
Thursday, March 5, 2020

My Word of the Month for March, SPRING!!!!

Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!
I am so happy you decided to stop by!!

Well. it is already March 5th so I thought that I would share what my Word of the Month for March is......



 That is what my Word of the Month for March is.......

But first, I want to Thank Cecelia, over at My Thrift Store Addiction, for choosing my post, Winter/Valentine's Get Together's, as one of her feature's for the 222nd Vintage Charm Party!!
  Even though Cecelia chose the post for the dishes, ironically it is the post where I mentioned the importance of Angel Number 222 to me and it is her 222nd Linky Party!!!! Crazy, huh????
Thanks so much, Cecelia!!

Please stop by and link up to this lovely party!!

You may remember that instead of choosing a Word for the Year like I have for the past few years, I decided to go with a Theme for the Year and my theme is POSITIVITY for 2020.......
I needed to be POSITIVE after the very NEGATIVE year I had in 2019......

So far, so good with the Positivity.....

In February, my Word of the Month was CONTEMPLATE.......
I used the month of February to CONTEMPLATE what I was going to do in my Retirement......

And I made lists.......
Lists of Projects that I wanted to do.....

Lists of Crafts that I want to do......

Lists of Places and Events that I want to go to......

Lists of New Things that I want to learn...

Lists of Books, Movies and Podcasts that I want to enjoy.....

And so much more......

February was a nice month where I got to dream, reflect and do a bit of entertaining, spending time with family and friends!!

But now that February is over and March is here........

It is time to SPRING into Action!!!!
March 1st is considered the beginning of Meteorological Spring........

But Astronomical Spring of 2020 in Northern Hemisphere will begin on Thursday, March 19th
 and ends on Saturday, June 20

This coming weekend, on Sunday March 8th, we set our clocks ahead one hour for Daylight Savings Time.......
 So you see, March is all about SPRING!!!!

BUT I am choosing the word SPRING, not as a noun but as a verb!!!!
verb (used without object), sprang or, often, sprung; sprung; spring·ing.

to rise, leap, move, or act suddenly and swiftly, as by a sudden dart or thrust forward or outward, or being suddenly released from a coiled or constrained position: to spring into the air

to be released from a constrained position, as by resilient or elastic force or from the action of a spring

So instead of just SPRINGING ahead an hour.....
 I plan on SPRINGING FORWARD.......
And SPRINGING into Action.......
 spring into action.

 To begin doing something or become active suddenly and very quickly. 
 In January, my Word of the Month was PRODUCTIVITY.....
And I was very PRODUCTIVE with changing over most of my Christmas decorations to Winter and Valentine's decorations and packing some away......

The last week of February, I SPRUNG into action and have already packed away Winter decorations in the Den, returning it to my "normal" decor ........
 I even re-decorated Nelson Crest for Easter......
 But that will be another post.....

And I decorated the Den China Cupboard for St. Patrick's Day.....
 Click HERE and HERE to see the posts on my St. Patrick's Day decorations......

I also changed over the Powder Room from Winter Wonderland with a touch of Valentine's.....
 Back to my "Elegant Lady" Powder Room in the beginning of March.....
This is also will be sharing in another post.......

And I have managed to take down and pack away all the Valentine's Day decorations in the Kitchen, Dining Room and Living Room......

Joe and I had a bit of fun when I wrapped up the 7 foot pencil Tree from the Dining Room to take down our storage shed......
 For years, I have used a body or morgue bag to wrap up the Trees from the Living Room and Dining Room but since I am keeping the Tree in the Living Room up year round, I only needed to wrap up the Tree from the Dining Room.....
 It fits perfectly in a body or morgue bag and we always joke that the neighbors will think he is disposing of my body!!

 One year, he stopped at the drive through at Burger King with both our LR and DR trees wrapped in body bags in the back of the car when he was bringing them home so I could decorate for Christmas and then laughed all the way home when he got a funny look from the girl at the window!!!

 Thought maybe the cops would be showing up at our house!!!

 I think that is a serial killer look on Joe's face!!!!
I think rigor mortis must have set in because the "body" is standing straight up!!!

 I was on the front porch laughing hysterically as Joe was pretending to bash me in the head!!  LOL!!
 I think our neighbors must think that we are insane!!!!
 One reason why we have an SUV is to be able to move my decorations back and forth from our storage shed which is only 5 minutes away....
  I will be starting to decorate for Easter which I am really looking forward to since I did not get to do so last year because of my Knee Replacement Surgery......

With the beginning of Spring, there is lots to be done....

Like changing the curtains and drapes in the Living Room.....
 I bought new drapes that I want to use with my peach lace curtains for the Summer.....

And I will be making valances out of the 3rd pair.....

 And also changing the pillows and throws....I bought new ones too....
I will also be changing over all my linens in the Living Room to lace from the gold chenille topper, runners and tablecloth that I have used since the Fall...

Since we have been having unseasonably warm weather, it is also time to take down the outside Winter decorations , clean up the front porch and bring back the furniture for the porch from our storage shed so maybe we can start to sit out there.....
 In a previous post, I shared how our front porch looked throughout the year......

Early Summer......
Late Summer.....
And Winter.....
 Click HERE if you missed that post......

And then there is the back yard......

This is how it looked last weekend after a snow squall came through the area.......
A lot of work is needed to be done out there!!!

So you get the picture.....

There is lots to do in the SPRING and I need to SPRING into action to get it all done......
I will keep you posted on my progress.....
What are your plans for March????

As for how I am adjusting to Retirement so far.......

Here is the answer to that......


  1. I am so excited the time change is coming. I love daylight time and longer days. And I'm very ready for spring. We are getting an early taste of it; who knows if it will last. But it's a good reminder that it is on its way eventually!

  2. Thanks for reminding me about the time change, Deb. I swear this Spring Fever is really doing a number on me. Wait, didn't we just set the clocks back??! Where is the time going? Gotta love your serial killer hubby and his body bag. Too funny!
    You should lay low for a few days and really freak your neighbors out..Happy Thursday..xxoJudy

  3. I wish the time would not be changed. It's light way too early in the evening and it does a number on me and the grands because they are going to the bus in the dark. It's not needed anymore. It's light enough late already now.
    I love the body bag picture of Joe. I laughed when I first saw him staring at it. Soooo funny!
    You may think this is crazy but.... I want snow. we didn't get any this year.

  4. Warm days will be coming soon. Happy weekend to you.

  5. It's has been a crazy Winter, but I'm not complaining...

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by!! I could not find where else to respond to your comment so I am doing so here...

  6. Thanks for the shout-out, Debbie! What a fun post! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!


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If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!