
Thursday, June 6, 2024

Bright and Colorful Summer Back Patio, Part 1, 2024






Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
Blogging has always been a stress reliever for me along with an avenue to share my passions which are my home and my garden.....

   Joe would want me to continue doing what I love to do so with that being said.....

I am going to start posting again on a regular schedule.....

I will be posting on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS....

And when I can, I will add a Saturday Snippets post on SATURDAYS... 

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I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....
In my last post, I shared how my Front Yard looks this Summer and what I planted this year in my pots........





 Click HERE if you missed that post!! 


 And now for a few Personal Notes...

 Today would have been my parent's 82nd Wedding Anniversary!!

They were married on June 6th, which 2 years later would become known as D Day!!

My Dad was a Master Sargent in the United States Army during WWII.....


He, and his 4 brothers, were WWII Veterans who got to come home and have families and live their lives to the fullest....

 I am so proud to say that I am the daughter of a member of the "Greatest Generation" who fought in a War where , not only the Freedom of the United States depended upon winning, but the Freedom of the World, depended on it!!

They truly were the "Greatest Generation"!!!

I am continuing with the garden theme again with this post and will be sharing Part 1 of my back Patio.....

A few new things bought last year at the end of the Season at Big Lot's at 90% off....

Vine Curtain Lights.....

And this pretty Butterfly ball that lights up.....


Senior Safety Tip

I am proud that I managed to bring all of the garden art and patio decor up from our storage shed without any problems....

As a former Rehab Nurse, I went to several seminars about carrying and lifting things when you are a senior which I have practiced for many years....

I did not carry the full tubs up the 13 steps to our front sidewalk....

I emptied some things out in the car and carried only half a tub full and I went up the steps by placing the tub on the steps every 3 steps up so I was not carrying it up the steps the entire way.....

And when you are going to carry something like a tub down the steps, DO NOT GO DOWN THE STEPS FORWARD!!!

I learned that by going down backwards and again, placing the tub on the steps the way down reduces the risk of falling....

I have done this for years with laundry baskets, tubs with decorations, etc....

Did you ever see people who fall down the steps carrying something???

They end up with "raccoon" ( black and blue) eyes and facial fractures because they fall on their face!!

Going down backwards prevents this and makes you steadier when carrying something because it changes your center of gravity, giving you more stability.... 

And that was my Senior Lesson for the Day!!

I changed the furniture arrangement around a bit.....

My color theme for the back Patio is a bright and colorful Boho type of look....

 I have gone with this bright and colorful theme for a few years now because my back yard has a casual Cottage Garden feel to it and it is not a perfectly manicured garden as I did not want that sort of "stuffy' type of look.....

Today, l will be sharing this side of the Patio.....

I used to call this my side of the patio and the other side was Joe's side but in the last few years, Joe never really sat out here in the back Patio.....

He would sit out on the front porch for a bit but way preferred to be in the air conditioned house watching his hockey games rather than sit outside with me!

 I vowed not to spend as much on flowers as I usually did other years because it seemed that I spent all of last Summer watering them , trying to keep them from baking in the wicked heat and humidity that seems to be increasing each year here in Pa.!!

And with dew points most of last Summer registering Tropical, I spent most of the Summer in my air conditioned house looking out the window at my flowers...

I spent $44 on the flowers for the front porch and yard at a local greenhouse .....

These are the flowers that I had left over after I planted all my pots in the front of the house....

I used these and then bought these at Lowe's for $14 and planted them in the back yard and patio...

So my total this year for flowers was only $58 which is pale in comparison to the close to $200 that I spent last Summer....

I also planted some seeds so hopefully, I will not have to buy any more flowers..... 

Over in the corner.....

You can see where I hung the Vine Curtain lights and also the wind chime that was a gift from my former neighbor, Lynn.....

Don't look at the rocks in the pot that the dwarf Alberta Spruce is planted in as I still have to clean out those dried needles.....

I planted 2 impatiens in the pink pot and one begonia in the pot in the bike planter.....

See the garden frogs that I put out????

I guess my newest back yard resident felt right at home!!!

I watered this plant and then took a closer look and realized that that was not a clump of dirt!!

Meet Tony, the toad....

He has since burrowed himself into the soil and made himself quite comfortable.....

I again used colorful pots on this plant stand....

I planted a petunia in the top one and 2 impatiens in the middle one....

And 3 petunias in the bottom one.....

I planted a few marigold seeds in this pot that I made into a gnome house a few years ago.....

I bought that wicker like cone in Ocean State Job Lot years ago and added faux greenery to it....

Last year, I bought a few bright colored pots in Dollar Tree and this yellow one planted with 3 coleus was one of them......

I also bought 4 of these brightly colored Butterfly stakes in Dollar Tree....

This year, I decided to move the new table and chairs that I bought last year under the awning as they are metal and would be protected from the elements under the awning......

I do enjoy sitting here in the mornings with a cuppa brew!!

This year, I hung the metal Butterflies that I bought many years ago, also from Dollar Tree, in the corner of each of the windows....

I again used these wreaths, which I bought at a church flea market a long time ago, on the windows ...

This sign was gifted to me by my niece and great nieces when Joe passed way.....

To protect it from the elements, I hung it here.....

Above the candle holder that I placed 2 battery operated candles inside of......

I still need to hang something from the hook in the center...

New this year, I bought the 2 blue cushions for the chairs using a Crazy Deal gift card that I got for Free when I purchased a $100 gift card from Ocean State Job Lot....

So the cushions were actually FREE!!

Joe bought the pillows last year in Dollar General......

A clock/thermometer hangs about the table.....

I placed another candle from the set of 5 candles inside the yellow holder along with things that I have had and the new Butterfly Ball.....

I can turn the candles on with a remote......

You can see that I sort of went with a Butterfly theme in this area....

I use 2 older cushions on top of this vintage metal milk crate to create a foot stool.....

I have a fan in the window as I am trying to get away with not putting the air conditioner in that window as it sticks out so much.....

This is predicted to be the hottest Summer on record but since I do not sit out in the Den and watch much TV anymore, I am thinking that I will not need the air conditioner in the Den.....

Time will tell......

On the side of the back door.....

I made the chimes out of Dollar Tree pots several years ago....

A pathway stone that I repainted and hung is under the chimes.....

I planted 2 impatiens in this pot.....

And 4 zinnias in this larger pot.....

Hopefully, since they are on the Patio, they will not be eaten up by insects like the ones that I planted out in the yard were last year.....

I really do enjoy also sitting out here by the table with my lap top as I never ever use my cell phone for internet access....

And again, I used outdoor mats bought at Ocean State Job Lot on the concrete that my Dad put in over 40 years ago.....

And now we will move across to the area I added to the Patio that I laid myself ( yes, MYSELF) with pavers.....

This is where I had the table and chairs last year....

Like I said, I switched things around this year.....

This year, I set up one of the resin wicker like adirondack chairs with the matching table, that we bought a few years ago in Wegman's, here......

These will hold up better in the Sun and elements during the Summer......

I have a small round metal table on this side.....

I hung the red cardinal wind chime that I bought after my nephew John passed away almost 5 years ago here....

I planted 2 zinnias and a few marigold seeds in this pot.....

And zinnia seeds in this one.....

I placed one of a set of 2 Firefly lights that I also bought at Ocean State Job Lot in this pot....

I did plant one petunia and a bunch of marigold seeds in this colorful pot that I placed on top of the wrought iron chair, using it like a plant stand......

And I also planted zinnia seeds in this pot.....

 And here is where I will leave off for this post......
I will continue sharing the back Patio in MONDAY'S post.....
But in my next post on SATURDAY, I will be returning for Saturday Snippets with a look at how the front of my house looks in the evening......
So I hope you will stop by to visit again on SATURDAY for Saturday Snippets!!!!!  
 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:

    Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. Good morning, Debbie -- Your garden certainly does have a bright Boho look -- hope all your plants do well. And welcome Tony the toad -- I had two lizards on my patio I named Larry and Lauren!! I can't quite feature walking down a flight of stairs backwards, carrying a basket or tub -- seems that it would be easy to misstep. Enjoy your patio and your morning cuppa!! Patty

  2. Look at those adorable babies, so intently looking at that book. What a joy they must be to you! I am also a daughter of the greatest generation. My dad was a waist gunner in a B17 in the European theater. What a lovely picture of your mom and day...

  3. I use exactly the way you said for carrying things up and down the stairs, been carrying my laundry that way for a few years. I also find it much easier to go down the deck stairs backwards as they are a little deeper than usual stairs, a bit slower but certainly safer for me. Your back patio looks so inviting, a lovely spot to sit and enjoy a glass of lemonade. We had 5 cm of rain overnight and this morning! That is almost 2 inches of rain the way you measure. I won't have to water the garden for a few days now. Look after your self.

    1. Linda,
      When you carry something in front of you when walking forward down stairs, all the weight is in front of you, pulling you forward and if you trip, your body will follow where the most weight is located which is forward...I took care of many patients who fell down their stairs carrying their laundry baskets and ended up with fractured eye orbits, noses , cheek bones and arms because they fell on their face and put out their arms to stop the fall..When you are going backwards, if you trip, the worst you will do is fall on the step in front of you which will most likely no cause any injury...They teach you to go backwards in seminars given by Physical therapists who deal with stability issues in Seniors for a living...And this also allows you to use the steps to support the weight of what you are carrying...If I did not use this when my knee was so bad, I would have never been able to carry anything down our stairs because I was very unstable because of the pain and I know I would have fallen and definitely broken something....Glad to hear that you are taking your safety seriously!!!Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you have a great weekend!!!

  4. Your blue umbrella reminded me of ours at our lake place. More than once we would open it up to see that a bat had taken residence in there overnight. Now, that will make you jump! My dad too was in the service in the 40's. You are right about that being the greatest generation.

  5. I am so careful carrying anything and especially on stairs. I agree , backwards is best going down and resting the box on the stairs is good too. I just love the butterfly plaque gifted by your niece and great nieces. What a lovely saying and remembrance.

  6. Your story is touching and inspiring. Retirement sounds like it was a precious time with Joe. Love the quote and your spirit of trying new things! Thanks for sharing your journey and passion.

  7. Hi Debbie - I love how bright and cheerful your yard is looking - and good on you for managing to do it all yourself (I'm sure it's hard when all the lifting and hauling becomes your job). I also loved the pic of the twins at the top of your blog - they're growing SO fast! I bet they're an absolute delight and keep your heart happy during this difficult time while you adjust to your new normal. Sending you lots of love from Western Australia - and thanks for sharing your sunshine as we head into a rainy winter season. :)

  8. I love your new cover photo on the banner! Cutest twins! And yuor patio is looking wonderful. Well done -- I know that takes a lot of work. I also loved seeing the photos of your parents. I have long since given up taking big boxes down the stairs. I put things in totebags and bring them up. It takes a little more time but I feel a lot safer!

  9. Good tips on carrying things down stairs! You've created such a fun and summery space. Happy anniversary to your parents, too. Visiting from Senior Salon Pit Stop.

    1. Jennifer,
      I went to your blog and wanted to leave a comment on your gift for your Mom for Mother's Day...What a heartfelt gift of restored pictures!! Thanks so much for visiting...I hope you are having a great week!!

  10. It looks wonderful! And such great tips about carrying things up and down the stairs.

  11. I love to see this. In the UK, we get to sit outside in the evening about 5 days before it gets cold again. It is lovely to se there are places where evenings are balmy and it is worth spending time and money on an outside space. Guys, don't move to England!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by!! And thanks for the kind comment!!
      Debbie-Dabble Blog

  12. I love it! Summer is my favorite season and you're sure ready for it.

  13. Your back porch is such a welcoming space! I love the vibrant colors you've chosen. Tony looks like he feels right at home! Thank you for sharing your fun posts at Tuesdays with a Twist and You're the Star Blog Hop - Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures and Old Rock Farmhouse


I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!