need to do a lot of re-organizing down there so I am sure I will come across it....

Maybe by Labor Day I may locate it.....

I think this will be the last season for my red and blue deco mesh bows that I made as they are fading from the Sun....

I will be looking for new Patriotic ribbon to make bows with on Clearance after the 4th.....

Since I recently bought solid red colored cushions for the chairs, I decided to use the black side of the pillows and not the floral side when decorating for the 4th......

And I also added my solid red pillows ......

How it looked with the floral side of the pillows before I decorated for the 4th......

I am glad that I can change the look of the chairs....

Don't mind the broom handle as it stays out here all the time....

I could have sworn that I shared this new solar vintage style lantern that I bought at Gabes here on my Blog but in looking back at posts, I could not find it so I guess I just did so on Face Book.........

There were only 2 left so I bought one for me and gifted one to my friend Anne Marie.....

I love the 3 candles inside of it!!!

 I went back twice to see if they put anymore out but to no avail.....

I think it will look great in the Fall with Halloween decorations, don't you???

If anyone has come across solar lights like this, please let me know where in the comments....

Again, my marigolds are doing quite well......

Notice that I no longer have any pots on the sidewalk in front of the porch like I used to have for years.....
From 2 years ago....
Even though I had permission from the President of our HOA to do so, I bought those small flower boxes from Dollar Tree, which fit perfectly on the porch in front of the railing, to spite my neighbor, who you might remember, the Squirrel Feeder, that I had such trouble with for several years....

He made a point last year of telling me that pots on the sidewalks were against the Rules to which I promptly responded that I was well aware of that as I lived here much longer than he did.....

His attempt to get me to plant flowers in fewer pots out front failed because last year, I added even more pots than I usually had out in the front of the house to spite him.....

This year, I simply did not have the time nor the energy to even think about him.....

 And to think that in an altercation with him last year, he pointed out that he was diagnosed with a terminal disease.....

Well, I guess he was not the only one.....

The Flower Bed under the Living Room window.....

In the corner by the porch......

The 4 coleus that I planted in the flower box on the edge of the porch are starting to fill out nicely....

Once again, the marigolds are doing great and will hopefully continue to do so well into the Fall....

My experiment with stacking pots so far as worked out much better this year.....

What a difference from when I first planted them......

I am going to have to switch the back pot with the front one, as the coleus is not growing as fast as the front one, in an attempt to even them out....

Still....what a difference......

Last year, I planted marigolds in the top pots and they got lost when the impatiens started to grow.....

The coleus is working out a lot better......

The front flower bed that runs along the sidewalk on top of the slope.....


 The red begonias are filling in nicely in this black urn.....

As are the white impatiens in this red vintage watering can.....

My Park Bench....

I am really happy with how the flowers that I planted in these 3 pots on the Park Bench are growing!!!

I love the sound of the wind chimes that my nieces gifted to me.....

And again, the begonias are doing quite well.......

I will be keeping the front decorated like this until Monday, July 8th, as there are still a lot of July 4th celebrations going on the weekend after the 4th....

Then I will change it back over to my normal Summer decor until Labor Day....

I hope you enjoyed seeing an update on my flowers that I planted in the front of the house....

We have been getting quite a bit of rain in the form of storms so I have not had to do much watering.....

 In my next post on THURSDAY, I will sharing my annual Patriotic Home Tour for 2024!!
So I hope you will stop by to visit again on THURSDAY!!!! 

 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:


    Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. I can't believe that your sweet grandbabies are already 6 months old! They are adorable! Wishing you a wonderful 4th of July celebration with your family, Debbie!

  2. Everything has really grown. It looks really pretty! Even the twins! They are adorable! Looks like you are ready to celebrate the 4th! Have a great week!

  3. You are definitely ready for the fourth -- in all sizes! And cute twinlets, too! Happy Fourth!

  4. What a wonderful post Debbie. I have not been able to get here since right after the twins were born and my how they have grown. Please know how shocked and saddened I was when I saw that Joe has passed away. I am so sorry. You have done a beautiful job with the decorating in the red, white and blue as always. My red white and blue is still packed away. Flowers are gorgeous. George and I have both been busy and a lot of appointments going on. I am having new pacemaker put in Tuesday and have had to have all kinds of testing again. Trying to get house totally in order since they may be installing a third lead so left arm limited use. Have a cousin coming in end of the month or early next month. Have not seen her in over 20 years. Will be answering lots of the family history questions and helping her on a few stumbling blocks she is searching. Many hugs to you.

    1. Karan,
      Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words...I am still trying to find my way with out Joe and I know it will take time...Sounds like you will be busy...Enjoy!!
      Debbie-Dabble Blog

  5. I can not believe how big the girls are getting! They are so cute!! Your plants look beautiful and they have filled in so nicely. I love how your stacking pots turned out.

  6. Cute Kids and great flowers and red/white/blue! You definitely know how to celebrate. Have a great July! Sandi


I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!