
Thursday, April 15, 2021

Back on Face Book!!!!

 I am back on Face Book...They reviewed my account and found nothing against their community standards, which of course, I could have told them that...AND they apologized!!!!

Well, wonders never cease to exist, I guess!!!!!




  1. Hi Deb. Sorry you got hacked. I still have my FB account but never use it. It seems to be just another social media problem to me. I don't do Twitter or Instagram either. Just the blog and now I see something about changing the email hook ups so if they keep changing something that doesn't seem to be broken, then I will give that up too. Guess I am just too old for change! It is just crazy..Stay well..xxoJudy

  2. Wow! Glad to hear! Things certainly have change. Did it seem like a real person replied and apologized?


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