
Saturday, April 21, 2018

What Will You Do When You Retire??????

What Will You Do When You Retire????????

I have been asked this question many times.......

I get very ANNOYED when I am talking about retiring at 62 years of age and someone says "Then what will you do"?

I really want to shout "NOTHING!"

But I usually respond with "Apparently, you do not know me that well !!"

Just because I have worked for over 40 years, most of it full time, as a staff RN in a hospital does not mean that I will not know what to do with myself once I can finally retire!!
 I know that many people define themselves by the job they do or by their profession......

I do not define myself as just a Nurse.........

Yes, I am a Nurse but I am SO much more than that........

If you asked me " Who Are You ?"

This is how I would respond..........

I am a Blogger.......
 a Crafter...........

a Designer and Decorator...........
 a Painter..........
 a Christmas and Holiday fanatic and decorator........
 a Gardener.......
 a Volunteer.......
I have been a chair person of a Flea Market, a Craft Fair and a Victorian Tea!
I have been responsible for doing advertising for several Church Fund Raisers.....
I have been a vendor at Craft Fairs.....
And a seller on Ebay.....

I am a Wife.........
  And I am a Mother..........
 Unfortunately, many women define themselves as a Mother and nothing else......

PLEASE do not get me wrong........

Being a Mother is one of the most important jobs and I do call it a job, that a woman can have BUT women can be a Mother and many other things too!!!!

When you are a Mother, you can not lose track of yourself and by not doing so, it only makes you a better Mother!!!

 And I am a Nurse.......

 But like I said........

 I am SO much more than that......

So What Will I Do When I Retire??????
I plan to do all the things that I have not been able to get around to doing..........
And I plan on doing all those things that I already do and more..........

I have a Craft Room full of craft supplies that I want to play with........

I just want to have the time to sit and enjoy a good book........
I want to be able to "play" in my house and garden and experiment with creating vignettes and planting new flowers, maybe even growing some from seeds......

I also can't wait until I have the time to go through the tons of pictures that I have amassed over the years and organize them and put them into albums.....

I have walls and furniture that I want to paint.......

 And projects that I want to take on......

I also get annoyed when people ask me "Won't you be bored?"

  I promise you that I will NEVER be bored and most likely, I still will never have enough time!!

Unfortunately, some people, mostly men, ARE defined by their job or profession and those people need to be emotionally prepared for Retirement........
Teresa, over at Aging Like A Fine Wine, recently did a post about Transitioning into Retirement, Tips for Coping with the Emotional Challenges of Retirement

It is worth the read....... 

In 2016, I did a Series of Posts on preparing for Early Retirement with the 5th post of the Series titled Mentally Adjusting to Early Retirement......

Click HERE if you would like to read that post.....

In that post, I mention an article, "Life Style to Retirement"

 This article talks about ways to adjust to a different lifestyle.....

Like getting used to new routines

 Finding purpose and meaning to your days

 Realizing that you don't have to be anywhere

Staying active and exercising

 Socializing and spending time with Family and Friends and making new Friends

Maybe adopting a dog

 Finding a hobby or pursuing one you already have


Taking some Enrichment Classes

Even finding a part time job doing something you love

 Click HERE to read this article.....

 Joe retired almost 2 years ago at age 62 and after taking the first year off, he did find that he was getting bored and he craved the social interactions that he had as a Letter Carrier for the United States Post Office.......
 He is now working part time as a cashier at Wegman's and thoroughly enjoys doing so!!!!
I recently renewed my Nursing license and realized that it will be the last time I will be doing so because in 2 years from now, I will be retired when my renewal for my Nursing license is due!!!
 And NO, I will have no interest in keeping my Nursing License because after what will be 41+ years, I will be done with Nursing........

If I need to make a little extra money, I will most likely go back to selling crafts......

And I will be enjoying doing all the things that I want to do !!!

God willing........

I hope you enjoyed this post about Retirement.........

And I ask you......

 What Will You Do When You Retire?????

 I hope you will be back to visit again soon.......

And thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......
  I am linking up to these parties:

Snickerdoodle Sunday
Bouquet of Talent Linky Party
 Sundays at Home
 Silver Pennies Sunday
 Happiness is Homemade Linky Party
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
The Fabulous Party

Inspire Me Monday
Inspiration Mondays
 Dishing It and Digging It Link Party
Busy Monday
What'd You Do This Weekend?
Cooking and Crafting with J & J
Metamorphosis Monday
 Celebrate Your Story Monday Night Link Party!
Make It Pretty Monday
 Lou Lou Girl's Linky Party

 Tuesdays At Our Home
Inspire Me Tuesdays
Reader Tip Tuesday Party
Keep in Touch Party

Ducks in a Row Wonderful Wednesdays Blog Hop
Wow Us Wednesday
Sizzle into Summer Party
Talk of the Town Party
Party in Your PJ's
Dream Create Inspire Link
 Dagmar's Home Linky Party 
 Waste Not Wednesday
Style Showcase

Home and Garden Party Thursday
 Share Your Cup Thursday
Share Your Style Thursday Link Up Party
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 
  Inspired Creations Linky Party
Vintage Charm
 Grace at Home Party

Friday Features Linky Party
  Feathered Nest Friday
 Funtastic Friday
 Friday Favorites
   Awesome Life Friday
 Home Matters Linky Party
 What To Do Weekends
   Flaunt It Fridays
  Sweet Inspirations Link Party

 Saturday Sparks
 Pink Saturday-Anything Goes!!
Best of the Weekend Party
Share It One More Time Inspiration Party

Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. I have been retired 10 years now.....and I'm busier than I ever was! I can't wait to see you retire, you will love it. I hope you get some relief from your knee pain soon. H and I are taking Kyleigh on a day trip to Lubbock Texas today for lunch, shopping, and fun day. hugs....

  2. This is awesome Debbie. I retired from nursing when I turned 50 10 years ago. I loved being a nurse but I found that retiring and starting a new journey in my life was needed. I worked my whole adult life and I was happy and felt blessed to be able to retire when I was 50. Now I have a life full of new adventures and purpose. I think I have more going on in my life being retired then I did when I worked. These are the years now to enjoy new challenges and finding new adventures on our life journey. You will love being retired and having more time to expand with the things you love and find new things too. Wooo Hooo! Have a great weekend.

  3. I totally get it! When I say I can't wait to retire and get asked the same question...then what will you do? The answer is, whatever I want to do, when I want to do it and how I want to do it. I have worked all my life and I am tire and in need of retirement. But what I really will do is what I'm doing now but only part time and that is craft, and blog and enjoy my passions. Great article.

  4. Hi Debbie! I think you are going to have an amazing next chapter! Are you counting down the days to retirement. I love that your husband got a part time job for the social side. Love that....laura

  5. I love it, simply I love it how the way you have described yourself, you are not only nurse.. you are much much more than that.. loads of love and hugs...

  6. Congratulations. Now you are going to have fun. You will have the time to volunteer, craft, blog and learn something new. You will be busier than ever doing the thing you never got to do when you had your full time job. Who knows maybe you will get a part time job like your husband so you have a reason to get dressed. But than again if you don't want to you don't have to. That is the beauty of retirement. Enjoy!

  7. I retired 2 1/2 years ago and have not regretted it for a moment. You said it perfectly when you said your job doesn't define you. You are still you with a little more time to enjoy life! And I do remember being annoyed when someone asked me what I was going to do. Now they see how active retirement life can be. I thought I would have time to organize things like photo albums and scrapbook materials but I haven't had a chance. I am too busy. I guess I will have to retire from retirement one day!!

  8. I've been retired for a few years and it's been WONDERFUL! Teaching was my profession and believe me, it changed dramatically over the years. I've been busy with so many of the things you listed in your post. Early retirement? I HIGHLY recommend it!

  9. You're going to love it! We've both been retired since 2012 and we love retirement. It is surprising how much money it costs when you're working. Our "work" paychecks had so much taken out for retirement savings, pension, taxes, etc., that when we retired we found we had just as much "take home" as when we were working.

  10. I am always surprised to hear from those that retire that they are busier than when they worked and find plenty to do. I haven't worked outside the home in a long time. I did a lot of volunteer work when my daughter was in school and now I volunteer a lot at my church. I have no problem finding things to do that's for sure.

  11. My cousin retired early this year and she's busier than ever! She is going places and taking up new hobbies.
    Now you are going to have fun!

  12. Finilly Your are going to have so much fun

  13. Busy everyday. I watch grand child and sometimes the older sister and never a dull moment. My husband stays busier now too. He said he doesn't have time anymore. Makes no sense right? He scheduled all of his time when he was working full time. Now schedules are made for him it seems. I know you are so looking forward to it and I know you will be busy with your garden and crafts which I look much forward to seeing.

  14. I've been so busy since I "retired" that I wonder when I had time to work! LOL There are always things to do if we just look around. Now I have more freedom to do many of things I already did, as you said, and spend more time with family just for starters.

  15. What a great post! I will send it to my mom. Her husband passed away a year ago and she is on her own for the first time in years. She was his caregiver and we joke that she is now retired. She has a new single life but not sure what to do with it! Thank you for sharing on Merry Monday! Hope to see ya next week!

  16. I think that anyone who wonders whether you will be bored or not, really doesn't know you! I have been 'retired' for quite a while, after giving up my little one-gal cleaning business when my parent's needed help at home. I ended up taking care of them for 10 years, and now I am taking care of my grandchildren. One word of warning......everyone will think you 'have nothing better to do' and will ask all kinds of things of you and then you will be busier than when you were working! The biggest thing I had to learn was how to say, "No". I am still learning :) Hugs xo Karen

  17. I am a nurse as well, retired for nearly 5 years. I thought I had written this post. I retired just shy of my 65th birthday. No, I do not miss nursing;, no, I don't want a part time job; no, I don't even miss the people. And guess what else I don't miss? Stress. I was stressed to the max every day. I am happy to be home doing whatever I want to each day, even if it's nothing. The only stress I have now is my retired hubby. I knit, paint furniture, belong to the Red Hats and play at decorating. I am a nurse, mother, amateur decorator, fair knitter and enthusiastic Red Hatter. I am also happy to be retired.

    1. Chloianna,
      I so hear you!!! I will not miss people because as I always say, we deal with people when they are at their worst, when they are ill. And I will not miss the stress of the job. Mostly, caused by short staffing..... My husband retired first and was bored so he got a part time job and works about 4 days a week for about 4 hours. Good for you doing what you want to!! I am so looking forward to my retirement and I know I will be as happy as you are!! I could not find any other way to respond to your kind comment so I am doing so here.

  18. Love you positive attitude Debbie and how you celebrate and embrace all the roles you play. Personally, I can't wait to retire, which will be in a little less than 5 years. You are going to have so much fun and, knowing you, probably be busier than ever.

  19. I’m amazed by your energy! You remind me of my mother who was also a nurse. I could never keep up with her!

  20. Debbie, You will love being retired! I taught middle school and high school and was fortunate to retire over 10 years ago. Both my husband and I keep so busy and there are some days we barely see each other. Of course we have our red painted cottage where we still go to relax and enjoy nature, but at home we have our hands into lots of projects, volunteering, my blogging, and whatever else we can think of.

  21. When I first retired i felt depressed...I worked 44 years straight and was relieved to be retire, but I was depresses. It seem as if i lost my giet up and go or drive so to speak. I felt that's when I started blogging and it gave me a focus again. I've never looked back since then since I garden, knit, volunteer, deocorate, read, write. I rarely feel bored but i do feel there's not enought time to get all the "creative" things I love to do!

  22. Great to see how self-aware you are Debbie. I retired early to spend time with my husband but after a few months felt lost because I didn’t really know who I was or wanted from my new life. I wish I had this post back then. Fortunately I have found myself and am enjoying living life.
    Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond

  23. Good for you Debbie! One thing for sure with so many options there shouldn't be any dull moments. I retired at age 59 from teaching Lifelong Wellness at our community college four years ago. Initiallly I thought I'd made the wrong choice. I miss teaching but love being retired even more. Thank you for sharing with us this week at Celebrate Your Story and we hope you will join us again next week.

  24. Sounds like you have it all figured out! I remember when my dad retired -- my mom did not look forward to it! He really was happiest when he was working! However he was a "tinkerer" (a mechanical engineeer) so he did keep busy. Also a ham radio operator. You sound so purposeful and so happy -- god bless! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm:) xo Kathleen|Our Hopeful Home


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I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!