
Monday, November 19, 2018

WARNING!!!!!! Now Moderating ALL Comments!!!!

Unfortunately, after almost 10 years of Blogging, I have been forced to change my settings on my Blog this morning.

I woke up to 79 emails showing 79 comments on my Christmas Blog by a Company posting advertising for some silly product.

I do apologize that in my haste and ANGER to DELETE and REMOVE all those comments, I inadvertently deleted ALL recent comments.

I apologize to my fellow Bloggers and non- Bloggers for deleting some of your comments. I did not intend to do so and I tried to restore them but apparently, you can not do that.

 I changed my settings to Comment Moderation!!

 I had hoped to never do that but because of some idiots who did not read the notice on my Blogs not to leave advertisements in my Comment section, I have been forced to do so.

To readers of my Blogs:

PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS because I so enjoy hearing from you and as soon as I read them, I will post them!!

 My apologies that I have been forced to do take this action!



  1. I will continue to post a comment, Debbie. You can go into your settings and list the name of those you don't want to come goes directly to spam (if you have a gmail account). I am sorry you had that happen to you. Happy Monday- xo Diana

    1. that is a good idea. I need to do that. Sometimes i need to send some comments to spam, manually.

  2. Actually, my comment went right through and I didn't have to do a verification step at all. It will just be on your end to check and post the comment. Commenters won't see any difference on our end-except that the comment doesn't post immediately. A lot of blogs are like that.

  3. I completely understand, Debbie! I don't know what's happening in today's world. Craziness! Every now and then I get comments from writers who say a bunch of nothing - I guess they're practicing writing but they're not doing a very good job of it.We all have our problems - FB has blocked me from logging in until they can verify my photo. It will be one week tomorrow. I can't do anything about it either. At least there's a way for you to stop what's going on with your comment section. Have a great Thanksgiving, Debbie!

  4. Do not worry, we blogger friends totally understand this.

  5. oh so sorry Debbie. I hope this solves your issue. You certainly don't need this stress on top of everything. I will continue to comment as I enjoy reading your blog.

  6. Not a blogger, but I totally understand. We receive the strangest telephone calls at work from people would are bored or have serious personal issues. And that's in addition to unsolicited sales calls! Good thing I rarely answer outside calls! ;)

    Just want to let you know that I enjoy your blog! I never decorated for holidays or seasons to the extent you do, but I was known for going a bit overboard for Christmas. Doubt I will do that in the future, but I certainly enjoy the creativity and work of others!

    Thanks for sharing with us.


I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!