
Friday, May 5, 2023

"Tea Table" and Chandy in the Dining Room. 2023

 Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
I am now posting TWICE  a week !!!
 I will be posting on MONDAY and FRIDAY!
As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
Today, I will be sharing a Tea Table in the Dining Room decorated for the Summer in a "Tea Room" theme....

In my last post, I shared how I set up the Dining Room Buffet as if it was in a "Tea Room"....






 Click HERE if you missed that post!!
 I want to Thank Barb, over at French Ethereal, for choosing my post, Early Spring Patio and Fairy Garden, as one of her features from last week's Share Your Style Link Party!!!!
Thanks so much, Barb!!
Please stop by and link up to this charming party!!

And now for a few Personal Notes...
Also in my last post, I shared that 2 large branches of our lilac tree cracked under the weight of heavy leaves and flowers....

 That morning, Joe went to work....
First he trimmed the trees using clippers...

 Then he brought out the lopper.....
 Not a single thing was damaged or even knocked over....

Even these pots were not touched!!!

He used a chain saw on the bigger branches.....

He will cut the remaining 2 large branches off the tree behind the fence in a day or 2....
 At least I got a nice bouquet of lilacs for the patio table out of it....

I still wonder if we would have hired a professional, like I wanted to in the first place when we cut a very large branch of the tree off which was bending the fence in towards the yard, if this would this have happened...

On a more personal note, I had my routine Colonoscopy and Mammogram and all is well so I get to live to fight another day...
It was 10 years since my last Colonoscopy which I opted for over Cologuard.....

The prep for the colonoscopy darn near killed me and kicked in an IBS attack but it was worth the peace of mind...

Remember to get your routine Cancer Screenings as it just may save your life!!

Today, I am continuing my Tour of the Dining Room decorated in a "Tea Room" theme for the Summer.....

I already shared how I set up the Buffet for Tea....

Another area in the Dining Room that is ready for Tea is this corner by the Living Room.....

This is the only time of year that there is not a decorated Seasonal Tree here!!

For Halloween....


Valentine's Day.....


And now for the Summer.....

Hanging on the vintage window divider....

This was gifted to me by a friend.....

And this I made last year......

On the pedestal to the side of the table is a cherub bowl that I left out after Valentine's Day.........

I changed the topper to a white lace one.....

And instead of a Tree, I now have a vintage lamp on the table......


 You can see how the lamp almost matches the wall paper border.....

The lamp shade is one I ordered from Ebay a very long time ago.....

I may embellish it a bit....

On the table.....

In the Popular Creations Victorian styled photo frame is a picture of my maternal Grandmother and a cousin of hers....

One of my Thomas Kinkade Pink Ladies....

And a tea pot ornament along with a vintage tea cup and saucer....

In the center...

A mini tea set that was also gifted to me by a friend......

On the other side....

Behind the lamp is a book on Tea.....

In this photo frame is what I call "Instant Relatives" meaning this is one of the pictures I bought at wither estate sales or flea markets.....

Another Thomas Kinkade Pink Lady.....

And another tea pot ornament along with one more vintage tea cup and saucer.......



On a marble topped plant stand next to the table......

Is where I placed my vintage milk glass punch bowl set this year.....

I filled it with florals and placed it on a pink depression glass dish.....

I also decorated the Chandy in a "Tea Room" theme.....

Along with lace ornaments with tassels, I hung mini tea pots and tea cups.....

I hope you enjoyed seeing this area in my Dining Room that I decorated for Tea....

 I hope you will stop by to visit again on MONDAY when I will be finishing up the tour of my "Tea Room" Dining Room.....   
 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:
 Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. Such a shame about the lilac tree, but so good that nothing was damaged, and now you have some wonderful flower displays. Our lilacs aren't out in bloom yet, but it won't be long. I have the same bistro set, but in black, but unfortunately one of the chairs are damaged but I still us it for display in the garden, which I am just setting up. I love all your tea related items in the house . Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Glad you were able to take care of the branch without any damage. What a crazy thing to happen. I love your dining room as a tea room for summer! One of these years I am going to steal your idea.

  3. Good work in the garden, a job well done! I love your hanging teapot decoration, I have that quote on a fridge magnet that my Mother in Law gave to me years ago so it always makes me think of her. Great news from your screening procedures, I have regular colonoscopies too and that prep is NOT fun is it? Worth it though although it can take a few days to get back to normal.

  4. Debbie, your Tea table looks stunning. I love it.
    Visiting today from IMM#104,105&106

  5. That lilac bouquet is lovely and I am so glad nothing was damaged or knocked over. Your rose lamp is beautiful and the whole table is so charming. That "instant family" photo cracked me up; and if you hadn't said anything I would have assumed those were some old relatives! :)

  6. So pretty! Your tea table corner is like stepping back into the Victorian Age. Thank you for sharing this post in the Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 64.

  7. I always love when you share the black and white photos of your family. You did get some really lovely lilacs from your tree mishap, but you are so lucky it did not do any damage, it was really big!


I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!