
Thursday, May 9, 2024

Spring Back Yard & Patio Clean Up , 2024






 Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!! 

Blogging has always been a stress reliever for me along with an avenue to share my passions which are my home and my garden.....
  Joe would want me to continue doing what I love to do so with that being said.....
I am going to start posting again on a regular schedule.....

I will be posting on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS....
As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....

 In my last post, I shared how my front yard looks this Spring.......






Click HERE if you missed that post!!
Many THANKS to Linda, over at Life and Linda, for choosing my post, 5 WEEKS, as one of her features from last week's Love your Creativity Link Party!! 

 "Our hearts go out to Debbie who recently lost her dear husband Joe to cancer."
Thanks so much for the feature and for your kind words!!!, Linda!!!

Please stop by and link up to this charming party!!!!

And now for a few Personal Notes...

I finally packed away all of Easter from the inside of the house.....

 It felt good to have a sense of "normal" and do what I always do and love to do.....

I have changed the Kitchen over to my Summer Hens, Roos and Bees theme....

I have also cleaned the Living Room but I will not decorate for the Patriotic Summer Holidays for at least another week or so.....

Let's just say that I made a few changes for when I bring my Angel home...

I will be sharing more on that next week....

Last Christmas, I gifted my niece Renae a glass bird bath with red cardinals painted on it....

Renae and my great nieces Cortney, Caitlin and Carly removed a bush that had died and decided to place the bird bath "Front and center for all to see, for Uncle Joe"!

 Renae and the girls are also mourning Joe's passing and took it really hard....

Please keep them in your prayers too!!!!

 If you are not familiar with the sayings about seeing a red cardinal.....

Funny thing is that when I was cleaning up the back yard and patio , a red cardinal landed on the fence and watched me for quite some time.....

I like to think that it was Joe, supervising like he always did....


My great niece Caitlin also shared a picture taken at her high school graduation last year that I never saw before in a post she did on FB about Joe's passing....

I love this picture!!!

I want to THANK ALL OF YOU who emailed me, messaged me on FB, send cards of condolences and lifted me up in your prayers and supported me with your positive vibes and well wishes in the wake of Joe's passing!!!!

It has meant so much to me and to my family......




 I do want to wish everyone a very Happy Mother's Day!!!!


And also to these Mother's.....

 My sons Jim and Joey, DIL  Danielle and now my twin grand daughters, Liliana and Gianna, are the most important people in my life and are and will always be the Loves of My Life!!

 A very Happy First Mother's Day to my beautiful DIL Danielle!!
 We will be celebrating Mother's Day on Tuesday evening because Jim and Danielle are now back to work, working opposite shifts....

They chose to work every weekend in order to have every Tuesday and Wednesday off together....
So except for the Holidays when they are off ( Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter), we will be celebrating Holidays and special occasions on Tuesday or Wednesdays any more.....

Speaking of the Twins, I am sure my son Jim bought these pacifiers for them!!!
 Notice how they always reach for each other to hold hands....

I just had to share this picture of little Faye, my grand pup, inside of Danielle's Pillow Case!!!

So sweet....
I miss seeing the pups on a daily basis...
I am not taking them out in the mornings because with them working opposite shifts, they do not need me to do so....
Lots of changes this year....


For today's post, I decided to share some of the work I did manage to do in the back yard and patio last week.....

 I still need to bring up all the garden and patio/porch decor for the front and back yards from our Storage Shed....

I wanted to get Easter put away first....

This is what the back Patio looked like in the Fall.....

And when we covered everything with traps to protect it all from the Winter elements.....

Last week, I took the traps off and rearanged the patio furniture, swept a TON of leaves and dirt and moved all the flower pots around.....

Please bare in mind I need to get the rugs, cushions and pillows up from our Storage Shed.....

I decided to move the new table and chairs that I bought last year under the awning so that they are not exposed to the rain and sun.....

And I moved the resin chair and table over to this area of the patio where a patio umbrella will go....

The bistro chair with the flower pot was always by the back door against the house....

I actually ended up moving it again to this side of the Patio next to the storage trunk....

And placed the two white wrought iron chairs on each side of the walkway to the back yard.....

The fountain, then bird bath then planted with flowers that I had here under the arbor bit the dust as the bowl fell apart when I tried to move it....

So I placed this column with a Sun dial on it under the arbor....

Gazing balls will go on each side of the arbor.....

My Fur Baby Memory Garden.....

I raked up the mulch to freshen it up and put Preen down to help block the weeds from growing...

You can see that I also have to put the glass rain gauge out into it's holder.....

 The yellow blooming perennials are supposedly called "Bonfire" Spurge....
 They reseeded themselves from a neighbor's yard in the front of my house and last year, I transplanted one here in the back yard....

 I transplanted a hosta into the coal bucket as I am going to try to cut down on the amount of annuals I buy....

I also trimmed the bush on the right side of the gate....

The Columbine is now in full bloom....

These reseed themselves like crazy.....

The red leafed tree looks great when the Sun hits it in the evening hours....

I put all the Winter snow shovels, snow brooms and ice picks in the shed...

I swept a TON of leaves off the walkways.....

I won't even buy the flowers to plant in all the pots until the week before Memorial Day as we can still see frost up until then...

It took me 2 days to clean everything up.....

My lilac tree is also in bloom....

 And the purple and white azaleas in the front yard are now close to full bloom....

We are supposed to have cooler temps. and rain this weekend but I do hope that I can bring up the garden and patio/porch decor up from our storage shed to finish these areas up for the Summer....
When packing it all away in the Fall last year, I did weed out a few things that were looking a little worse for wear....
And I know some of you will be thrilled to hear that I have actually taken 4 large garbage bags of things and some of my clothes to Salvation Army.... 

I will also be passing on the chain saw Joe bought to trim our lilac tree along with the blower/vacuum that we used to pick up the leaves in the back yard this past Fall, to my niece Renae as they will be lighter and easier for her to use then the gas ones that she has...

Slowly, I will be going through the whole house and purging a few things....

Notice I said "slowly' and a "few" things.....

In my next post on MONDAY, I hope to begin to share my Early Summer Kitchen, decorated with Hens and Roos and Bees!!.....

So I hope you will stop by to visit again on MONDAY!!!  
 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:

    Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. Hi Debbie -- It's so good that you are moving forward. Today would be my late husband's 92nd birthday -- he's been gone almost 25 years and I still miss him so much. As always, your flowers are spectacular -- I love lilacs. Good idea to cut back on the annuals -- perennials and shrubs are the way to go. Enjoy your home, garden and family -- the twins get cuter every day!! With all best wishes, Patty

    1. Patty,
      Thanks so much for stopping by...I hope you have a lovely Mother's Day weekend!!
      Debbie-Dabble Blog

  2. When my kids were smaller my husband worked weekends. I like having Thursday and Friday off - I could run errands when offices were open and grocery stores weren't as crowded. We moved holidays to Friday. - even Easter Friday because Easter Sunday is not a holiday on the railroad. It worked out fine and we celebrated with our own little family. I think Jim and Danielle are just super parents. And I will probably keep laughing until bedtime about those pacifiers.
    Your yard is really shaping out nice. It's so hard to hold off on plants for the weather, but I have seen enough May frosts here to know what's best, too. I admire how well you are doing, my friend. I do think I just heard Joe laughing from heaven at those pacifiers!!!!

  3. You have been busy outside and in. Your garden is beginning to look lovely. We are just a bit slower than you, columbine and bleeding hearts are ready to bloom, but the trilliums are out. Take care.

    1. Linda,
      Thanks so much for stopping by!! It is good for me to keep busy especially now that I am trying to find a new normal...I hope you have a great weekend!!
      Debbie-Dabble Blog

  4. Your yard looks great. It is always a lot of work after winter to clean up. You did a great job and now you are ready for Summer! We clean up at end of March here. Summer starts much earlier then there. Tomorrow will be 90 degrees! I am not ready for the heat of summer months! Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers!

  5. You amaze me Debbie. Even through your sorrow, you are a blessing. I can't believe all you've already done to your gardens. Both the front and back look amazing! And the photos of those grandbabies are precious. I love that they reach for each other and hold hands. Big hugs and I hope your Mother's Day is filled with happiness.

  6. It looks lovely, Debbie. Happy Mother's Day! (And Grandma, too!)

  7. Debbie, you've done a great job with cleaning up your yard. I know it will look beautiful with all of your flowers and everything. I hope you had a nice Mother's day.

  8. Your yard is looking great; it's a chore I tackled earlier this week too. Those moustache pacifiers are hilarious! I hope you had a wonderful mother's day celebration with Danielle!


I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!