
Monday, June 10, 2024

Bright & Colorful Summer Back Patio, Part 2, 2024








Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
Blogging has always been a stress reliever for me along with an avenue to share my passions which are my home and my garden.....
  Joe would want me to continue doing what I love to do so with that being said.....
I am going to start posting again on a regular schedule.....

I will be posting on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS....

And when I can, I will add a Saturday Snippets post on SATURDAYS... 

As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....
In my last post, I shared how the front of my house looks in the evening.....




 Click HERE if you missed that post!! 


 I want to Thank to Linda, over at Life and Linda, for choosing my post, Memorial Day Celebration, as one of her features from last week's Love Your Creativity Linky Party!!!


Thanks so much, Linda!!

Please stop by and link up to this charming party.....

 And now for a few Personal Notes...

I picked up these from the Amish Farmer on Friday.....

I will be making some zucchini bread....

I did make myself some potato salad the other day.....

I have not made my own potato salad in quite a long time.....

My son Joey treats me to dinner every Friday and we got stromboli from one of our favorite local Pizza places....

A regular stromboli and a cheese steak one....

Joey took home what was left.....

They were delicious!!

Today, I will be finishing up my Tour of my back Patio.....

My color theme for the back Patio is a bright and colorful Boho type of look....

 I have gone with this bright and colorful theme for a few years now because my back yard has a casual Cottage Garden feel to it and it is not a perfectly manicured garden as I did not want that sort of "stuffy" professional type of look..... 

 I will be sharing this half of the Patio today which has more of a utilitarian use......

I left off in Part One of the tour at the back door.....

I always wanted a french door but had no where to really install one so I chose this storm door....

I hung this sign, that was gifted to me for Mother's Day by my son Jim, DIL Danielle, the Twins and the Pups, under the wreath.....

This is the other half of the Patio......

On the wall....

 I had this sign made about 44 years ago.....

I hung this sign from the light fixture.....

Every year, I have a fight with robins who attempt to build a bird's nest on top of the light fixture.......

 This year is no different....

You can see the mess they made.....

Usually throwing a pair of garden gloves on top of the light fixture works but this is what happened.....

One was found down below on the storage chest.....

And the other was apparently carried away and over to this table across the Patio!!!!

So I put these heavier gloves on top of it and then added the other gloves to it....

 This time it worked....

I do not want a nest there because I want to be able to sit out on the Patio and with the nest there, there is no way the robins will allow me to do that....
I bought the mirror at a yard sale about 10 years ago.....

There are battery operated votive candles in the lanterns and a battery operated by remote candle on the shelf of the mirror.....

After I took the pictures, I discovered I had these cascading greenery that I bought at Dollar Tree so I added them to the mirror......

 I planted 2 red and 2 white impatiens in this hanging pot.....
 I hung garden tools from this garden rake.....

The second of 2 resin adirondack chairs that I bought several years ago at Wegman's.......

 I used to say this was Joe's side of the Patio but truth be told, Joe seldom ever came out to sit out here with me especially in the last few years when we spent very little time together even though we were both home together in retirement....

My son Joey spent more time sitting on this chair when he smoked but I am very happy and proud to say that it is now almost 6 months since he quit smoking!!!!

We bought this chest to match the brown colored furniture 2 years ago in Home Depot......

I planted 2 begonias in this pot....

And 4 marigolds in this pot in the chair which I moved over here this year from where it was by the back door for many years.......

Over against the fence is a baker's rack that was my late neighbor Elly's......

I painted it pink many years ago and use it as my potting stand....

I replaced the wood shelf with a plexiglass shelf which holds up a lot better in the elements and provides for an easier clean up......

I used vintage enamel pots to store garden soil, sand and rocks in.....

I also extended the patio on this side like I did on the other side....

A matching dwarf alberta spruce planted in a large Patio pot like on the other side of the Patio...

This year's Gnome garden....

Over the years, I have created Fairy Gardens in this tub but the elements have taken their toll on many of the small pieces.....

Last year, I decided to just use the larger garden pieces that I have.....

I painted all the pieces last year to freshen them up including this one from Big Lot's......

I used river rocks and colored stones from Dollar Tree and red landscaping rocks and placed 2 small pots planted with hens and chicks inside the tub.....

The last remaining Fairy house from the small ones I have used outside and another Gnome that I repainted last year....

I planted 2 impatiens in the pot in the wire holder......


On the extended area of the Patio is a white wrought iron table and one of a pair of matching chairs.....

 I use them as plant stands......

 I have 2 umbrellas in the back yard to add some much needed shade to the patio area.....
 Because of the awning, I use beach umbrellas which are smaller than patio umbrellas and fit much better in this small area.....
 On the table is a bird cage that I placed a pot planted with 3 impatiens inside of.....
 The small green and pink pots on each side of the bird cage are planted with marigold seeds.....
 Also on the table is this vintage strainer that I planted a few years ago with Hens and Chicks....

I added the remaining smaller fairy and gnome garden pieces to it and surrounding it on the table.....

 A pot planted with 2 white impatiens was placed on at the area at the base of the table....

The pink Dollar Tree pot is planted with zinnia seeds.....
And the aqua Dollar Tree pot is planted with one petunia and marigold seeds....

One pf a pair of firefly lights bought at Ocean State Job Lot was placed in the pots on each side of the walkway to the back of the yard....

And that completes my tour of my small back Patio....

I will be posting a few updates as the flowers start to grow and hopefully, the seeds that I planted turn into flowers....
I spent $44 on the flowers for the front porch and yard at a local greenhouse .....

These are the flowers that I had left over after I planted all my pots in the front of the house....

I used these and then bought these at Lowe's for $14 and planted them in the back yard and patio...

So my total this year for flowers was only $58 which is pale in comparison to the close to $200 that I spent last Summer....

I also planted some seeds so hopefully, I will not have to buy any more flowers.....
I also bought 2 bags of potting soil based on what I was able to carry up the 13 steps to our front sidewalk myself...

I am glad that as a Rehab Nurse, working in direct patient care, I lifted 200-300 pound people for a living so I have to admit that I am pretty strong....

And proud to say that I am stronger than a lot of men I know....

But I do have to figure out how I am going to get bags of mulch up those steps...

I do hate to ask my sons for help.....

I hope you enjoyed seeing how I decorated and rearranged my small back Patio this year.....

And also seeing what type of flowers I planted this year....

For the rest of this week, I am continuing the Garden theme....

In my next post on THURSDAY, I will be sharing how my small back yard Cottage Garden is looking so far this year.....





And for Saturday Snippets this SATURDAY, I will be sharing 2 areas that I landscaped a few years ago and how I freshened them up for this Season......

Yes.....I have been busy but busy is good for me......

So I hope you will stop by to visit again on THURSDAY!!!! 
 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:


    Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. Morning, Debbie -- Your garden is growing beautifully -- so colorful. I'm headed to the nursery this morning to buy a few plants to finish my patio plantings. Eons ago, when I was much younger, I hauled chunks of concrete from the front yard to the back to lay as a patio -- I'd gotten them from a driveway that was being demolished in the neighborhood. I, too, was really strong -- nowadays, my rule is to not buy anything I can't carry!! The stromboli you and Joey had looks delicious -- I love a good sandwich. My grandson loves my banana bread -- need to make another batch soon. Last year, a bird had a nest in a hanging fern on my patio -- I had no idea the nest was there until one day I was watering the plant and three little bird heads popped up!! I'd been really squirting the plant with a stream of water -- apparently did no harm!! Enjoy your day -- Patty

  2. The Mimi's garden sign is perfect for your patio area. Those darn pesky robins. A couple of years ago we replaced the back fixture with one with a pointed top and that seemed to stop the robin trying to nest there. It isn't raining today so we are attempting to cut and trim the back grass, a big job. My fairy garden needs rehoming and some pieces replacing too, weather has gotten to some of the pieces. And the chipmunk seems to like digging in it this year. Hm-m-m how will I discourage that. Have a good week.

    1. Linda,
      I do have 2 resident chipmunks that think my yard is like a carnival as they seem to jump from pots, garden art and trees like acrobats but they are not as destructive as the squirrels that plagued my yard years ago...I am trying not to buy any more flowers this year because i know I will be fighting the heat in a few weeks, trying to keep them alive....Have a great week, my friend!

  3. A comment to Linda -- We had squirrels that dug up everything. I was planting daylilies and they were digging them up almost as soon as I got them into the ground!! The darn little critters also planted acorns from the oak trees all over the lawn -- there was an absolute forest sprouting!! They are also so destructive -- shredded the canvas cover and side curtains of a gazebo.

    1. For years I had a neighbor who would just throw an entire bag of peanuts out in his yard for the squirrels...The destruction they did to my property and my neighbor's property was unforgivable and to make matters worse after promising me that he would stop, he lied to me and tried to hide that he was still doing it after I relandscaped his front yard! So I did some research, contacted our home insurance carrier and then threatened him that he would be held responsible for any damage to our roof, electrical wires , etc and that our insurance carrier would sue him for such damages...He finally stopped!! We do not speak now because no one makes a fool out of me more than twice....I tried everything to keep them out of my yard and nothing worked so I feel for you!!

  4. You are busy, busy and that’s good…I just wish I had your energy! Love seeing your yards and your outdoor collections…I love to hear when you or Joe picked up a great bargain! I always enjoy your posts, thank you! xo, V.

    1. V.
      Thanks again for visiting and for being such a loyal reader and friend!! I really do appreciate it!! Yes, I have been busy even though people keep telling me to slow down but they do not seem to realize that this is my "normal"!!!!

  5. The fact that you and Joe did little together may actually help as you adjust to being a widow -- you did for yourself even when he was alive. My husband and I were just the opposite -- we did everything together -- he was my life and I was devastated when he died very suddenly. I'm glad that you are adjusting well.

    1. Joe and I worked opposite shifts for 41 years and for the first 6 years after he started working as a letter carrier, he could not refuse overtime so he worked 6 days a week, 70 - 80 hours a week...We saw very little of each other and lived separate lives...I always say that that is why we stayed married...When I finally retired and we were both home together, that was when we realized that we actually had very little in common so once again, he did his thing which at first was working part time and running errands so he could get out of the house and I was thrilled to death to just be able to stay home and decorate and garden...We never had any plans to travel in retirement because I am not able to do so because of my health issues...So once again, we each did out own thing like we had done our whole marriage...My Mother and my father did everything together and she was a basket case when my Dad died suddenly, so much so that we thought she would commit suicide...I have always been a firm believer that couples should not be attached at the hip like that and need other people in their lives, not building their lives around one person and yes, I am doing just fine because Joe and I were not "attached at the hip" and each did our own thing which for me was taking care of the house, yard, kids, etc all while working full time so I am used to being alone and handling everything having to do with the house and am adjusting nicely, I think....Have a good week!

  6. Everything looks great! you did a nice job repainting! It is fun to repaint things and make them new again! Enjoy your week!

  7. Your patio is so cute and happy! Seems like such a great place to spend time. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  8. That stromboli looks wonderful and nice to have dinner with the kids on Fridays. As for the porch, fabulous! Everything looks bright and cheerful and like a delightful spot to relax or welcome friends. Have a wonderful rest of the week, Debbie!

  9. What a colorful, happy garden space you've created, Deb. I love all your sweet additions. The cute gnomes are some of my favorites. I hope you have a lovely week and get some time with those babies!!

  10. You do such a beautiful job landscaping. I love how bright and cheery your back yard is. All the special touches! You will enjoy sitting out back this summer.

  11. Debbie everything looks great! The growing season sure comes fast anymore, lol!

  12. You certainly have been busy but what a great reward for all your hard work! I bet sitting out there puts a real smile on your face. All the gnomes and mini gnome gardens are so cute.

  13. Life is just humming right along, and very nicely! Everything is growing, including the babies, love the photo with the book!


I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!