
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mid Summer Back Yard & Patio Update, Saturday Snippets







Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
Blogging has always been a stress reliever for me along with an avenue to share my passions which are my home and my garden.....
  Joe would want me to continue doing what I love to do so with that being said.....
I am going to start posting again on a regular schedule.....

I will be posting on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS....

And when I can, I will add a Saturday Snippets post on SATURDAYS... 

As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....
In my last post, I shared  a Mid Summer Flower Update on my Front Yard....



Along with an update on this flower bed....


 Click HERE if you missed that post!!


 And now for a few Personal Notes...

3 months and 10 days after Joe passed away, I FINALLY received payment from his pension for the first 16 days in April that Joe was alive!!  

 I am now officially DONE with the United States Postal Service and I Thank God that my sons will not have to deal with them when I pass away!!!

Other than waiting for copies from my Lawyer of my witnessed and notarized Will....

  Power of Attorney for Financial and Medical purposes


 and my Living Will documents.....


Which I will be giving a copy of to my family Physician and if I should ever need to be admitted to the hospital, it will need to be taken there and put into my medical chart.... 
I am now done with everything I had to take care of in the wake of Joe's passing...

No more appointments and having to run here and there to change acct.'s over to my name only and making numerous phone calls.....

Even though I knew most of what I needed to do as I did it twice before with both my parent's affairs when they passed, I did learn a few new things....

And with that in mind along with a few requests to do so, I hope to soon start a series of Blog Posts on "What a New Widow Needs to Know"

And that includes what a Wife needs to know before she becomes a Widow!!!

But my advice to you right now is do NOT be clueless about your financial affairs even if your husband/SO handles those.....


Today, for Saturday Snippets, I will be sharing my back yard Cottage Garden.....

You may remember that it looked like this with all the Missouri Primrose in bloom.....





I usually thin them out in the Spring but I did not get to do that this year....

When they stop blooming, I cut them all back and that was what I did.......

Let's start on the left side of my small Cottage Garden back yard.....

All the annual flowers are doing fairly well despite the disgusting Heat and Humidity that we have been having here in NEPA!!!!

Yes, it has been a struggle to keep them alive as we have had 3, yes 3, heat waves here this Summer in NEPA , so far....

This black eyed Susan, which is a perennial, is doing so well planted in a clay pot....

On the table, I had placed a pot inside of this large bird cage and planted impatiens in it.....

The hens and chicks are growing in this vintage strainer Gnome Garden.....

2 pots of impatiens doing well here and zinnias grown from seeds are growing in this pink pot!!!

These petunias are a bit worse for wear so I transplanted a piece of a coleus, clipped from one in the front yard, to help fill this pot in a bit....

In the yard by the arbor....

Impatiens planted in this vintage watering can

The loosestrife that I planted on each side of the arbor are finally growing larger this year so their purple flowers provide a nice contrast against the fence.....

In my previous post on the front yard, I mentioned that I moved the Fur Baby Memorial items that I had in the front yard ....

Adding them to my Fur Baby Memorial Garden here in the back yard

Cutting down the primrose left a lot of room in the garden so I moved some pots around to fill in those gaps....

The begonias in this pot are doing well...

This is a perennial that I bought in the Spring....

Hostas, Rose of Sharon Trees and Balloon flowers are all planted in containers....

The middle flower bed....

Hostas and columbine now remain in this flower bed....

A large loosestrife off the Patio.....

On the patio extension.....

I also added a coleus snip from the front to this pot of petunias on top of the chair,,,,,

In the pot on the ground, these were the only marigolds close to the back yard that were not chewed down to nothing by something!!!

On the other side.......

Since the marigolds in these 2 pots were gnawed down to nothing, I replaced them with coleus , again, propagated from plants out in the front yard.....

So far, these zinnias are doing okay as I kept spraying them with a mixture of Dawn dish washing liquid and water which is supposed to keep the aphid's away from them.....

The other side of the middle flower bed......

 I moved this vintage watering can over to this side of the flower bed....

The impatiens planted in it are flourishing.....

The sedum are getting ready to bloom for Late Summer but I need to prop them up a bit.....

The squirrels almost dug this poor impatien out of this vintage strainer but it has survived.....

The flower bed against the fence on the other side of the yard......

Again, the impatiens are doing well in the back yard.......

More Rose of Sharons planted in a pot.....

And again, I added more coleus to the 2 originally planted here as they were not doing as well as the ones in the front yard are.....

A begonia in this small pot.....

Pink petunias and marigolds are doing well in this vintage watering can!!

The Patio.....

Again, these coleus are not growing here as I thought they would.....

The impatiens are definitely the Stars of the back yard and patio.....

The zinnias are doing well in this pot.....

I finally found the solar Edison Lights that I was looking for and hung them on the awning....

I hung them with shower curtain hooks.....

On the other side of the Patio......

More begonias....

And more impatiens....

The only marigolds that are actually thriving.....

On the potting stand.....

A glimpse of some of the lighting at night.....

And with that, I will end this post......

I hope you enjoyed seeing my update on my flowers in the back yard and patio.....


In my next post, on MONDAY, I will begin sharing what my Dining Room looks like for the Summer decorated in a Tea Room theme....

So I hope you will stop by to visit again on MONDAY!!!  
 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:


    Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. Your back garden is very colourful. So glad that finally you got the payment from the post office. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Linda,
      Thanks so much for visiting and for taking he time to comment!!
      I hope you are enjoying your weekend!!
      Debbie-Dabble Blog

  2. Love all your colorful and beautiful! Since we moved to an apartment with a screen patio we do not get enough sun to have ANY live plants. I tried for a few years and they just withered. Luckily the community we live in has wonderful landscaping and workers that keep everything beautiful. I have moved onto faux plants...check it our on Glad you got everything settled with your husbands estate...wishing you peace.

  3. Gosh, you must have worked hard to keep all that blooming in this wretched heat this summer! There have been some scorchers. Your back gardens are just lovely!
    I think your series will be very helpful to others. I know my friends who are widows have shared things they have learned with me, but there is so much to put in place ahead of time for either spouse to make things happier for both the spouse who is left and the family. Thank you for doing this.

  4. All of your flowers are beautiful, Debbie, but those impatiens in the watering can are my favorite. I'm glad to hear you have everything settled. They certainly don't make it easy!

  5. Your series will be helpful. I handle the finances but I need to start preparing my husband if I should pass before him. We also need a will and all of that. Not fun but needs to be done.
    Boy all your flowers and patio look so pretty. A nice place to just sit and relax!

  6. I have been thinking about you Debbie, and thought I would pop over to see if you were back. I think you are right, Joe would want to see you happy and doing what you enjoy. Your yard looks so lovely, and that was so clever to use shower curtain rings! I am looking forward to your series, my husband and I need to get everything in order. I've been wanting to do it, and he puts it off, but when I got sick, I thought it was important because who knows what may happen. Hugs my friend, how can I sign up for your emails if you can let me know?

  7. You've got a green thumb for sure! Everything looks so vibrant despite the heat this summer.

  8. Debbie,
    Your yard looks incredible and so lovely. I know it is hard to get everything done when a spouse passes. We did our wills several years ago. Hubby is very organized and has all of the paper work in a folder.
    Hope things continue to go well.
    Prayers my friend.
    Congratulations, You are being featured on WWBH. I hope you stop by.

  9. Debbie, I just love your backyard patio! Just lovely.
    Visiting today from WTJRB #65,66&67.


I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!