
Monday, May 6, 2024

Spring Front Yard ,2024







 Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!! 


Blogging has always been a stress reliever for me along with an avenue to share my passions which are my home and my garden.....
  Joe would want me to continue doing what I love to do so with that being said.....
I am going to start posting again on a regular schedule.....

I will be posting on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS....
As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....
In my last post, I shared some gifts, yard work and an amazing Sunset....



 Click HERE if you missed that post!!


I want to sincerely Thank Andrea, over at The Cottage Market, for choosing my post, One Day at A Time,  as one of her features from last week's A Morning Cup of Joe Link Party!! 

 Her very kind and encouraging words touched my Heart!! 

  "I feel so badly that I did not see this post till now. Our dear friend Debbie (Dabble) a long time member of the Morning Joe Family lost her husband. I want to send my families love to her and her family and we are so sorry for your loss. Debbie is a pretty amazing person as you will see when you read this post. She extracts the good and emphasizes it. You can tell her heart belonged to Joe. I am so happy that you got to spend some retirement years with him and have wonderful memories! Sounds like Joe was one in a million as you will see. I am sure those adorable little twins will hear amazing tales about their Pop Pop. I am sitting here in tears but I know that Joe flies high with spread wings looking over his whole family forever and a day! Debbie… we love you and your open and giving heart. Joe will always be by your side." 


 Please stop by and link up to this charming party!!

I want to THANK ALL OF YOU who emailed me, messaged me on FB, send cards of condolences and lifted me up in your prayers and supported me with your positive vibes and well wishes in the wake of Joe's passing!!!!

It has meant so much to me and to my family......


 I just wanted to share that my son Joey and I decided to order Take Home from Friendly's the other evening....

Joey got chicken tenders with french fries and an order of Mac N Cheese....

 I got a cheese steak melt with an order of french fries.....

And we got an order of mini mozzarella sticks and an order of quesadillas to split...

Well, Joey ate most of them!!

Everything was delicious and we really enjoyed the dinner.....

Today I want to share how my front yard looks this Spring.......

This is the slope in front of my townhouse....

Many years ago, we planted phlox on the slope as a ground cover.....

In the early Spring, the phlox really puts on quite a show.....

The blooms only last a little over two weeks though....

A few years ago, Joe and I landscaped our next door neighbor's slope.....

The original owners of the house planted hostas on the slope......

 I raked up the mulch, freshening it up a bit.....
I also recently added some lamb's ear to the slope.....

The yellow blooming perennials are supposedly called "Bonfire" Spurge....

They reseed themselves......

 A look down the slope from the top.....

This is the flower bed under my next door neighbor's Living Room window.....

I may thin out that hosta on the left and plant what I take out in some pots in the back yard as I am trying to cut back on the amount of annuals that I buy this year......

It was so hot and humid last year that I spent a good part of the Summer watering the flowers that I bought, trying to keep them from dying.....

Since it was about to rain any minute, I took these pictures of the flower bed that runs along the sidewalk in front of our row of townhouses....

The blooms on the azaleas are starting to open up.....

This one is a pretty purple.....

When I was looking for my early Spring mini flags, I happened to find 2 mini flags that Joe bought on clearance in Big Lot's at 90% off at the end of last Season......

I hung this one on this end of the flower bed....

Funny how now, in the wake of Joe's passing, this means so much more to me....
"Friends Make Life a Little Sweeter"

The azalea in the middle of the yard is a white one....

This red azalea is always the first one of the 3 of them to bloom....

It is a beauty.....
And the saying on the second mini flag can not be any truer....

"The Love of Family Makes Life Beautiful"

The perennials I planted in my next  door neighbor's flower bed have taken and are filling in nicely....

I will be filling the pots with some annuals but that will not be until the week before Memorial Day because we can still get a frost here in NEPA up until then....
I hope you enjoyed seeing how the front yard looks this Spring....

And I hope you will stop by to visit again on THURSDAY.....  
 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:


    Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Yard Work, Gifts and a Sunset





Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....

In my last post, I shared an explanation of what happened to my husband Joe in only 5 WEEKS....

Click HERE if you missed that post!!
I want to THANK ALL OF YOU who emailed me, messaged me on FB, send cards of condolences and lifted me up in your prayers and supported me with your positive vibes and well wishes!!!!

It has meant so much to me and to my family......


 Today, I want to share a bit of what has been going on in my life as I deal with the aftermath of Joe's passing and try to figure out a new life for myself without him.....

First, I would like to share some of the gifts I received over the past 2 weeks....

I received this beautiful bouquet of flowers from my son Joey's co workers, the head of Catholic Social Services and his assistant....

Along with this massive hoagie tray!!

 It came in a box that whole sheet cakes come in!!

The delivery man had to help me get it through the door into the house!!!

I had my son Joey take about a third of it to my son Jim and DIL Danielle to enjoy....
 We also took some over to my neighbor Ed and the neighbors on the one side of me who brought bags of ice for my freezer over to me when we lost electricity for almost an entire day when Joe was in the hospital and then came back several times to be sure I was okay and did not need anything...

It came from a local grocery store and was absolutely delicious!!!!
We also received  a wonderful bagel and muffin tray from Joey's Boss and the Human Resources department.....

I forgot to take a picture of that one.....
My sister Barb gifted me this beautiful Angel that came with this lovely card....

It is a solar light......

Joey's work friend Erin and her Mom Cindy dropped off these amazing cookies from the National chain, Crumbl....

We enjoyed the cookies and their visit.....

I took out the flowers that lost their luster from the bouquet but the lilies are still opening up and are beautiful a week and a half later.....

We have been blessed to receive gifts of Mass cards, donations to Charities in Joe's name and monetary gifts and gift cards from friends, neighbors and family....


The Amish Farmer is back at the Mall for the Season....

I went to see him last Friday to tell him about Joe as they were Buddies.....

Like everyone else, he was shocked and was wondering why Joe had not been around the previous Fridays that he was there.....

I did buy a few things....

Banana bread....3 for $10 made in his wife's Amish Bakery.....

And their amazing home made cheese.....

Cheddar and bacon cheese .....
 I did manage to take down my outside Easter decorations and clean up the porch and flower beds......
For now, until I can get down to our shed and bring my Summer Front Porch decorations up to the house, I hung an Easter wreath on the door...
 I swept up the front porch....


I cleaned up the flower bed under the Living Room window.....

 Raked up and freshened up the mulch.....

I threw out the greenery that was in these pots all winter and stacked them, getting them ready for when I plant my annuals....
 I also straightened out the border.....
I also raked and freshened up the mulch in the front flower bed....

While I was working out in the yard, this flew overhead.....

 Something that I just had to do was to claim the bedroom as my own....

My clothes were kept in the back bedroom closets because Joe's clothes took up our bedroom closet....

I went through all of Joe's clothes, bagged them, labeled the bags and moved them downstairs....

12 bags of clothes......

And 2 bags of socks!!!!

90 pairs!!!!!
I kid you not!!!!!
Along with over 20 pairs of shoes and sneaks and 5 pairs of boots....

My son Joey made arrangements for someone from Saint Francis Assisi Soup Kitchen and Shelter in Scranton to come and pick up all of Joe's clothes....
It is one of the Soup Kitchens sponsored by Catholic Social Services from the Diocese of Scranton which Joey works for....
They have a Food Pantry, a free clothing room, a homeless shelter and a mobile clothing trailer that goes out into different neighborhoods....

They also supply clothes to a Veteran's Home that is also sponsored by Catholic Social Services...

I know Joe would be thrilled that his clothes will be helping so many men that are in need of them....

I then moved my clothes into the closet in our bedroom and moved all of Joe's Penguin's Hockey  jerseys, sweatshirts, tee shirts and coats into the Craft Room closet until I can go through them to see what my sons and other family members want.......

The twins turned 4 months old on the 29th!!

Thinking about them brings me JOY every day!!

I can finally see the sunsets again from my front porch.....

So I will leave you with this beauty.....

 I hope you will stop by to visit again......
 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:

    Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!