I read a post the other day where the author complained that it took her 4 days to decorate!!!!
I laughed!!!
People often ask me how long it takes for me to decorate my entire house.....
Now I have to say that I not only pack up all my normal everyday things but I also clean them so that I will not have to do it when I unpack them to put them back out.
I also give each room a good cleaning so that all I do is dust with Swifter dusters for the rest of the Holiday Season.....
Well, here is the breakdown:
Upstairs Hallway: 1 day
Upstairs Bathroom: 1 day
Master Bedroom: 1-2 days
Sitting Room: 2-3 days
Craft Room: 2 -3 days
Front of the House: 2-3 days
Living Room: 4 days
Dining Room: 2-3 days
Kitchen: 2 days
Powder Room: 1-2 days
Den: 2-3 days
Doll House: 1 day
So it takes me roughly 25 days!!!!!
I start the upstairs in September right after I finish decorating the downstairs for Fall and Halloween and I am finished with the upstairs by the end of October.....
I start taking down Fall and Halloween on November 1st and start decorating for Christmas as soon as Fall and Halloween are all packed up!!
Keep in mind that I still work........3 days one week and 4 days the other week.......7 days in a 2 week pay period!!!!
We will start the Tour outside of our townhouse........