
Saturday, June 1, 2024

Memorial Day Celebration & a Few New Things, Saturday Snippets, 2024







Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
Blogging has always been a stress reliever for me along with an avenue to share my passions which are my home and my garden.....
  Joe would want me to continue doing what I love to do so with that being said.....
I am going to start posting again on a regular schedule.....

I will be posting on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS....
And when I can, I will add a Saturday Snippets post on SATURDAYS... 

As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....
Today, I will be sharing our Memorial Day Celebration and a few new things....
In my last post, I shared how I decorated the Front Porch for this Summer....



  Click HERE if you missed that post!! 


 I want to THANK Barb, over at French Ethereal, from the bottom of my heart for featuring my post, A Celebration of Joe's Life, from last week's Share Your Style Link Party and for these sweet words that she wrote about it!!!

" With Memorial Day weekend just passed, I thought it was only fitting for me to end with Debbie’s post about her sweet husband Joe. I have featured Debbie’s home and garden many, many times here at SYS. Her husband was always in her photos as he was there encouraging her in her decorating. Joe helped Debbie with all the gardening chores plus moving things around for her. These two photographs share Joe Barna’s love of hockey and his faith, his love of God and family. Please stop by and visit Debbie at her blog, if you know Debbie Barna at all through her sweet blog from her home in Pennsylvania. My condolences to Debbie and her family as they go through this rough time…"

Thank you so much, Barb!!!
PLEASE stop by and link up to this wonderful party!!!

 And now for a few Personal Notes...

The TV that we had in the Living Room for the last 12+ years finally died....

 Last Saturday, I bought a new one at Best Buy and it was even on sale for Memorial Day....
I did buy a 5 year warranty for only $50.....
It fits nicely in the TV Entertainment Center that Joe bought 12+ years ago when he wanted a bigger TV than the 32 inch one we had just bought, which is now up in my bedroom.....

I gave him permission to buy one of those "ugly big black box" TV's as long as he found an entertainment center to put it in to mask all that blackness..... 

And as everyone knows, Joe was the ultimate shopper and found one!!
 I know he would be thrilled with the new TV and that it fits so perfectly in the entertainment center he found....

 It only cost a total of $370 with the extended warranty....

Less than my 32 inch TV's were 12 years ago....

Yes, my 3 major TV's were all the same age...
 If one of the 32 inch TV's dies, I will do some switching around as I do not need 5 TV's in the house....
 Last week, I received a package in the mail with this beautiful wind chime inside of it!!!

 And it was personalized.....
"Hear the wind and think of me

In your Heart I will always be

In Loving Memory of 


Husband, Father and G Pop

1954 -2024"

There was no card!!!

So I put out a post on FB asking who sent this heartfelt gift to me!!

My friend and former neighbor Lynn, who moved to Florida, called me to tell me it was her!!!!

 Lynn and I after my knee surgery.....
Lynn is one of our many honorary family members !!

Thanks so much, Lynn!!

I love it!!

My son Joey gifted me an Amazon Gift card for Mother's Day....

The wheel has been broken off my downstairs sweeper for a few weeks now and I kept putting it back on even though it kept falling off...

The sweeper worked fine but I was afraid that using it would scratch up my flooring....

So I ordered a new sweeper using the gift card.....

I did not want an expensive one and I have had Dirt Devil sweepers for many years and like them....

This one weighs only 9 pounds, is easy to use and has the attachments that I normally use....

And it really has great suction too and is perfect for rugs and flooring.....

I decided to keep my old one and use it upstairs where there is no flooring, all carpeting, as it still works well and has attachments...

I had a smaller Dirt Devil upstairs so I would not have to haul a sweeper up the steps all the time...

I was going to donate it to Salvation army but decided to keep it to use on the front porch and patio and as a spare in case the one with the broken wheel dies....

Thanks, Joey!!

Love the new sweeper!!

I shared the beautiful gifts that my son Jim and DIL Danielle gifted me for Mother's Day already but did not share these....

These gifts were delivered after Mother's Day so they brought them on Tuesday when we celebrated Memorial Day....

Written in the heart is.....

"Love is the piece that holds us together....MOM"

Joey, Jimmy and Danielle written on the puzzle pieces surrounding the heart....

And on this one....

" Love is the piece that holds us together...Grandma..."

And written on the surrounding puzzle pieces is Azumi, Faye, Gianna and Liliana!!

Jim, Danielle, Lily, Gigi, Faye and Azumi....I love them!!

We celebrated the Memorial Day Holiday on Tuesday with our traditional Cook In as Jim, Danielle and Joey were all off....

I set a very simple table....

Using Penguins glasses that Joe bought a few years back....

I made cheeseburgers on the Georgie and hot dogs on my Griller.....

Along with corn on the cob, potato salad and Mac N Cheese!
A confetti cake from Price Chopper and ice cream was dessert!!

Getting the Twins out of their car seat/carriers.....

Azumi photo bombing!!

Sweet girl.....

Danielle with Lily and Jim with Gigi....

Mimi holding Lily so Danielle could eat her corn on the cob....

I love their denim jumpers!!!!

After eating, we relaxed in the Living Room......

The Twins were tuckered out after all that celebrating!!

 Azumi is definitely Mama's pup......
 Faye had to get in on the act by being a little acrobat, climbing up on top of the sofa to lick Jim's head!!!
 Coming back down from the back....
This is the 2nd Holiday that we celebrated now missing Joe....

Faye has spent a lot more time on this ottoman both times than she normally did when here with Jim and Danielle.....
 Joe always sat in the chair that the ottoman is in front of and now I sit there....

She keeps coming over to give me kisses along with Joey.....

Makes me wonder if she too is missing her G Pop.....
I know though that He is with us and watching over us as his ashes in inside this beautiful clock that I placed inside of his great grandmother's hutch.....
 He knew that I would be bringing him back home to be with us and he was very happy about it....

Getting the Twins ready to go home.......

A thunderstorm cropped up and it was pouring so we waited inside until it stopped....
Faye and Azumi waiting patiently by the Twins.....

Joey and I take the pups out and Jim and Danielle each take one of the babies.....

Thank Goodness that they live right down the road because it is definitely a packed car!!!

I also want to share a few more pics of the Twins....

They tasted their first solid food .....


 I think the reviews are not good!!

And I just Love these pics of them looking at a book.....


I read to my sons from the day that I bought each one home from the hospital.....
The Twins turned 5 months old on the 29th!!!!

I am so grateful that Joe got to see them and to hold them.......

And as I told my son Jim.....

It will be these sweet babies that will bring us the joy and happiness we need in the wake of Joe's passing....

And it truly was a day filled with JOY!!!

In my next post on MONDAY, I will be sharing my front yard and a few new things bought last Season on Clearance.....

So I hope you will stop by to visit again on MONDAY!!!! 
 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:

    Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. Your Memorial Day table looks like lots of fun and what a great Mother's Day gift. Timing is everything and that was just right!

  2. Gosh, those little girls are sooo cute! Do their clothes come from Target? Enjoy your weekend and God bless you.

    1. PJ,
      Thanks again for visiting! I know the denim jumpers did come from Target but I think Danielle orders clothes from different sites...

  3. Quite the festive holiday decorations, looks like everyone has a great time!

  4. Deb, so glad you were together for the holiday with all the kids. The girls are sure growing and so cute. I know how special time spent with grands is. Looks like you had a good Memorial Day celebration. Your garden is so pretty. Glad you are doing well..xxoJudy

  5. Such a lovely thing for Barb to honour Joe in a post. What a lovely gift you got for Mothers Day. The grandgirls are adorable, and I love the one of them with the book. Being a retired teacher I know you can never start too reading books to them. Have a wonderful day. Stay strong.

    1. Linda,
      Thanks again for stopping by!! I read to my sons from the day I brought them home from the hospital....Glad to see that Danielle is doing the same....I hope you are having a good week!!

  6. The windchime is such a beautiful and thoughtful gift. Your Memorial Day festivities with the adorable twins look like so much fun! Thank you for sharing at You're the Star Blog Hop! -Marci @ Old Rock Farmhouse and Stone Cottage Adventures

  7. Precious, precious babies! I know they will bring you much joy!❤️

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by!! Yes, they will bring us all much joy and happiness!!

  8. Debbie, thanks for sharing your Memorial Day snippets at Vintage Charm. I know those sweet babies are a comfort during this time of grieving. Thinking of you!

  9. As always everything looks festive! I agree with you, I love the shot of the girls reading the little red hen! Have a great week ahead.

  10. It sounds like your family had a really wonderful memorial day celebration.

  11. Hi Debbie, it is so good to hear you are slowly getting back to blogging after the loss of Joe. The wind chime was such a thoughtful gift and everytime it tinkles you can think of your dear husband as being with you. The twins are adorable and with the support of family and friends you will continue on as Joe, I'm sure would have wanted. Thanks for sharing at #WeekendTrafficJamReboot and have a lovely week. x

  12. Debbie, such fun times with your family. The twins are so adorable. Your Mother's day gift is lovely. Your precious memories of Joe will always be in your heart. I am featuring your lovely post at Love Your Creativity, Hugs

  13. Debbie, I was so sorry to hear about Joe. I have always enjoyed hearing about the decorating projects he helped with. I love the teamwork you two had. Your tribute to him was beautiful. Great to see those adorable granddaughters pics - they are beautiful and so sweet. I especially loved the picture with the book, with Grandma and the 5 month pictures. Take Care, Patty


I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!