
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Word of the Month for August, Breathe

Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!
I am so happy you decided to stop by!!

Today, I am sharing my Word of the Month for August......

But first, Thanks, Kristie, over at Love My Little Cottage, for choosing my post, A Gentleman's Dresser, as one of your features from last week's Little Cottage Link Party!!!
Thanks so much, Kristie!!

Please stop by and link up to this charming party!!!

Can you believe that July is over........
Frankly, I am thrilled to say Good Bye and Good Riddance to July!!!!

July ended up being our Hottest July on record!!!!
I am no lover of heat and humidity because of the heat and Sun sensitivity that I suffer from due to auto immune disease and side effects of medications......

And we have had very little rain until today where we are seeing the remnants of Tropical Storm Isiasis....
I just hope that we don't get too much rain where it causes problems but I am glad that I live no where near the river or any body of water that could cause flooding....

POSITIVITY is what I chose as my Theme for this Year......
Little did I know how important it would be to remain POSITIVE this Year!!!!

I am choosing to maintain this theme by only posting positive things here on my Blog and also on my face book page.....
 I choose to post Positivity on this Blog and especially out there on social media like face book,over all the Political Rants, Mask Pro and Cons Rants, Naming Calling and Making Fun of Political Leaders no matter what Political Party they belong to, sharing of Fake News without checking the actual facts before posting and bashing of Businesses even though those businesses may be barely surviving!!!

 I choose to take the higher road, rising above all that nonsense and frankly, childishness, and not feed into and spread the anger and hate!!

I have had enough......

I am CHOOSING to scroll through and not read any of these posts.....
 I choose POSITIVITY!!

My Word of the Month for July was CELEBRATE!!!!!
We CELEBRATED the 4th of July!!!!
We had our traditional "Cook In" with our family of 5 just like we always do ....

We had cheeseburgers, hot dogs, macaroni salad, corn on the cob, watermelon and ice cream!!

We also CELEBRATED our Great Niece Cortney's High School Graduation at Her Graduation Party!!!
Our Niece Renae held the Graduation Party in her beautiful back yard just like my late nephew John had wanted for Cortney.....
We went a bit earlier to help set everything up.....
Joe carried food out to the deck.....
I call it a pavillion......
Even though it rained a few times which actually cooled us all off, it was a great time!!
I also CELEBRATED Christmas in July by doing a daily Face Book post sharing how our home was decorated for Christmas last year!!!
Click HERE if you would like to see the post on my Christmas Home Tour from last year.....

And I got great pleasure CELEBRATING the official end of my Nursing career because on July 29th, my Nursing License expired!!!!
I will never ever be officially allowed to work as a Nurse again, not that I would ever consider doing so!!

Some other unexpected things happened in July including Joe deciding to quit his part time job at Wegman's, which he truly loved, because he did not want to work evenings or weekends.....

Wegman's is now requiring their employee's to work evenings and weekends which is the case in almost ALL retail businesses.......

Joe felt that in his retirement, working at a part time job that gave him "Play Money" ( money we did not need) there was no way he was going to work evenings and weekends especially since working for the Post Office as a Letter Carrier, he only got an entire weekend off every 6th weekend!!!

And with the rather toxic environment that exists in this day and age with people confronting shoppers and employees about wearing masks, you never know when a situation can turn violent.....

So we feel that Everything Happens for a Reason!!!
Unfortunately, Joe was switched to a different Cholesterol medication to lower his numbers further than they already were.......

My Bad!

I should have not allowed that since the same medication caused me and our oldest son, Joey, to have side effects....

But Joe being Joe felt that he would be immune to side effects......


We narrowly averted a trip to the ER by calling the Dr. who agreed with the medication that I wanted to give him after stopping the cholesterol medication to deal with the side effects.....

Now Joe is NEVER sick.......

In 45 years that I know him, I can only remember him vomiting 3 times and having a fever maybe twice....

He seldom gets a cold too.....

Can I tell you that because he is NEVER sick what a TERRIBLE patient he is??????

Nearly lost my mind because he would not do anything that I told him to do and the stress of it all kicked in an acute IBS attack for me!!!

Both he and I are doing fine now and so far, we have not killed each other since we are both home together.....

Joe is enjoying his full Retirement now.....
The NHL is back playing to see who will be competing for the Stanley Cup so Joe is in an extremely good mood and a happy camper......

I did get a lot of deep cleaning done in July since it was just too hot for me to even venture outside without feeling ill......

I am hoping that August will be a much better month than July was especially heat wise......
Again, I hope to be able to accomplish all the things above in August......

August, to me, is a transitional month......
August means that Fall is right around the corner and Fall is my favorite Season of the Year......

It has been since I was a child.......

This is the time of year that I pack away all my Garden and Porch and Patio magazines and books and get out my Fall/Halloween magazines, looking for inspiration for my favorite Season of the Year!!!
I am SO looking forward to Fall!!!!

I thought long and hard for a Word of the Month for August......

And since August is a transitional month for me, I decided that August would be the Month that I take time to just BREATHE!!!!!!!

Now what exactly does that mean????

Here are some definitions of the word BREATHE.....


Definition of breathe

1a : to draw air into and expel it from the lungs : respire broadly : to take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide through natural processes
b : to inhale and exhale freely
2 : to blow softly
3 : live
4 : to pause and rest before continuing
5 : to feel free of restraint needs room to breathe
6a : to permit passage of air or vapor a fabric that breathes
b of an internal combustion engine : to use air to support combustion
c : to be cooled or dried by air that passes by or through clothing that allows your skin to breathe
7 of wine : to develop flavor and bouquet by exposure to air
8 : to become perceptible : be expressed

Number 3- Live

Number 4: to pause and rest before continuing


Number 8:to become perceptible: be expressed

These are the definitions of BREATHE that spoke to me....
To Pause and Rest before Continuing.......
For me, the "Holiday" Season will begin right after Labor Day in September......

I will take down and pack away my"Under the Sea" themed decorations in the Living Room and start decorating for Fall and then Halloween......

I will also start to change over drapes and curtains in the house for Winter, pack away air conditioners, fall yard work clean up, etc......

You get the idea.........

There will be lots of things to do to get ready for the upcoming Holidays and Seasons of Fall and Winter......

So in August, I am going to sit back and..........
I hope the weather is nice enough that I can sit out on my Patio and Front Porch and enjoy what is left of the Summer.......
I hope to get some reading done since I bought a bunch of books at the local library sale and plan to buy more this coming weekend, in support of the library.....
I hope to get some crafting done for the upcoming Holidays.......

Also finish my deep cleaning of the house as I will be finishing the Den today.....

I also plan on doing some baking as this is the time I start making zucchini bread and feezing it for Holiday Celebrations.....
August is also a Month of  special occasions and remembrances for my family......
August 5th-  would have been Joe's maternal Grandmother's 120th Birthday

August 7th- the One Year Anniversary of my nephew John's Passing

August 12th- Our 42nd Wedding Anniversary and my BIL's Birthday

August 17th- Joe's 66th Birthday and it was also my Uncle Midge's Birthday ( my Dad's Brother)

August 18th- the One Year anniversary of my last day of Employment

August 19th- the One Year Anniversary of Not Having to Work any more!!

August 21st- My Niece Lisa's Birthday!

August 24th- my sister's Wedding Anniversary and the Anniversary of the passing of my Great Nephew Craig......

August 27th- Would have been my Mother's 101st Birthday.......

So you see that even though there will be lot's to CELEBRATE in August, we will also have dates in which we will reflect sadly on the lives we miss while remembering how those lived their lives.....

 So it will be the Month to......
Along with these things on this To Do List.........
Here's to hoping that August will be a Wonderful  Month......
Because after all........


 I hope you will stop by to visit again soon!!

Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:

Ducks in a Row Wonderful Wednesdays Blog Hop
Party in Your PJ's
Waste Not Wednesday
Charming Homes and Gardens Wednesday Link Party

Vintage Charm
Home and Garden Party Thursday
Share Your Style Thursday Link Up Party
 Encouraging Hearts and Home Party
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 
Grace at Home Party

 Funtastic Friday
Friday Favorites
Home Matters Linky Party
Embrace Your Style Link Party
Flaunt It Fridays

Saturday Sparks
Pink Saturday-Anything Goes!!

Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!!


  1. Good word of the month, I too am sick of all the name calling and crazy ideas people have out there so I have deleted a few people from my facebook, don't need to see all that negativity, thankfully it is no family members and that is all I really want to see on facebook anyway :)
    Hope you have a good August!

  2. A perfect word and a good reminder to us all.

  3. I think that is a terrific word for times like these.

  4. Very good word for the month. YES...JUST BREATHE! I too am glad to see July gone and wish we had never had the month of March to be honest. And here we are in the 5th month of the C word! I just want it to all go away. But...I am trying to do exactly what you said, JUST BREATHE! Hope Joe is better now. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  5. Like you, I let my teaching credential expire and didn't regret it one bit.

    I hope August is cooler for you. Our hot days are just beginning.

  6. Hi Deb: Hope the weather holds out for you and I'm glad you are taking time to breathe!..Stay well..xxoJudy

  7. I always love the quotes you share. Thank you so much.

    1. Rebecca,
      Glad that you like the quotes!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  8. Great word of the month, Deb. I love your positive attitude. So glad Joe is feeling better and you both can enjoy full retirement together. I hope your August is awesome! Hugs, Melis

  9. Happy August and thank you for such encouragement!Hugs,dear Deb.

  10. I love this post, Debbie!! It's so uplifting, thank you for sharing some sunshine...always a great reminder! Happy August and I can't wait to see the holiday season in your neck of the woods!!

  11. I saw your link on the Tuesdays with a Twist Blog Hop. How fortuitous that Positive was your theme for this year! So needed! Breathe is a great one for this month too. Thank you for the upbeat and uplifting feel of your blog!

  12. Excellent reminder to take a moment in all the chaos to just breathe - easy to forget. I've chosen this as one of my features at this week's Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Link Party.



I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!