
Sunday, June 13, 2021

A Little Bit More Red, White and Blue in the Living Room

 Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
Today, I will finally be sharing a bit more of my Patriotic decorations for the Summer in my Living Room..... 

 But first, I want to Thank Amber, over at Follow the Yellow Brick Home, for choosing my post, Fairy Gardens in the Back Yard and Patio, as one of her features from this week's Thursday Favorite Things Linky Party!!

Thanks so much, Amber!!!

Please stop by and link up to this great party.....


I have been on a bit of a posting break......

I was ill last weekend and most of the beginning of last week after receiving my second shot of the CoVid vaccine and I also needed some time to "think" about a lot of things in my life.....

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.....

Decisions usually lead to changes which everyone fears.....

But the saying goes, "The only Constant in Life is Change"

Lately, I have been feeling that what I share is too repetitive as I pretty much keep my decor the same, even when I do Holiday decorating

I have been thinking I may have outlived my usefulness as far as blogging is concerned....

I feel the same way about Face Book, which has become so embittered and nasty

I am happy to be retired and I truly just want to lead a quiet, peaceful , simple life, free from drama , until I die....

So I have decided that I will be spending a lot less time on face book which I feel has become a very toxic environment.....

People take things way too personally and seem to think that everything you post is about them....

I guess they are not as tough skinned as I am....

  I have also decided that I am only going do a Blog post if I feel I have something new to share....

Maybe only once a week and not the 3 times a week that I had been posting....

It will depend on my mood......

Time will tell.....


I like sharing pictures of my Cottage Garden.....

  Which I was so proud of because I thought it was finally starting to look like a Cottage Garden and filling in nicely......

 Until Joe asked what weeds needed to be pulled because the back yard looks like an over grown mess.....

There are no weeds in the back yard, just my annuals and perennials...

I guess it is not as nice as I thought....

STUPID me.....


 I will get on to today's post as I don't want to bore you any more than I already have....

I was waiting until I got my new replacement camera before I took these photos.....


In previous posts, I shared my Summer Patriotic Tree....




 Click HERE if you missed that post....

And my Red, White and Blue "Mantel" in the Living Room......



Click HERE if you would like to see that post.....

I also shared how I decorated our Front Porch for Memorial Day....

Click HERE if you missed this post...

Along with my simple Memorial Day Tablescape.....

 Click HERE if you would like to see this post....

In one of those posts, I shared a few new things that Joe that bought at  Dollar Tree , using money I was gifted for Mother's Day....

Love these signs.....

And garden stakes......

 This pinwheel......

And even though I told him to buy one of these, he bought 3......

I shared that I used 2 of them here and placed the bird houses in the middle of them.......

And used one of the garden stakes here......




Joe also received this through the mail for donating to one of the veteran's groups....

 A nice little throw......


 This is where I decided to display 2 of the Patriotic signs.....

I decided to hang one from the valance on the faux window.....

I hung it with a peach rose bud shower curtain hook that I had in my stash.....

I hung the other sign the same way on the curtain rod of the Living Room window......

With a peach rose bud shower curtain hook.....



Today, I will be sharing the area by our front door and what you see when you walk into our townhouse....

I hung a Dollar Tree tinsel star from the curtain rod on the front door.....

Hanging on the star is a sweet angel that was gifted to me by a former co-worker and friend.....

 To the side of the front door is a marble topped plant stand....

I placed the large glass hurricane candle holder inside one of those red, white and blue tinsel wreaths....


  I taped a small flag to the battery operated candle......

The Hutch in the entryway.....

The only Patriotic decoration here is the USA sign.....

The rest of the hutch is decorated for Summer......

This is the corner where the stairs are....

This is what you see when you walk in the front door....

On the stairs against the wall.....
 I bought the firecrackers in Michael's one year on Clearance....

Again, I simply taped a small flag to the battery operated candles in the lanterns....
You may remember this Patriotic Angel that I made last year and used in my Memorial Day tablescape this year.....
 That is a paper Patriotic fan behind it.....

I made the bows on the lanterns from ribbon bought at Dollar Tree.....

 And I bought this guy at a church Flea Market many years ago...

Looking down the hall way to the Kitchen.....

 I bought this sweet Patriotic Lady at an Estate Sale.....

I embellished her a bit last year.....

 Here you see the last of the 3 new Dollar Tree signs....

I usually decorate this area for every Holiday and Season....


I usually do a Holiday display on this chair.....

When you press the button on this cute Bear's hand, she sings "God Bless America" in Kate Smith's voice!!

I threw together this floral arrangement and put it in a vintage vase.....

Bought a wood block that looks like a book titled " Celebrating Independence since 1776" at Gabes one year on Clearance....

And the Patriotic cup cake dish came from The Christmas Tree Shop....

 Underneath the chair.....

A "God Bless America" sign and a vintage blue bottle with George Washington on it....

I decorated the LED branch Tree with red, blue and silver ball ornaments.....


This is the Patriotic windmill that Joe bought at Dollar Tree this year......

 I tucked it into the arrangement that I made for this blue Dollar Tree pot that I embellished with stickers....

This area will stay this way until after the 4th of July.....

Down the hallway going toward the Kitchen.....

  I hung this framed picture from an old Thomas Kinkade calendar above the mirror between the coat closet and the Powder Room door.....

Hanging on the mirror is a wreath that I made.....

 I tucked a Patriotic card into the center of the wreath.....

Hanging underneath it is a Patriotic tinsel hat that I glued Patriotic tags to.....


And a Patriotic tinsel star......

I hope you enjoyed seeing how I decorated the Living Room for the Summer Patriotic Holidays.....

The Living Room will stay this way until after July 4th when I will change it over for the late Summer and decorate it in my "Under the Sea" theme.....

In my next post, I will be sharing a few more Patriotic Decorations......

And yet another Patriotic Tree!!

So I hope you will stop by to visit again soon!!

Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:


  1. Love this Debbie. Loving all the red, white and blue :) I would love you to join us at our link ups. I host 3. Monday, Wednesday and Fridays and each one is open for a week :)

  2. "Outlived [your] usefulness in bogging"?????

    OH HECK NO!!!!

    I am sure that I speak for many when I say that I look forward to your posts...some of us cannot afford to put so much into decorating or have no way of getting to the places you get all your goodies from (can you come Joe?)...some of us do not have your flair for organizing/decorating (can you clone YOU?) we just LOVE reading your blog and seeing how you work your magic...

    In many, many ways you have inspired me...from recipes, projects around the home, and life's inspire!

    I know there is a lot of negativity and blindness on FB and in the blogging world...but people like YOU and want YOU put out there help combat balance out all that negativity with your positive words and inspiring that show the beauty of a welcoming home...of the sacrifices family makes for family...of the love that can be found at home...of the hope and positive changes in this world of ours that can come from actually taking the time and energy to raise two good sons who ARE the change we hope to see in our lives.

    Finally you keep your parents and heritage ALIVE by teaching us about them.

    If I feel this way I just KNOW there are others that feel this way as well. When I give him banks to God for all his blessings, I give thanks for the blessing of your friendship...


    1. Nina,
      How can I ever thank you for your very kind and sincere words???? I have tried for the last 11 years to maintain my blog as a personal journal more or less of my life and that of my family's... So many blogs have become monetized and look so professional that they look little like what blogs looked like when I first started to blog....So many Bloggers have stopped blogging all together..In fact, there were quite a few just this year. Every now and then I do get discouraged when I look back and see that I am posting the same things....I feel people may be bored with me by now because it has been 11 years....Then I read this post and others that let me know that there are some people who do want to see what I am doing and hear about what is going on in my own little Universe....And then my spirit is renewed again...I am planning on cutting back to only 1 or 2 posts a week because it is a lot of work preparing a post and I have always said that when something feels like a job, it is no longer fun and I do still want this to be fun.....So THANK YOU for your very gracious words!!! I won't be on FB as much though because FB is so toxic anymore.....Stay safe, healthy and happy, my friend!!!

  3. I love all your patriotic decorations! I only wish I had the time to decorate like you do. I am thinking one to two years and all the grands will be in school. I will have the time and my decorations will be safer, too.

    Please don't take the grumps on Facebook to seriously. I am actually pretty political on Facebook. I figure if you don't like my posts, you can scroll on by (like I do on Facebook posts I don't like). If you get on my nerves to much, I "unfollow" you so I don't see what you post. Feel free to "unfollow" me. And if you keep making nasty comments, I either "unfriend" or if it is family and I can't, I figured out how to make posts blocked from certain people LOL.

    I have to tell you a story about my "weeds". We actually had a law enforcement officer stop at our house several years ago. They had a call about tall grass that wasn't mowed. (come to find out the person had reported the correct house number but the wrong street). My husband was telling the police officer that it must be my "weeds" that I won't let him trim - I was explaining that they are my ditch day lilies and they ARE NOT weeds, they are flowers and getting ready to bloom. That poor officer. He actually said that our yard was just lovely, regardless of what my husband thought, and it was either a wrong address or someone with a problem. He was very polite and sweet, but all summer my husband kept threatening my "weeds". He has finally given up these days LOL.

  4. Debbie, you are a marvel! I don't know how you manage to store all your decorations. I remember a post you did about where/how you store your Christmas decor, but what about all the other holidays and seasons?!! You could be teaching classes, lol. Thanks for the uplifting post.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by!! All of my "Other" Holiday decorations from inside the house are stored up in the attic. all outside decorations are stored down in the storage shed we rent....
      Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  5. I've never been on facebook but I've always found blogging to be both friendly and rewarding. You have such a unique voice, Debbie, I hope you stay.

  6. Oh my dear Debbie
    If you are just tired of blogging and want to stop, I understand.
    But if you believe you have nothing more to offer please hear me out.
    This past year, I have had panic attacks like never before.
    To calm myself and help me back to calm and peace I RUN to your house. I read the words you write. I soak in the warm, welcoming pictures of your home. It’s like going to vista a very dearly loved friend. Looking around and feeling normalcy but also spotting new things or simply rearranged things.
    I of course want calm and peace for you so if you must leave I understand. But if you go simply because you think you have nothing new to offer, please, please, please know you are offering me calm, peace and normalcy in our very scary, and at times un peaceful world. I know if I feel this way somewhere someone else does too and she may never tell.
    Blessings to you 🙏🏼❤️

    1. Minnie,
      I just do not know what to say as your kind words rendered me speechless , which by the way seldom happens!! Please read my response to Nina up above...I mention that I do try to keep my blog personal. And since I live in a very small townhouse and don't like to spend money needlessly, I like to share bargains and crafts you can do for almost nothing...I am glad that by reading my posts, you felt a sense of normalcy and warmth during this trying time...That was what I wanted to pass on to others...and I am glad to hear that I did at least a little bit...THANK YOU for your kind words and please know that they are greatly appreciated.....Please stay safe, healthy and happy, my friend!!

  7. I love your posts! I love your decorations and ability to make your home so welcoming and charming. I’m not on social media …at all….but I have you at the top of my bookmarked favorites! I look forward to your photos and your WORDS. I wish you well and understand and appreciate all your hard work. Stay healthy and happy, xo, V

    1. V.,
      Thank you for visiting and for taking the time to leave such a heart felt comment...I truly appreciate you stopping by to see what I am up to..I will continue to Blog but cut down a bit on posting ...I just felt I needed a bit of a break and with being ill after the co vid shot, it took a lot out of me...And thank you for letting me know how you feel!
      Stay safe, healthy and happy, V!!!

  8. What Minnie said is absolutely right. It is always a pleasure to visit your home, sit on the porch, relax on the patio, and hear about your life. Also the cottage garden is lovely! Maybe Joe just needs to read up on it.. :)

    1. Linda,
      Thanks again for stopping by and for letting me know how you feel about my Blog...I was doing 3 posts a week and that takes an awful lot of work. And when something feels like work or it is a job, it is not fun anymore...Plus with being ill and some other ongoing issues, I seemed to have lost my MoJo!! But because of you and others who expressed their opinions and let me know how much they enjoy my blog, I am not going anywhere...I just may not post as often....I do feel that I want to share something new or at least different than before when I do post....Thanks again for your kind words! They are greatly appreciated!!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  9. You are definitely all ready for the fourth!

    I'm with you -- I'm blogging less. I used to be several a week. Now if there's something to write about I post but I'm not even able to keep up with the blogs I follow. I just do the best I can -- and I know everyone else does, too! I keep telling others and myself that we own the blogs, the blogs don't us. Most people don't care if we post every day - in fact, as a reader it almost always feels like an obligation to visit and it's hard to visit every blogger every day. So cutting back I think is better for everyone -- it gives the writer time and space to live life and the reader a better chance to organize and make time to both read AND live their lives! I think it's a smart decision. And you're not quitting -- just easing!

  10. Ok, Deb, let's get real. If you want to ease off, I can understand that, but if you want to quit altogether, I don't buy it. You are just like me in that respect. I like the freedom of posting only once a week. Even though it is hard to think up anything new for me on that schedule sometimes, I have always admired ones who post more and it seems they can always think of something to say. You put so much love and passion into what you do and how you do it, that in itself is wonderful to see, and I would hate to have you gone altogether. I agree with you wholeheartedly, however, about facebook. I am signed up but I very rarely post anything there. It is enough for me to be a blogger. As far as those dear, sweet men in our lives, we seem to have ones just alike. My lilac bush has been ruined a couple of times because he just couldn't keep his hands off the clippers! They seem to see something very different from us, and of course, we are right! Keep doing what you think is right for you and we all will keep enjoying it..Happy June my friend..xxoJudy

  11. This is all just beautiful Debbie! Of course the bear in the first picture caught my eye immediately! ... And the lanterns! But what I loved most of all was that you shared your feelings with all of us. I loved Nina's heartfelt words and I completely agree with Minnie. Your blog is one of my happy places. If you need to step back, I completely understand. You must take care of you and your beautiful family first! But just know that those of us reading each week feel joy from your posts and your beautiful decorations. It doesn't matter if the decor is the same as last years. It is always wonderful to see. And while the pictures are gorgeous, it is your writing and the little stories you share that makes us all look forward to your next post. Whatever you decide, I will be in your corner and always be grateful to have found your corner of the blogging world. Take care my friend!

  12. Hi there. I've never had a social media account for the reason you explained. It's sad how nasty people can be when they're anonymous. It's certainly understandable why you'd want to enjoy your life in peace and how you decorated and posted so often was amazing especially when working. I do have a question if you don't mind. How did your guys deal with your more feminine decor and seasonal things when your boys were growing up? Being the only female in a house of men, you were quite outnumbered. Have you always changed out your decorations and just collected over the years, or did it start when your sons left home? Not sure my hubby would be so understanding. Blessings and take care.

    1. PJ,
      Thanks so much for visiting again and for your kind comment... My Dad never told my mother how to decorate. He always said, I built it, now the rest is up to you...My mother did decorate for every Holiday but definitely not to the extent that i do but when I was young, I always knew what holidays was coming. My Dad was the Christmas decorator.When I first married, I did exactly what i wanted in the house and Joe barely noticed...He never cared what the house looked like as long as he had a bed and a couch, he was happy...I always tell the story that I painted out Living Room peach and it took him 2 weeks to notice. when the boys were young, they helped me decorate for every Holiday and always had Holiday decorations in their rooms...It was just something that grew up with and thought nothing about it. So it never was any type of issue being that I was the only girl in the house. My guys are not "macho" types and my sons were not raised to be that way. And Joe knew very early on in our marriage that I was going to do exactly what I pleased no matter what he said....Joe is also the one who has bought a good 50% of my decorations....I have had to stop him from buying more...I will be posting but I will be cutting down a bit....Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  13. Dear Debbie...Thank you so much for your visit and comment. Both meant a lot to me. You are all ready for the Fourth of July. Congratulations on your decorating prowess! Hugs. Susan

  14. Wow Debbie, you have lots of patriotic decor. I could shop your home. Love the cute bear. Thanks for sharing at Love Your Creativity. I hope you got Mailchimp figured out. xo

  15. Oh I so enjoy your posts! Decorating is overwhelming to me so I rarely ever change anything. I get bored, but I find that I just don't do well with changing things. I can't seem to find the energy to make the changes, no matter how bad I want too. Oh Well, as long as you are blogging I can see lots of holiday decoration ideas and hope to one day put some of them into play in my own home.

  16. I love reading your Blog Debbie, seeing all your pics and hearing about your life. Your home reminds me so much of my Mom. She will be gone 15 years in July. She was also a Victorian soul. She loved lace, pink and angels. She had some of the same things you have. Sooo, when I read your blog and look at your decorating, it brings back wonderful memories of my mom and her house. I understand cutting back but please don't STOP BLOGGING! I agree with you about FB. I am not on there much anymore either. Love all your Red, White and Blue honoring this great country of ours. :-)

    1. Lynda,
      I am thrilled to read that my home brings back memories of your Mom and her home for you!! That is so nice to hear that seeing my pictures brings back happy memories for you!! I really appreciate you telling me that!! I will continue to blog but cut back just a bit on posting as 3 times a week is a grueling schedule.... Thanks again for stopping by as often as you do! I hope you have a great weekend!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  17. I stepped far away from Facebook over the past few years and don't miss it at all. I haven't entirely deleted my account since I do keep in touch with a few blogging groups that way but I know what days and time to check in with them and I only go right to those pages and ignore everything else. I am much happier that way! LOL.

    Thanks for sharing all your patriotic decor with us. Pinned.

  18. Debbie, Thanks for sharing your fun patriotic decor at Vintage Charm. I'm sorry you're feeling discouraged. I know the negativity can be overwhelming and it's okay to take a break, but only if that's what you want to do, not because you don't have anything to share--that's just not true! I can tell from the other comments that I'm not the only one who feels that way. <3


I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!