
Monday, March 16, 2020

A Little Bit More Easter in the Living Room

Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!
I am so happy you decided to stop by!!

I don't even know what to say about the state of our Country....Our world.......

I think many of us are in disbelief over everything that has happened over the last few days and how rapidly our everyday routines are changing.......

I am used to being the one in my family who was exposed to all kinds of things like MRSA, VRE, C DIFF, Flu , Norovirus, Scabbies, Lice, Bed Bugs, etc

Now, I am the one who is concerned about the well being of members of my family, who are out there in the Retail World, exposing themselves, working to provide the Essentials needed for the General Public....

Joe does not have to work in his Retirement but he is choosing to continue to work at Wegman's, which is a Grocery Store, even agreeing to work longer hours, to help out in this crisis....
 Here he is, thrilled, that he was able to buy Toilet paper!!

My son Jim and Daughter-in-law Danielle, both work at Target with my son unloading the trucks that are bringing supplies in and both of them are stocking the shelves so the public can purchase what they need....
My older son, Joe, will be able to work from home......
 Other members of my family are in Healthcare and are First Responders...

So please be kind to those people who are simply doing their jobs to maintain some degree of nornalcy for the American Public and maybe even THANK them for doing so!!!

As for myself, I am not worried because a long time ago, I decided that What is meant to be, will be.....

And honestly, I have been "social distancing" since I stopped working....

You may be shocked to learn that for the last year or so, I usually only leave the house about once a week!

I enjoy FINALLY being able to stay home and actually have no desire to leave it.....

I am sure you all have concerns about yourselves and your family and friends....

I recently saw this posted on Face Book and it really struck a chord with me so I thought I would share......

"Dear Families,
What a surreal week we have had. Yesterday we learned that our kids will be home for the next month. The activities we traditionally rely on to keep them busy -- vacations, excursions to the movies or stores, parties and sleepovers, sporting events and museums -- all seem now to be counter to our charge as responsible community members: to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. We are navigating uncharted territory.
How do we parent our children through this difficult time? I hope, as these days unfold, that this can be a time for us all to slow things down and rediscover family; a time to nest and connect at home. A time to make blanket forts and silly videos and art projects and messes in the kitchen. A chance to listen or dance to music, to learn a new language or read books and talk about them, to redecorate or paint or reorganize or create or make up songs on an instrument. An opportunity to watch movies or take photographs, to write stories or letters to relatives or friends. It's a chance to play -- with toys and Legos and board games and cards, and with siblings or parents. There will be arguments, there will be tears, and there will be too many video games. There will also be unexpected joys.
Given the beautiful weather in store for us, it is a time to spend time in the yard, to become better at pitching or catching or throwing, to dig in the dirt, to sketch the flowers, to master that bike or that skateboard or that scooter. It can be a lesson in yard work or mowing the lawn. A chance to discover bugs or shapes in the clouds. But it is also OK for this to be a lesson in boredom, in daydreaming, in wandering and wondering and spending idle time.
The world has just pressed the pause button on our school year. Let's take the opportunity to hold space for the pause. To cherish our loved ones, to express gratitude for what we have, and to do our part to spread kindness by not spreading germs, helping our world outlast this outbreak. I pray your families remain healthy and that we all feel a little more grounded and whole when we come back together again. I hope this surreal month can become a fond memory in the life of your family."

The author's name was not posted....

But I do think this may be a good time for all of us to hit the PAUSE button....

And because of that and being put in sensory overload by the Media and all the misrepresentations on Social Media , I am choosing to continue to Blog the way I always have, sharing my passion which is my home...

I blog for fun.....

When I was working, it was my stress reliever and so it will be now .....

I hope what I share here will be a pleasant alternative to what is going on around us and  I hope you find a little comfort when you visit here.....

In my previous posts, I have been sharing my Easter decorations in the Living Room.......

I started with my Easter Tree......
 Click HERE if you missed it......

And I also shared the top of the TV Entertainment Center, where I have set up an Easter Bunny Village and a small Easter Tree........
Click HERE if you missed that post.....

Today, I will be showing the rest of my Easter decorations in the Living Room......

But first, I want to Thank Roseann, over at This Auto Immune Life and Donna, Ali Rose and Staci, over at Two Chicks and a Mom, for choosing my post, St. Patrick's Day Tree and More, as one of their features from last week's Snickerdoodle Create, Bake and Make Linky Party!!
 Thanks so much, Roseann, Donna, Ali Rose and Staci!!

Please stop by and link up to this lovely party!!

I have decorated the Living Room with a few more Easter decorations......
 This cute Easter Bunny hung on the front door.....
I like to decorate the top of the Hutch in the Living Room for different Holidays.....
Last year, I bought these Bunnies at a church Flea Market......
I thought they would be perfect here.....
The wooden Easter signs came from the Christmas Tree Shop years ago.....
Gold butterflies are clipped to the greenery on the antique mantel mirror and a cute Easter plaque hangs in the middle of the hutch......
Angels, crystal and depression glass fill the inside of the hutch......
On the stairs......
Aqua and purple deco mesh bows and eggs decorate the lanterns......
What you see when you walk in the front door......
I made this wreath several years ago and must have sold about 30 of them at work that year!!
This sweet Bunny was gifted to me by my Mother many years ago.....
The corner by the stairs......
The vintage chair that I like to decorate for different Seasons and Holidays......
My Mother also gifted me this Easter basket which was made and sold to her by a co worker about 35 years ago!!
I filled the basket with an Easter Bunny and eggs........
I can't remember where I bought those darling pink carrots....
I did buy the vintage styled eggs at Michael's......
Underneath the chair.....
My dear friend, Anne Marie, recently gifted me this pretty Bunny!!!
I love it!!
I also decorated my LED branch Tree.......
Styrofoam colored eggs bought at Dollar Tree.....
I placed the Tree in a bowl that I filled with eggs......
On top of my vintage styled stereo system........
I added a few Easter items to an existing display.....
Over in the corner by the Dining Room......
Again, a few Easter goodies added.......
I filled a vintage ceramic lamb pulling a cart with eggs that I decoupaged many years ago.....
Before I go further, for the Spring and Summer, I changed out my gold chenille linens that I used for the Fall and Winter for peach lace ones......
My new aqua drapes and my Easter cross, hung on my faux window......
On the side of the TV Entertainment Center, is my vintage table.........
On the table by the front door.....
 This picture is from 2018......
See the ruffled lace inserts in the middle of both windows??????

The peach lace topper for this table was created by using those 2 curtain inserts......
 I simply placed them together on the table, one in the front and one in the back....
By the front door is a marble topped stand.....
I filled the botton of the hurricane candle holder with eggs......
A vintage dressed Easter Bunny couple!
Down the hallway to the Kitchen and Powder Room......
On the mirror between the coat closet and the Powder Room door.......
A wreath that I made.......
I found a cross bought at Dollar Tree a few years ago in my stash that I added flowers to the center of and then added it to the center of this wreath.....
Hanging beneath it is another hand crafted item that my Mother gifted to me many years ago......
And we reach the end of my Living Room Easter decorations......

In my next post, I will be sharing my Easter Buffet in the Dining Room......
Stay safe and happy!!

 And I hope you will stop by to visit again soon!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:

Inspire Me Monday
Love Your Creativity Link Party
Busy Monday
Ducks in a Row Wonderful Wednesdays Blog Hop
Party in Your PJ's
Waste Not Wednesday

Vintage Charm
Home and Garden Party Thursday
Share Your Style Thursday Link Up Party
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 
Grace at Home Party
Encouraging Hearts and Home Party

Friday Features Linky Party
Friday Favorites
Home Matters Linky Party
Flaunt It Fridays
 Funtastic Friday
Farmhouse Friday

Saturday Sparks
Pink Saturday-Anything Goes!!
Best of the Weekend Party

Snickerdoodle Sunday
Silver Pennies Sunday
Happiness is Homemade Linky Party

Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. Awe...loving all of your Easter and especially the Easter trees! Be still my heart! As for us Deb, we are taking extra precautions as necessary and surely keeping our Hope in the Lord. So glad you are enjoying being home. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. Lay low and all good wishes to your family.

  3. Amazing vignettes with cute bunnies!Keep safe!Hugs and blessings.

  4. Praying for Joe and your kids. Great post. Be safe.

  5. Deb: All your pretties certainly brighten up this dark time. The colors of Easter are really needed now. I appreciate that you are focusing on your blog as we need all stories to keep us occupied. I'm like you, I don't like to leave home in the best of times and am planning to do the right thing now. Our kids are very concerned about us even though they are carrying on in their jobs and are making the trip of 4 hours to come do our grocery shopping. Our neighbor's son, who lives locally, is doing theirs and has offered to do for us also. It is a time for neighbors to pull together. I hope you and your family stay well and that we can all get through this..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

  6. once again you have delighted me by sharing all your lovely pictures. I love all the little what nots but my favorite in this room is the easter tree thank for sharing come see us at

  7. Please say thank you to your hubby and your children for supporting everyone with their jobs. I bet you would have never thought in your lifetime that you would have shared a photo of Joe with toilet paper, but the world has changed. Two days ago a friend called and she said she only had 4 rolls of TP. Her 78 yr old father said just use a wash cloth like in the old days. I am calling this our Little House on the Prairie modern edition. I am sad that people are suffering and for those who lost the battle, however, we can learn how to be resourceful and try our best to have a good day. I feel for the kids being scared since I remember being afraid during the cold-war and the possibility of a nuclear attack. I was really young, but I remember how sad it was when JFK was assassinated everyone was upset.
    On the lighter side, I love how your new turquoise drapes bring out all the blues in your Easter decor. It is wonderful to have my "normal" time with these blog parties.
    Have a safe and healthy spring,


I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!